Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Investigating the strength of Electrolytic solutions Essay
Table 1 above shows the raw data of experiment I did to test the strength different electrolytic capacitor resolves. Moreover, this data table shows that alone solutions except tap water supply and di excuseed water bewilder the concentration of 0.5 M. In this table, some solutions ammeter reading has different uncertainty and mul prison termter depositting. This is because solution like hydrochloric harsh has high antiophthalmic factor, so I had to set multimeter setting at 300mA in order to measure the ammeter reading of hydrochloric acid accurately.On the other hand, solution like distilled water has extremely low international ampere, so I had to set multimeter setting at 0.3mA in order to measure the ammeter reading of distilled water accurately. Hence, varying in uncertainty of reading in distributively solution because as 1 reading, for example, if measured at setting of 300mA, is 5 amp per reading but if measured at 0.3mA, it is read as 0.005 amp per reading.2.1. Data ProcessingNeutralTable 2 is a processed data of experiment on investigation of the strength of different electrolytic solutions. I included average of the data about strength of each electrolytic solution to make the data table clearer. Furthermore, I as well included standard deviation of the data, to summarize the spread of values around the pie-eyed. Lastly, I added additional information about these solutions, whether if they are acidic, elemental or neutral solutions.3.1 Conclusion and Evaluation3.1.1.ConclusionTo conclude, the background information that was habituated to me by the instructor states that stronger acidic or basic solutions are stronger electrolytes than those of weaker acidic, basic or neutral solutions. Referring to Table 2, which is a processed data of acquired data from this experiment, it provides the information of solutions whether if they are acidic, basic or neutral. In addition, it shows that stronger acid and handbag tend to have higher am meter reading and weaker acid and base or neutral solutions tend to have lower ammeter reading. For example, hydrochloric acid, which is a strong acid, transferred mean reading of 47amp, whereas acetic acid, which is a weak acid, transferred mean reading of 0.92amp. Therefore, the results I got through experiment yield to the background information given by the instructor. (NakanishMasaki)3.1.2.EvaluationEverytime I finished experimenting with one solution three times, I thoroughly washed plastic container and 2 carbon electrodes with tap water, which do grade contact with the solution while testing, and dried them with paper towel. The inclination is to avoid errors in results by preventing mix of preexisting solutions with another anatomy of solution. Moreover, since the fluctuation of the value that multimeter presented made hard for me to decide what to write as the data, whenever I fully connect complete electrical circuit, I waited for 15 seconds for the fluctuations to ea se down. Finally, when I was performing experiment on calcium hydrated oxide (Picture 1), I mixed it by stirring with the glass pipe in order to uniformly spread the substance that was deposited on the bottom of the solution, so I passel get uniformly mixed calcium hydroxide.I did my best to cover up the weaknesses of science laboratory equipment, but there still are some weaknesses still which were present throughout the lab, and it might have varied the data I collected. First of all, in order to catch the written instruction from the instruction sheets given, I had to wash equipments that made direct contact with the solution everytime Im changing the solution that I will perform experiment upon with distilled water, but due to the lack of distilled water, I washed them with tap water instead.Second of all, I am not sure if 15 seconds were enough time for the fluctuations of the value to settle, or possibly it was too much time. Last of all, whenever I finish mixing the calc ium hydroxide, I have to transfer the solution to the smaller beaker for measurement, but it takes time to do that and the substance might have been settled down inwardly the calcium hydroxide solution. Therefore, there were some errors that prevented me from collecting the best results.Improvements can be made by providing each candidate, like me, with better lab equipments such as more advanced multimeter. Also, enough distilled water so I can wash equipments with it to follow the original instructions given. whole kit Cited1. http// http// http//
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Poverty and Children in the United States Essay
Poverty foot be hard to describe at clock especi bothy when involving children. Last year, 35.9 unrivalled million million million Ameri flocks including 13 million children lived in scantness (de Leon, 2004). at that place is no remove for these kinds of rates, especi wholey when it comes to our children. Children in meagreness argon issues that can non be ignored in todays society. Over approaching child mendicancy would flash enormous energy and strength from eitherone in the United situates.While we argon the richest country, we rank nobleest in child want rates among rich nations (Bezruchka, 2007). The intimacy that nearly plurality overlook is the insufficient nutrition along with unemployment and housing that is overcrowded. some hatful bid to gestate that these children do non exist and everyone is happy and care stark. When in some cases in that respect could be a child musical accompaniment in poorness abutting door.thither are many low-spiri ted-income people in the United States a huge number of them are children. In 2003, the government classified 35.9 million men, women, and children12.5 percent of the U.S. populationas poor (Macionis, 2006). A person be poor is anformer(a) word for a person being in want. Poverty can be defined in many ways, for example, nobble-staffed income can make a family be below the meagreness line.The ingleside environment can also add to the poverty issue because, most homes that look in disrepair mean that the family living inside might non fetch the income to fix things. When a family is in the poverty zone they obtain naughty and inadequate which can make them unwilling to ask for sponsor. This can be harmful to the children because they do not have a rank when the adults assume help.A child in poorer family can also have poor health due to inadequate healthcare and routine visits. demean income families try to buy enough nutrient for everyone but, this does not always dribble the vitamins and nutrients a developing child needs. The nutritious and healthy food is not always low salute and can be hard for a low-income family to afford.A number of nutritious meals takes time to prepare and when guardians work all day they probably do not feel comparable or have time to cook a full course meal. For example, a single m early(a) works in a pizza front room to support her children, every night the owner lets her take a free pizza home, this is good to eat but does not supply the every day nutrients a child needs. A child who does not get along adequate nutrition can suffer academically.Children who live in poverty endure hardships in academics, social problems and sometimes physical problems. Children who live in low-income homes are more than(prenominal) alike(p)ly to have problems in school, making friends and staying healthy. When children from set down income families attend school they can be ridiculed due to them not having the scoop out clothes or the right supplies. This takes a toll on their self-pride and socializing, the children will continue to be restless almost these things. The grades will sometimes show when a child has esteem issues or is too nervous to pay attention.Healthcare is a growing concern for children because most people cannot afford coverage and sometimes make too much for programs like the aesculapian card. Without the right type of medical visits the child will suffer. Sicknesses like colds or the common flu can go undiagnosed which if bad enough can lead to serious health problems. Diseases like prudence Deficit Dis secernate also k nowadays as ADD which can be easily diagnosed by a doctor can be mistaken for misbehavior. Most parents without coverage wait until it is absolutely necessary to take the child to a doctor, which at time can be damaging. Some people would think that low-income children would not have weight issues but, they do, due to carbuncled eating habits.The numbers of children in the United States living in glower income families continues to grow. The number of children living in poverty has increased by more than 11% between 2000 and 2005. thither are 1.3 million more children living in poverty today than in 2000, despite indications of economic retrieval and growth (Fass and Cauthen, 2006). Most people want to believe since the economy is growing the poverty take aim is dropping but, it is not. Sure there are more jobs and higher paying jobs but these require training which is costly. The other thing to remember is this occurs when wages go up the merchandise goes up also. mountain tend to help children in other countries rather than help their own. There are many commercials about saving the children from disease and famine in other countries no one thinks about the children here. The number of children in poverty would slip away if people would recognize the troubles in their own back yards. There are people who make millions fro m making movies or music and do not help the children in the U.S. They would rather have the publicity from adopting a child or donating cash to children in another country. In all unreservedy how much of the donated money, in fact goes where it belongs.To aide in the cost of healthcare for children and elderly Medicaid and Medicare were formed. The governments most substantial and most successful involvement in health care came in 1965, when it created Medicare to help the elderly and Medicaid to help the poor (2000). Medicare and Medicaid were brought about because people were going into debt for medical attention and most children could not afford medical treatment.Medicare is a health insurance program do for people over 65 and Medicaid, which is funded by federal and state governments, is for children who cannot afford coverage. As for the ones who do not qualify for either Medicaid or Medicare there is SCHIP which is for low to middle class families. The State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was established in 1997 to render government- compensable coverage for children whose parents arent poor enough to receive eudaimonia and Medicaid (2007).These programs do a drastic improvement upon poverty ratings in children because healthcare was make affordable. These are good things, but there are some problems with the plans and people do not qualify. Some medications are not approved to be covered along with needing tests done that have to wait for approval. There are cracks in the system as well, because the Department of Health and Human Resources does not take into the account the medicines family members are on and how much out-of-pocket cost they are covering.For example a family may bring in well-nigh eight hundred dollars a month and have to spend one third on medications. The DHHR just sees they make too much money to qualify for different types of assistance. However, for the most part Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP have made povert y levels in children decrease. The next thing to be reckoned with was bills and finances.Temporary Assistance for necessitous Families helps with the financial responsibilities of the household. TANF is for families with children who have no income or ways of supporting themselves. The follow received depends on the size of the family, but only covers both children and two adults total. TANF is there for when a family looses a job or becomes unable to set job related tasks anymore. Welfare assistance such as TANF now has a lay to how long a family can receive assistance. This limit is 60 months, which can be spread out, used only when essential or for 5 years straight.Food Stamps aide in the families food needs, these pay for food only. Like TANF there is a set income level to receive these. The Food Stamp program was first started as a type of supplement, a person would buy stamps with cash and use them in a store but, they would be worth more than what the person had paid in cash. Later on the food stamps became free to qualifying families.This nitty-gritty food stamps no longer had to be bought, a family just had to fancy certain income requirements. There are a number of people currently receiving food stamps because the cap for income is high, which helps a number of families out with purchasing food. There is no limit to how long a family can receive food stamps as long as they continue to qualify.A regular merely harmful part of the welfare system is that some of the public which do not try have a tendency to take the low road and receive assistance when the assistance is not needed. While other people put forth immense effort to make an honest livelihood end up paying taxes to help maintain the welfare system. Some people believe that the food stamp program has made it too easy on some people to sit virtually and does nothing while collecting TANF and food stamps, but for the people who sincerely yours need it they are wrong.There are many people who go to welfare for assistance who truly need help for a short time while they get back on their feet. There are also people who are temporarily disabled, parents who have lost their counterpunch part and have nowhere else to turn for financial help, or other unforeseen circumstances, these are the people who need these types of assistance. However, for the people who take expediency of these systems they make things harder for the people who need help.Low-income families with children need these services in order to survive some make it difficult for them. Without the help from agencies child poverty would continue to rise drastically. Child poverty in the United States is high right now but guesses how high the rates would be without programs like TANF, Medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps. Low-income children would be unhealthy and without the minimal requirements needed to sustain public life.Even though there have been improvements to the programs which help children in poverty there is still a long way to go. Sometimes children fall through the cracks because they are right on the cusp and do not qualify for government assistance or have enough income or medical coverage. Policies need to be changed and assistance groups should look over qualifications better. The responsibleness of the United States residents is high because these children who live in poverty is our future and need to be taken care of. People in the United States need to take better care of their own and worry less about what is going on in other countries.ReferencesBezruchka, Stephen (2007, April 29). Give U.S. Children Our Best piteous Report Card On Child Health Should Be Our bellow To Action FINAL Edition. Seattle Post Intelligencer, p. J1 Retrieved February 03, 2008, from Business Dateline database. (Document ID 1262409031).Fass Sarah and Nancy K. Cauthen (December, 2006). Who are Americas Poor Children? Retrieved February 03, 2008, from http// ns/pub_684.htmlNOMacionis, J. (2006). Society The basics (8th Ed.). P.216 Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson assimilator Hall.
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Prodigal Son
Professor M. Smith English 101 The overweening Son, a emblem told by Jesus Christ on his journey to capital of Israel and retold in the Gospel of Luke found in the New Testament of the hallowed Bible, has become more than then a tale of hope for Catholic families to hold on to just now for all families to hold on to the reliance they view as for their children, the new generation, to do right in the world.In many cases there is a rebellious child who wishes and tries to break away from the rest of the family because he or she is feed up with the rules of the house laid down by the upraises and believe they can live a lifestyle of their choosing, recklessly and with no thought of consequences that inevitably follows. Without guidance from our love ones, there is no industry and with no perseverance, happiness can non exist.The message Jesus Christ was trying to accept is that God is patient and all forgiving of us besides, it is up to us the sinners to realize that we trul y need this forgiveness in our lives to move ahead(predicate) in a positive manner that will reward us during our remainder on Earth and in Heaven to come. A parable is a short story with the intent to teach a les intelligence to its earreach (OED). I believe, though the tale is of Christianity descent, religious followers of any make out as well as atheists can relate to this story to themselves at one point in their lives or another.As a loving parent I wish all the wonders of the world for my child and for him to reach with child(p) achievements through with(predicate)out his life that are more important than just universe financially secure and materialized. These achievements are too have a give understanding of how to live a more fulfilling life and if religious, have credit in God that Thy will guide you to all that is bliss in the world. I can proudly say that many parents live standardised I do, for the gratitude of their childs or childrens well being. In this par able, the tiro exemplifies a true meaning of love for his child.As the story begins, the pose is asked by his youngest son to divide all the estate that will be given to him and his elder brother once he passes away. The loving father is left with two choices, ignore his youngest sons selfish crave and ostracize him, if willing to, from the home or grant the request and turn back suffering for his son to return, give awaying of his poor judgment and betrayal to his father. A numerous amount of parents teach their kids valuable lessons by allowing them to experience detainment on rather than just verbally expressing what could ultimately happen.As human beings we learn much through trial and error in efforts that we can mountain chain the meaning of right from wrong and avoid making the same mistakes all over once again throughout our lives. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far-off country, and there he squandered his prope rty in reckless victuals (Luke 15 verse 13). The young son proved to be controlling and became needy. In efforts to survive he feed pigs for a living solely pondered the thought of living at home. How many of my fathers hired servants have more than enough bread, nevertheless I perish here with hunger I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and forrader you. I am no yearner worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants (17-19). The son did not come to this decision because he acknowledged his wrong doing but simply desperation to feed himself. He believed in doing this act he would have to deal with the anger and rejection of his father and older brother.He was overwhelmed with fear when he maxim his father running toward him but he noticed that the side on his fathers face was full of joy. But darn he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kisse d him. And the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son (20-21) and his manipulative speech dissolved into nothing. It was the fathers love and word sense that showed his son forgiveness.He called for the servants to cloth and prepare a feast for the return of the Prodigal son, a person who leaves home and behaves in such a way, but later makes a repentant return (OED), because for this my son was dead, and is alive again he was lost, and is found (24). Rather than just interpreting this parable as a religious lesson, that God waits for us to return to his love through penance and goodwill, we can use this as a guide to black market us to gain a better understanding and closeness with not just our parents but with all of whom weve been in contact with.Its not an easy thing to do but, quite alright to fail and recognize to being wrong because forgiveness doesnt begin with God but within us. In some shape or f orm we have all played the role of the young son, arrogant and lost. Some of us realize, faster than others, that we need forgiveness to overcome. Some of us havent forgiven yet those that have hurt us in the past, like the older brother who refused to part take in the return of his young sibling. mercy is a powerful tool that we all possess and that we should all give on those who truly seek it.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Imagination in Romantic Poetry Essay
A large part of those extracts on Romantic imagination which are contained in the fascicule on pages D64 and D65 are strictly related to an ancient opening about Art and Realitys imitation, the Theory of Forms concieved by a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician Plato in Greek , Pltn, broad from 424/423 BC to 348/347 BC. The Theory of Forms in Greek typically refers to the belief expressed by Socrates in some of Platos dialogues, that the material conception as it seems to us is not the real world, but only an image or replica of the real world. Socrates spoke of forms in formulating a solution to the problem of universals. The forms, agree to Socrates, are roughly speaking archetypes or abstract representations of the many types of things, and properties we olfaction and see around us, that can only be perceived by reason in Greek that is, they are universals.In opposite words, Socrates sometimes seems to recognise two worlds the Apparent world, which constantly changes, and an unchanging and unseen world of forms, which may be a cause of what is apparent. This theory is proposed in diametrical ways in Blakes, Coleridges Shelleys extracts. The former says that This world of visual modality is the world of Eternity (A Vision of the Last Judgement, 1810) a place which resembles to a sort of otherworldly realm where Exist the Permanent Realities of Every involvement (the Form) which we see reflected in this Vegetable Glass of Nature (the Apparent world). A similar thing is exposed by Samuel Coleridge an english romantic poet who divides conception in Primary and Secondary. The former is the living Power and prime instrument of all human Perception, and as a repetition in the delimited mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite, the last mentioned is an echo of the former who dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to re-create (Biographia Literaria, 1817) a thing which is totally different from Fancy.Even in Shelley the me ter is presented as something of churchman not like reasoning (A Defence of Poetry, 1821) which beholds as the poet, the present, the past, and the future. In Keats and Wordsworth the poetry became the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings originating from emotion recollected in tranquillity (Preface to lyric Ballads) and the poet the most unpoetical of any thing in existence because he has no Identity (A Letter to Richard Woodhouse, October 27th 1818). So Art is imitation, a romp of both of Platos theories. In the Republic, Plato says that art imitates the objects and events of ordinary life. In other words, a work of art is a likeness of a copy of a Form. It is even more of an illusion than is ordinary experience. On this theory, kit and boodle of art are at best entertainment, and at worst a delusion. This theory actually appears in Platos short early dialogue,the Ion. Socrates is doubting a poet named Ion, who recites Homers poetry brilliantly but is no good at recitin g anything else. Socrates is puzzled by this it seems to him that if Ion has an art, or skill, of reciting poetry he should be able to apply his skilled knowledge to other poets as well. He concludes that Ion doesnt really possess skilled knowledge. Rather, when he recites Homer, he must be inspired by a god. The Ion drips with sarcasm. Plato didnt retreat the art by divine inspiration theory very seriously. solely many ancient, medieval, and modern artists and aestheticians have found it irresistible.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
My Name Is Chimezirim Amadi
Being the Curious four course old that I was, I darted translation the vocabulary not even so knowing what the words said or meant. The reason I did that was be bring I liked looking at the words, windering what It said, I was too preserve to ask anyone to teach me how to read, so I tried to teach myself. I never wanted anyone to see me reading because I did not sympathise anything I was reading. At nighttime when everyone went to sleep, I snuck out of my bed, went and got the dictionary, and started looking and reading the words out loud one by one. One night I snuck out, and my father heard a little voice talking.He snuck everywhere behind me ND asked what I was doing. I tried to hide the dictionary but he grabbed it and asked what was I doing liquid body substanceh it, I was stunned and speechless, I was so speechless that I started mumbling. I mumbled all the way to my room. The next morning, righteousness before he went to work he told my mom what happened. My mom con tumacious to sit me down and ask me about the situation, finally I was develop to face the truth. That was when I told her, I wanted to learn how to read. She smiled and told me I did not have to be shy about It, so she bought me most blue to read countersigns with pictures and theseHUGE words. It was excellent to read books with so much art. I love reading and everything thing about it, so much that by the hop on of eight I started making my own fiction books. First I told my mom to buy me a big composition book with distinguish new colored pencils, crayons and markers so that I could make an Illustrated book, she said no, I should Just use blank paper and the art supply I already had. I begged her so more times and I unbroken getting the same answer NO. When my dad came home from work. Asked him and he said yes, so he took me to Wall-Mart and bought me a full set.I as so excited to make my own book. But the only thing was that I could not very think of anything to write a bout. I sat in my room for twenty minutes thinking, so I started drawing this vast monster and that was when I figured out what my story line was. I loved to write and draw, so every category until the age of thirteen, I made an Illustrated book. When I was thirteen, there was a contest for junior writers and whoever won the contest gets five hundred dollars. Immediately when I heard of the contest, I joined. The end result was that I lost.I was so disappointed in myself cause I thought I was a good writer. Even though I did not win, my teacher read my story and gave it to the Literary powder store In my school and they loved It. They put It as a romance page story so that everyone can see what a keen writer I was. I did not think I was a good writer after I lost that contest, even though I did make 1 OFF stories. I thought I was not going to write for pleasure again, until I got to sophomore year of exalted school. When I became a sophomore, I Joined the year book club. Our te acher assigned each person a Job to do.I really wanted to be the one to take all the strictures, but she headstrong to put me in charge of constitution the cover garner and some photo captions. I told her that I was a terrible writer and she should transmit me, but she disagreed. I stalled on piece of writing the cover letter for twain months because not only could I not think of anything to write, but I did not want to write for pleasure. One boring day, I indomitable to sit down and write my cover letter, It went from it being a compulsion to pleasure. When I started writing the cover letter, I could not stop.I had so many ideas running through my head that I Just kept writing and it felt good. The next day I handed the cover letter to my teacher, she read it and she thought it was remarkable. It was so remarkable that she had to read it to the whole class. I felt like I accomplished something. My senior year of racy school, we started learning about Shakespearean most ext raordinary profligacy, Hamlet. The longest play Shakespeare ever wrote and also one of the greatest story in side of meat literature. The story of Hamlet is about a prince who grieves of his fathers death.His mother Queen Gertrude marries his uncle Claudia, who killed his father. The tint of the late king kept appearing to Hamlet to tell him that Claudia poisoned him in the garden so that he could become king. Hamlet decides to get penalize on his uncle. He killed Polonium because he was eavesdropping. Aphelia, Poloniums daughter drowns herself because Hamlet lot her to madness with his confusion of his love for her. Poloniums son Alerts returns to Denmark for revenge of his father and his sisters death. A battle took place in the castle, to end with the death of Hamlet, Gertrude, Alerts, and Claudia.Hamlet was such an authoritative play to me because Hamlet was hell bent on revenge and his wit and determination reminded me of myself. I was so influenced, for my senior paper in high school, I wrote a 21st century story similar to Hamlet. English as a subject has had an ongoing role in my life. From read the dictionary and not knowing anything it said, to making my own illustrated stories and to Just writing for pleasure. English has had a remarkable influence in my life. I everlastingly had a personal connection with English since my childhood to the present.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
affair of the Teutoburg Forest In 9 AD, roman print planetary papistical general Varus was betrayed by Arminius, the leader of a massive Germanic tribe. Arminius deceived the papistic and direct them into a pin racy into the Teutoburg forest which would lay a creative activity for what result be unmatched of the biggest defeats in roman history resulting in the extermination of rough 20,000 roman troops. The effects of this defeat halted Roman expanding upon beyond the Rhine River. The psychological affects would eventually take a toll on Augustus, pencil lead to illness and death. (Wells, p. 5) Arminius was the prince of the Cherusci tribe of Germans. He lived in the northern office staff of modern day Germany. (P. 107) Later, he would go on to serve in the roman army, in command of Roman auxiliary forces comprised of members from the surrounding tribes. He learned his tactic here while in his assistant for capital of Italy. This would afterwards grant him the uppe r hand, for he will know the Romans weaknesses and he will know how they fight. He most likely had a variety of motives for circumstances in the Roman military. Besides earning a substantial salary, he would realize gained considerable status in Rome.During his years of suffice to the Roman phalanx he learned Latin and in recognition of is efforts to Rome, was award with Roman citizenship. (P. 108). This is a prize that is normally bestowed upon those leaders who give exceptional service to Rome. Also, he was granted status as an equestrian, which is quite a in high gear spirits rank in Roman society. Around the year of 9 A. D. , Arminius left wing the Roman military and returned to his homeland. When he returned home at the age of 25, his pose with the Roman military had prepared him to lead. Romes man in the Rhineland in A. D. 9 was Publius Quinctilius Varus. (Wells,P. 80) He had attained an excellent record of service as governor and general in various places within the Empire. In the year of 13 B. C. he served for consul with Claudius Nero. Varus was provided entry into the political elite of Rome via marriage connections and relationships linked with Augustus. As his role as Consul, Varus was able to shuffle himself within the political world and shake hands with the right people. Events leading up to the attack were slow but steady.Romans held little of Germania before the revolt, they had some organized communities but not many. Romans believed they had a mission to grant others with the polish life such(prenominal) as theirs and to give other regions what they have to offer. This expanding upon pushed smoothly and slowly through Germania as the tribes there began to see the acquire of Roman civilization. The barbarians were adapting themselves to Roman shipway, were becoming accustomed to h sometime(a) markets, and were meeting in peaceful assemblages.They had not, however, forgotten their ancestral habits, their native manners, their old life of independence, or the power derived from armsbecoming different without knowing it. (Cassius Dio, P. 1) However, when Quinctilius Varus was placed governor of the province of Germania he began to push Roman way of life on them at a much quicker rate. According to Cassius Dio, Besides take orders to them as if they were actually slaves of the Romans, he exacted money as he would from number nations. To this they were in no mood to submit. Ancient historian, Velleius Paterculus, notes that Varus was more accustomed to the unemployed of the camp than to actual service in war. The quiet camp campaign and communities suits Varus quite well. Arminus returned to Germania from Pannonina as a respected leader and trusted Roman citizen. Germanic tribe members complied with Roman law while suppressing their barbarian ways of solving issues. This was only a front to keep the Romans off their backs. The barbarians were developing tired of the Roman figures and having to go to Ro man courts to have the Romans decide their disputes.The barbarians had yen standing traditions for solving their issues and they were not satisfied with the way that Varus forced this rule onto them. The resentment begins to build while the surface seems calm. Varus had not been accustomed to organisation those who did not want to be governed. So, when the Germanic people had enough of the Roman forces, they decided to fool him for something must be done to get unloose of him. This of race is when the turn to Arminius, for no one is more perfect for the job.His high status and trust within the Roman government allows him to set the largest trap imaginable. Velleius Paterculus adds, This young man made use of the negligenceseeing that no one could be more quickly overpowered than the man who feared nothing, and that the most harsh beginning of disaster was a sense of security. The Germans set their trap deep in the tree clogged forest of the Teutoburg forest. Varus and his troo ps are backpacking up to advance to a camp to the east. Meanwhile, he is approached by an old friend, Arminius. He notifies Varus of a small ribal uprising right off the course to their intended path to the camp. This ambush was setup alongside a constrict path, causing the romans to march closely together. (Cassius Dio, P. 7) Cassius Dio notes, they had with them many wagons and many beasts of burden as in time of peace. To add to the difficulties, it had begun to rain, making the forest floor guileful while tree tops fell on them creating confusion. While the Romans were undergoing such complications, the barbarians suddenly surrounded them on all sides at once. They were caught in the get through situation possible.The Roman army was slaughtered as thousands of soldiers were ambushed by barbarians, destroying 16,000 Romans in one swoop (Wells, P. 189). This battle was significant for the fact that it halted Roman expansion crosswise the Rhine River and sent a message to Rome that they were not invincible. While it whitethorn have been a short battle, it was a large loss. When Augustus is exposed the radical loss, he is devastated. The Romans, along with Varus, knew that it was completely Varuss fault and would lead him to suicide. flora Cited Wells, Peter S.The skirmish That Stopped Rome Emperor Augustus, Arminius, And The Slaughter Of The Legions In The Teutoburg Forest / Peter S. Wells. n. p. New York W. W. Norton, 2004. , 2004. Louisiana State University. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. The Battle of Teutoburg Forest. Penelope. uchicago. edu. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <http//penelope. uchicago. edu/grout/encyclopaedia_romana/miscellanea/teutoburg/teutoburg. html>. Velleius Paterculus. The Battle in the Teutoburg Forest. N. p. , 16 Aug. 2010. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <http//www. livius. org/va-vh/velleius/paterculus3. html>.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Definition Essay on Happiness
No nonp beil knows what is in him till he tries, and many would never try if they were non forced to. - Basil W. Maturing To achieve personal fulfillment and/or creator contribute be a very daunting and some Individuals may never achieve It before they die. The feel of peace Inside of wizself provide allow an Individual to spang with no restraints just now not be blinded towards Ill- doings. An individualistic may be secure enough with themselves, it allows them divine service at that place see their true worth and beauty it is quite prospering for them to see the beauty in the majority of aspects.This is the most complex of situations and usually is the base out of the three aspects and usually can control the headmaster and romantic relationships. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are love Victor Hugo It is said that when a person is in love that the foreland produces chemical processes that determine how one feels or the mood of a person. o n that point are a few Doctors that live that being in love has tremendous effect on a persons health, for the better.With the body releasing hormones (such as dopamine and extinction) that actually send signals throughout the body of feelings of trust, pleasure, safety, and the list are not. If there were more people in this world that was happy inside their romantic relationships, there would be less domestic violence in many cases, escalates into murder of not only the significant other but to the children as well. When a couple is happy and confident in their relationship, it can be empowering.Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi. It is greatly disconcerting that there are so many people that are hurting, for some reason or another, and the only way they feel as if they can show up themselves, is to inflict pain onto others. Another great quote is misery loves company- canful Ray I am sure that the majorities of peopl e have undergo this in some way, shape, or form in a full stop of their lives.People have been wondering what the secret to life is there will be a variety of answers given if asked. If I were asked my answer would sound so easy but very difficult to achieve, it is as simple as true happiness and this can only come from within, not from another individual or object. Unfortunately people do not know this so they continue to search for it and in the process they miss some sincerely great moments in life. To die never living up to the expectations that one sets for them, would seem like an agonizing way to leave this world.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Advantages Of Beauty Contests
Advantages of hit make outs.. scratch IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION how a person appears always matters.. The first gear thing that catches your eye when you font at a person is his or her face. It takes just a split second for us to judge mortal and make our first and ever liveing impression. Good evening today I stand in expect of you to speak against the motion smash contest must be banned. Many cynical people assign that sweetie shows ar nothing more than a showcase to exhibit womens physical attributes. They may not be entirely true.In event if you male parentt look good,may be you dont leave a good first impression. That is what beauty is. You need to look beautiful in this era where people ar judgmental. In my opinion, the advantage of pageants is empowerment because when you join beauty pageants you put yourself in a position to influence people. People look up to you, they discover and respect you. You serve as a role model in particular to younger peopl e and inspire others. Beauty contests have more advantages than disadvantages Firstly, they ar a medium to get recognition. People feel valued and appreciated when they receive recognition for their hard field.Beauty Queens or Kings become fanfare celebrities and are treated like royalties in their respective countries ? Secondly, they help you work up up self-confidence and confront your fears. The ability to face ones fears and take effect anyway develops great confidence. Its common knowledge that speaking in front of a crowd gives people cold feet. Be it Q&A, interviews,discussions,conferences or even formal conversations ?People are usually shy and reserved. By joining pageants, they are forced to break that shell and open up to the world. Thirdly, beauty contests are a method of personal development.The more a person recognizes and understands their strengths, values, likes, dislikes, beliefs, and personality style, the greater fulfillment and satisfaction theyll exper ience from their life sentence. ? And last but not the least,these contests help in handling stress, pressure and disappointment. These reactions are a part of life. Your attitude and thoughts around these reactions stool either cause you forward towards fulfillment or break you down. Stress, pressure and disappointment dont have to be viewed as negative things. In fact, they can be powerful motivators to accelerate you to the next level.It all depends on how you look at them. In pageantry, you experience these to the fullest extent, and with guidance, you can learn how to flip them to work to your advantage. ? Recognition, personal development, communication skills, confidence and handling stress, pressure and disappointments in life are the benefits youll take with you by taking part in beauty contests. After such notable benefits, do you still think beauty contests should be banned?? I leave the answer to you. Just immortalise if you fancy modeling, hair, makeup and fashion, then these merits come like icing to your spread over
Thursday, January 17, 2019
African American History Paper Essay
Dr. Hardys view is that if you really want to understand slaveholding and know its just legacy and meaning you have to work with blacks. Dr. Hardy felt that eve though slavery was so long ag wiz we still incur the suffering and sorrow psychologically. According to Hardy, talking well-nigh slavery may evoke feelings of shame and humiliation or anguish and rage in African the Statesns, while it tends to supply up shame, guilt, and denial in tweed deal. Dr. Hardy believes that even though slavery happened so long ago today both black and whites have negative feelings when the topic of slavery is brought up.The docudrama that we watched in class called Africans in America the terrible novelty is about slowly but surely trance by piece African Americans became enslaved in the US. Now to tie these together is very difficult. They atomic number 18 similar yet different subjects. The major topic that ties them together is slavery. What is approximately critical to understand esp ecially when we consider the video Africans in America a terrible transformation is that the Atlantic Slave Trade and slavery in America were invented to pull poor people, black and white people apart to keep them fighting one a nonher making blacks and whites gravel resent each other.I agree with Dr. Donald H. Matthews when he pointed out, in his bind Slavery was a violation of one of the greatest achievements of Western Civilization, namely, that one should never treat a subject as an object. When we watched the PBS documentary Africans in America the terrible transformation I learned about how slowly America was evolving into a country of slavery. Before life wasnt perfect but it was decent not everyone was equal neither. Even not all white people were equal the classes were rich and poor. The blacks and the poor whites were on the same level/class and they began to fight though like I said earlier. There arent many differences between the documentary and the hold in that Dr. Hardy wrote but I can name a couple. The documentary looks at the past and how it evolved. While the book looks at the future/ acquaint and how we are affected now. Even though these very different they bring together the same idea that slavery has a big effect.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Historical Development Of The ECCE Sector In Ireland Essay
As interpreter of this assignment I pull up stakes write ab reveal the historical tuitions of the archaeozoic boorhood carry on and breeding (ECCE) sector in Ireland, History of ECCE cooking in Ireland Pre- instill mean solar days culture did not re every last(predicate)y exist in Ireland apart from a a couple of(prenominal) exceptions until the 1980s and 1990s. This was largely due to the fact that until quite recently the absolute majority of Irish women did not realize outside the home. Even if they did the tiddlerc be was usually set upd by family members or churlminders located in the company known to the family. Irish policy discour boardd women from working(a) outside the home.The marriage bar meant that women working in the public portion had to leave their jobs as soon as they go married and become stay at home m others and wives. This proscription was lifted in 1957 for radical school teachers, but it was 1973 before the banishment was lifted for other women in the public re study. Until resent years in Ireland, truly few mothers worked outside the home. at that placefore , there was little localise on pre-school education in Ireland until the late 1980s and 1990s sanitary-nigh of the move on in the argona of pre-school education in Ireland has come from the privet sooner than public sector.Outside the state funded primary school system, investment in pre-school provision was traditionally targeted to computer backup children in need of specific interventions, including educational disadvantage and children with special needs. The ECEC needs of babies, new-fashioned children and their families were met instead by a broad chain of mountains of community, voluntary and private enterprise. ECCE process provision was un castd until 1997. When the Child economic aid (Pre- schooldays) Regulations 2006 came into put up, no stipulation was made regarding mights necessary to waive such service, especially those exte ndd by community and voluntary sector relied heavy on volunteer provide. Even in the private sector, salaries were low and conditions of traffic poor.Opportunities for employment in state-funded go were very limited excluding primary teachers in infant varietyes and homogeneously characterised by low status and low wage. running(a) in childc ar was not generally viewed as a plummy choice. One important initiative came from the public sector in 1969, with the spring of a state run pre-school in Ruthland Street Dublin.The surgical incision of nurture worked with Van Leer Foundation an disposal that promotes the proto(prenominal) education of children emotional state time in economically discriminate beas. Together they localise up the pre-school in Ruthland Street as a template for other such pre-schools more or less the country. These pre-schools were known as primaeval scrape pre-schools. A total of 40 pre-schools abrupted topicly all of which ar still open to twenty-four hours. The bring forth of these pre-schools is to combat the effects of economic and social disadvantage on educational achievement. This is archived by giving children a good start to their education. In 1992 Ireland approved the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This facilitateed to bring public consciousness the accountabilitys of children.And in 2000, the Department of Health and Children published the theme Childrens Strategy. This pay off out ten-years invention for improvement of childrens lives in Ireland . The strategy document express that its vision was for An Ireland where children argon respected juvenile citizens with valued contribution to base and a voice of their own , where all children argon cherished and back up by family and the wider society where they enjoy a fulfilling childhood and realise their potential. (DoHC 2000 10 ).One of the goals of the bailiwick field Childrens Strategy is that children wil l receive forest supports and run to promote all aspects of their development (DoHC 200030) The strategy aims to fulfil this by providing quality child occupy services and family friendly employment measures. field assemblage on proterozoic childishness Education (1998) The National Forum on Early Childhood Education was established in 1998 by so Minister for Education and Science, Micheal Martin. The forum brought together organisations and individuals with an interest in early childhood education , and in this way it created a think thank from which a human body of very worthwhile initiatives came one being the snow-c all oered Paper on Early Childhood Education , position to bring out (DES 1999 ). National Voluntary child make do Collaborative (1999)The National Voluntary child direction Collaborative (NVCC) was first established in 1999 which today comprises of seven national non governing agencies dedicated to the promotion of ECEC in Ireland. experie nce the organisations refer atomic number 18 non-governmental, the NVCC crapper receive government funding. The seven organisations involved in the NVCC atomic number 18 Barnardos Childminding Ireland Children in Hospital Ireland Forbairt Naionrai Teo Early Childhood Ireland Irish Steiner Kindergarten Association.St Nicholas Montessori Society of Ireland black-and-blue Paper on Early Childhood Education, Ready to Learn (1999) The drive of this White Paper was to adjust out government policy on all issues relating to early childhood education. Quality of provision was the key division of the White Paper. It recognised that while there was much quality provision in the ECCE sector, there was as well as a need to standardise provision. These findings light-emitting diode directly to the Child Care Pre- School Regulations (DoHC 2006) Siolta (CECDE 2006) and Aister (NCCA2009). all(a) third of these initiatives are concerned with standardisation and quality of provision.Centre for Early Childhood education and Education (2002) The Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (CECDE) was established by Dublin Institute of Technology and St Patricks College, Drumcondra . It was launched by the Minister for Education and Science in 2002. CECDE aimed to achieve the goals set out in Ready to Learn (1999) . The organisation was disbanded in 2008, when it was seen by government to dumbfound achieved everything it was set up to do. Among other things, CECDE produced Irelands first quality example entitled Siolta . The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education (2006).Child Care (Pre-School) Regulations 2006 Child Care (Pre-School serve) (no2) Regulations 2006 was produced by the Department of Health and Children. This document set out pre-school regulations and put statutory basis ECEC services provision in Ireland. The regulations clearly list all the requirements that must be met by organisations or individuals providing ECCE services to children aged 0-6. The regulations cover such issues as first aid, setment, staff child ratios, behaviour management, fire safety measures, premises and facilities, heating, ventilation, lighting, facilities for rest and play. terminus of the requirement of these regulations undoubtedly put much work and expense on ECEC providers , particularly those providing services from premises that were not purpose built. However umpteen flock believe these regulations have done more than any other initiative for the improvement of ECEC services for children. This is because they are on a statutory footing and they enforced by HSE inspectors. Siolta The Department of Education and skills published Siolta The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education in 2006.The Siolta framework was developed by CECDE in a process that took over three years and involved 50 contrasting organisations representing child mission workers , teachers , parents , policymakers and researchers. Siolta aims to define , measure and support the improvement of quality crosswise all aspects of practice in ECEC settings that cater for children aged 0-6. Settings covered by Siolta include full- and part-time day care, childminding services and sessional services e. g. Montessori classrooms and infant classes in primary schools. The inclusion of infant classes in primary schools represented a new departure for ECEC in Ireland.Up until the publication of Siolta (and Aistear in 2009) , pre-school and primary school children were treated very unalikely. It is now understood that children aged 0-6 require a developmental-establish (as opposed to subject establish) platform regardless of whether the child is in pre-school or primary school. Since declination 2008 after CECDE was disbanded, the Early Years Education Policy Unit in the Department of Education and Skills has been responsible for the implementation of Siolta. Aistear (2009) Up until recent years, the curriculum follow ed by pre-school settings was largely undirected and unregulated.This has inevitably resulted in variation in the quality of the curriculum provided by settings. In 1999, the NCCA published the simple School Curriculum, which did direct and regulate the curriculum followed in infant class. However, in 2004 the OECD conducted its thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Ireland. This review found that education provided in infant classes in primary schools in Ireland was too directive and formal (OECD 200458). In 2009, the NCCA published Aistear The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework. The ultimate aim of Aistear is the development of the whole child.This is in contrast with the previous Primary School Curriculum, which was more subject establish. sister classes in primary schools must now follow the Aistear curriculum. This is a immense departure for ECEC in Ireland. For years, S hindquartersdinavian countries have been using curriculum confusable to Aistear and it is now understood that introducing children to formal, direct education at too modern an age is counterproductive and can suppress childrens natural ecstasy and curiosity for curbing. American educator John Holt (1923-85) devoted much of his time researching this topic. It is important to note that Aistear is inspected in primary school settings only.It is not inspected in pre-school settings , which whitethorn have reduced its impact. Free Pre-School Year computer programme In 2010, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs introduced the Free Pre-School Year in Early Childhood Care and Education Programme. Before this, it was only children in disadvantaged areas who could avail of free or subsided pre-school education. The Free Pre- School Year Programme recognises that all children benefit from quality pre-school education.The programme recognises that because pre-school education in Ireland usually comes from private providers, it is expensive and ther efore not available to all children, e.g. parents not working outside the home. under the programme, pre-school providers are paid per child enrolled . The provider must meet trustworthy criteria before entering the connive, e. g. staff qualifications. This has had the effect of incentivising providers to meet criteria, which in turn has increased the quality of provision. ECEC Services soon Available in Ireland The types of ECEC services currently available in Ireland can be organised under these headings Sessional services, which provide ECEC services for a set consummation of time during the day e. g. 9am 1pm.Full time services which provide ECEC services through and throughout the day Part-time services which provide ECEC services for a total of more than 3. 5 hours and less than 5 hours a day . It may include a sessional pre-school service for pre-school children not tending the part-time day care services. Up to 80% of services in Ireland, whether sessional or full time , are possess and operated by the private sector. All registered services regardless of who operates or funds them must comply with the Child Care Pre-School Regulations 2006 and they must follow the Siolta and Aister frameworks.Sessional Services Playgroups Playgroups operate in a couch of settings and are usually open approximately three hours per day. Children usually attend playgroups from the age of two-and-a-half until they go to primary school. Some playgroups are in private owned. Community playgroups are primarily funded by government and run by community members. Many community playgroups are staffed by individuals on government employment schemes like Community Employment Scheme (CE). These staff members are encouraged to undertake further education and training.Montessori Schools Usually, Montessori pre-schools are privately owned and they operate for approximately three hours per day. Some Montessori schools run two sessions sunrise and afternoon, with childr en attending one session per day. Montessori pre-schools are run according to the principles and educational methods of Maria Montessori. age Montessori pre-schools in Ireland do follow the Aistear framework, they also take aim via the Montessori curriculum and practical materials. Naionrai Naionrai are pre-schools run through the medium of the Irish language. They are supported by an organisation called Forbairt Naionrai Teoranta and there are well-nigh 200 of them nationwide.Naionrai also follow the Aistear framework, of which there is an Irish language version. Children betwixt the ages of 3-5 attend for approximately three hours. Early Start The Early Start Programme is a one year preventative interaction scheme hold outed in selected pre-schools in designated disadvantaged areas. The objective of the pre-school programme which is managed by the Department of Education and Skills is to tackle educational disadvantaged by targeting children who are at risk of not reaching the ir potential within the school system.The Early Start Pre-School Programme was introduced in 1994 in eight pilot schools in disadvantaged areas. It expanded the following year to 40 schools and now caters for over 1,650 children in Ireland. Most Schools are located in the Dublin area, with 26 schools there. There are vi in Cork, three in Limerick. There is one in each Galway, Waterford, Bray, Dundalk and Drogheda. Early Start implements the Aistear framework in effort to enhance the boilersuit development of fresh children and to prevent school failure by trying to counteract the effects of social disadvantages. Pre-schools for traveller Children Up to recently funding was provided for a number of pre-schools that catered for specifically traveller children who might not otherwise have been able to avail of a pre-school year. However, since the introduction of the Free Pre-School Year Programme in 2010, all children can avail of one years free pre-school, so there is no longe r separated provision for Traveller children. Pre-Schools for Children with picky call for Local Health Officers and/or voluntary bodies provide services for vernal children with severe or profound disabilities. Services are provided in specialised centres around the country and are generally run by clinical director and staffed by nurses with an intellectual disability qualification, ECEC trained teachers and a good deal therapists.While pre-school children in Ireland do not have a specific right to education, they are entitled to certain health services that are tie in to education. The Health Service Executive (HSE) is responsible for providing psychological services and lecturing and language therapy services for pre-school children with disabilities who are assessed as needing these services. Assessments of children under 5 are carried out under the assessment of need provisions of the Disability operation 2005. The Visiting Teachers Service ofthe Department of Educ ation and Skills (DES) provides a service to new-fangled children with visual and /or hearing im correspondment, from the age of 2. There are a small number of pre-school class units for children with autistic spectrum disorder. These unites are some measure machine-accessible to primary schools. There are also a number of ABA schools in Ireland. These schools cater for children with autism by using a specific method of educational activity called Applied Behavioural Analysis.Parent and Toddler Groups These are informal groups where babies and toddlers go with their parents to meet other babies, toddlers and parents. They are aimed at providing play and socialisation opportunities for children and usually take place in settings such as community centres or parents homes. Parent and Toddler groups are supported by Early Childhood Ireland. Full-Time Services Creches, Day Care Centres and accommodateries These terms are utilize to describe services offering full-time care and education for babies and children. Services are usually provided for children aged 6 months to school going age. childcare regulations state that the adult-baby ratio must not exceed 13 this ratio increases to 15 for babies over 12 months. Because of this many a(prenominal) settings will not accept children less than 12 months. Many facilities also offer afterschool care and/or homework clubs for primary school children. This means that creches, day care centres and nurseries now cater for children aged 6 months to 12 years. While most(prenominal) full-time services are privately owned and funded by parental fees, a small number are government funded, i. e. community creches. Some large employers and also many of the larger colleges and universities provide creche facilities at subsidised rates for their staff and students.These usually operate a long day (8am-6pm) to facilitate working parents. Some city creches open as early as 6am. Family Day Care/ Childminding This is th e most general form of ECEC service in Ireland. According to Childminding Ireland (2012) approximately 70% of children in out of home settings are cared for in this way. It is estimated that there 37,900 childminders working in Ireland today. (National childcare Strategy 2006) Childminders who care for three or fewer children are exempt from the childcare (Pre-School).Regulations 2006 however they are encouraged to register voluntarily with their local Childminder Advisory Officer (CMO) , whose name and contact details are available through the local City/ County Childcare Committee (CCC) Under the Childcare Act 1991 , childminders caring for more than three pre-school children are needful to register with the HSE . However many not do so. All childminders whether registered or not are encouraged to follow the National Guidelines for Childminders, which were published by the Minister for Children in 2006 and updated in 2008. Recent government initiatives had tried to regulat e their services.These initiatives have tried to regulate this area by offering a number of different incentives to childminders who register their services. These incentives include training by CCCs fiscal support like childminding development grant 1000 euro and capital grants 75,000, and value exemptions childminders can earn up to 15,000 per year tax free. If childminders register, they are include on the CCC list of registered providers. This can be a utile way of advertising childminding services, since many new parents look to the list of registered providers when investigate childcare options. Occupations within the Childcare Sector Nursery nurses.These practitioners provide care for children in day or residential nurseries, childrens homes, maternity unites and similar establishments. Related job titles include creche serve wellant and nursery nurse. Playgroup leaders These practitioners deliver and facilitate play opportunities for children in a age range of formal and informal settings, including play groups, play schemes, free play locations and after-school(prenominal) activities. Related job titles include play leader and playgroup assistant. Educational /Special requires Assistants These practitioners assist teachers or relieve them of a variety of non-teaching duties. descent titles include classroom garter, education care officer, non-teaching assistant , school doer and special needs assistant. Childcare manager/supervisor These practitioners discover that the care and education of the children is being maintained at all times. They take care of any issues that arise and they are in direct contact with parents. They are responsible for the day-to-day running of the childcare facility. This role requires childcare qualifications well experienced in the area. The role also requires excellent interpersonal and organisation skills and the ability to manage a team of employees.Montessori teacher These practitioners ensure expeditious day-to-day running of a Montessori education setting. They follow Montessori guidelines regarding the education of young children. They present different exercises to children using the Montessori materials and they practise observation on a first-string basis. Other childcare and related occupations There are many other childcare practitioners who perform a variety of domestic activities in the day-to-day care of children.They supervise and participate in childrens play, educational and other activities. Related job titles include childminder, nanny and au pair City/County Childcare Committees (CCCs) There are 33 City/County Childcare Committees that were established in 2001 to encourage and facilitate the development of childcare locally. They provide information and advice on setting up your own business in the childcare sector, training courses for people interested in working in the childcare sector and useful information for parents about local childcare facilities. In Bu dget 2006, the Irish government announced the establishment of the National Childcare Investment Programme 2006-2010 (NCIP), which succeeded the previous earlier Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme.City/County Childcare Committees are open to members of public who wish to take hold for grant assistance and support information under the National Childcare Investment Programme. Public Health Nurse The public Health Nurse is employed by the HSE. Their role is to serve the community with a range of healthcare services they are also registered general nurses. They are based within the community and will cover certain local areas. They may visit schools. They may visit the elderly people who require help to dress a wound.They also visit newborn babies and their mothers within six-week period of them being discharged from hospital. Public Health Nurses engage in unfluctuating contact with GPs, hospitals and other healthcare providers about a patient in their care. This will e nsure that other healthcare providers have up to date knowledge so they can ensure best practice. Special Needs Assistants Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) are employed to facilitate learners with a disability related to education. SNAs may work in a special or mainstream school either on a part or full-time basic. They take on a non-teaching role and are always under the supervision of the class teacher. An SNA may help a child to get on and off buses.They may also help with feeding and toileting. SNAs are required to have an appropriate qualification to work as a special needs assistant. Primary Teachers Primary teachers are qualified are qualified to teach the primary school curriculum to children aged 4-12. Primary school teachers have a number of important roles. They ensure the social and academic development of the children in their care. They plan and deliver lessons within the primary school curriculum and they have standard interaction with parents and guardians. Educa tional Psychologists.The role of educational psychologist is to assess the needs of children and young people who have problems relating to behaviour, erudition and/or social /emotional development. This may be done by observing and/or interviewing the child. The appropriate methods of service the child will be established e. g. different therapies, steering or acquire support programmes. Educational psychologists work in many different settings, within schools, the HSE, private practices and third level institutions.Family Support players The Family Support Worker Service offers practical and emotional support to families if it is required. The aim of this service is to ensure where possible that children remain with their families. This service also offers home-based support to families for a certain number of hours per week. The support service includes parenting skills, information on diet, nutrition and healthcare, budgeting and family finance, and reliance and person al development. If the family support worker has concerns regarding the family, they will report this information to a social worker.Social Workers The Social Worker in childcare services can work in four main areas child protection, child placement, child and adolescent psychiatry, and family support. Social workers often work with families and individuals that require support with a number of problems such as emotional, social, psychiatric and behavioural. They may also work with individuals and their families on a regular basis regarding issues such as child abuse and domestic violence. Childcare Organisations and Non-governmental Agencies Barnardos Barnardos childrens charity delivers a variety of services and work in termination proximity with children and their families depending on their specific needs.The aim is to promote family learning and development and, therefore, to enhance the families overall wellbeing. Barnardos strives to give children positive childhood expe riences. If a childs learning and development, and his or her emotional wellbeing is successfully and measurably improved through our work. Then the childs ability to benefit from life opportunities and manage life challenges will be improved and therefore, the path of his or her life will be changed for the better. Barnardos aims to improve government laws, policies and procedure across all areas that affect childrens lives.They do this to ensure that the knowledge and experience they understand through working with children and their families in areas such as education and health is heard at government level. They also engage in regular political meetings with government and opposition parties and relevant policy makers. There are a number of ways in which people can learn about the work of Barnardos. Internet, posters, media interviews and articles. Barnardos offers services across three stages of child development Children aged 0-5 (best start) Children aged 6-12 (best chance) Children and young people aged 13-18 (best choice).Barnardos may work with a childs family in order for the child to experience a quick-witted family life with good relationships with parents and siblings. This work include Providing group sessions with parents and children to practise skills such as listening and problem solving skills. Providing help and advice to parents in different areas like challenging behaviour. Engaging with children of different ages on reverent and often sensitive issues e. g. a family affected by alcohol misuse Providing a guardian ad litem a person who is qualified and experienced in working with children that are involved in family law proceedings.This service gives children involved an independent voice in court. This person can speak on behalf of the child and explain what their particular wishes are. The guardian ad litem works in conjunction with the childs family at all times. Providing an origin trace service, this is especially for people who spent some or all of their childhood growing up in an Irish industrial school. This confidential service provides them with the necessary assistance in finding information relating to their relatives. Staffs who deliver this service are highly trained.Providing a confidential post adoption service for adults such as a helpline or e-mail service for accept family and adopted family members. A mediation service is available for people who were foster and have come in contact with birth relatives and want to set about correspondence. There are training and support meetings for parents who have adopted children from miscellaneous countries outside of Ireland. The service may also be useful for adoptive parents to discuss any questions they may have about their adult adoptive child seeking birth relatives. Barnardos provide a range of parenting programmes and talks.These are designed for parents of children of every age 0-18. These programmes can offer support to parents in m anaging their childs needs and understanding their child. Topics will be selected to name and address the needs of parents and their childs stage of development. Teen parent programmes are another important part of the work Barnardos do. In these programmes, Barnardos works in careful collaboration with teenage parents both male and female, together with their children to assist them with advice on financial /educational support. Services Provided to the Community Barnardos works with children in disadvantaged areas. They provide many services, including the following. Early Years/Tus Maith Service These are programmes suitable for children aged 0-5.The main principle is to support children and to manage alteration into primary school. This programme works using the HeighScope approach, where children have direct experiences based on their own interests and ideas, along with a programme called REDI programme (research based, developmentally informed) Friendship group Barnardos realise the importance of children having friends particularly friends of their own age . Therefore they offer a friendship group which facilitates children in learning the necessary skills to establish genuine and meaningful relationships. These friendship groups are typically suited for children aged 6-9 .Each group is made up of six children and two staff who meet every week for two hours over the period of a week. Vetting service Barnardos provides a vetting service that assists in the impact of Garda vetting applications for a number of groups/organisations that are not directly registered with the Garda Vetting Unit. This is at the demand of and in collaboration with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) Wizard of Words.Barnardos provides a service known as Wizard of Words (WoW). The programme is a paired literacy improvement programme. It is suitable for children in first and second class in primary school. The programme is delivers one-to-one tuition wit h older volunteers during school time and on the school premises. The trained volunteers who are typically 55 and over meet with children who have been nominated by the teacher, three times a week during school hours. The volunteers provide reading supports in the implementing of the programme, monitors progress and ensures that the programme is run effectively.WoW is currently hosted in eight schools in Dublin and Limerick. Training and consultancy Barnardos offers training to childcare professionals, parents and all people that work in the childcare area. The training given is within the important circumstance of Siolta , the National Quality Framework . Bereavement counselling Barnardos has bereavement counselling service for children and young people who have lost someone close to them. They try and help them through the grieving process and give them the fortune to talk. Counsellors are based in Cork and Dublin, but work with children from across the country.Childminding Ireland Childminding Ireland aims to promote quality childminding as a benefit form of non-parental care for children of all ages, from infancy to school age. Childminding Ireland explains that childminders are dedicated to offering eternal care in small, home like settings in which children are most comfortable. Childminding Ireland, as the National Association, is committed to promoting the development of quality in family based care for children by providing a range of services for childminders, promoting Siolta quality standards, development of local childminding networks (www. Ireland has a number of objectives in relation to childcare. They aim to erect high-quality ECEC standards for children and ensure that all their development needs are met Support and sack childminders and parents in the area of ECEC Maintain a code of standards for family-based care for children foster the recognition of childminding as a positive care facility f or young children. Childminding Ireland strives to ensure that their knowledge is heard at government level they have direct contact with the Minister for Children and the officials who design policies that are direct.
INTRODUCTION Cipla Limited is an Indian pharmaceutical familiarity, Founded by nationalist Indian scientist Khwaja Abdul Hamied as The Chemical, Industrial &038 Pharmaceutical Laboratories . Cipla laid foundations for the Indian pharmaceutical industry way affirm in 1935 with the vision to make India self-reliant and independent in healthcargon. Legacy of innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit ingrained by the founder, Dr. K. A Hamied and propounded by the present Chairman and Managing Director, Dr. Yusuf Khwaja Hamied .Over the noncurrent 77 years, Cipla has emerged as one of the most respected pharmaceutical names non unless in India but worldwide. The attach to? s headquarter is in Mumbai, India. Cipla produces one of the widest chain of fruits and dosage forms in the world today, boththing from metered-dose inhalers, pre-filled syringes, trans-dermal spray patches, lyophilized injections, nasal sprays, checkup devices, and thermo labile foams. The guild R make upue is somewhat 6977million and turn all over is around 1 billion. Cipla? Business model is based on international strategic alliances and counselling on pursuing organic developing while reducing pileus commitment and regulatory/litigation risks. Cipla makes doses to treat cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, weight control, first and many an other(a)(prenominal) other health conditions, and its products are distributed in virtually every country of the world. And probably surpass-known forthside its home country for pioneering the comprise of low-cost anti-AIDS drugs for HIV-positive patients in developing countries.It has played a similarly orotund role in expanding access to drugs to fight influenza, respiratory disease and dealcer. Cipla has over 34 state-of-the-art manufacturing units which receive been approved by various Ministries of health and Regulatory Authorities like US FDA, WHO, MCC -South Africa, MHRAUK, TGA-Australia among others. In addition, Cip la? s manufacturing facilities are GCMP compliant in conformity with national and international standards. With over 2000 products in 65 therapeutic areas, Cipla? product portfolio comprises of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(APIs), Formulations for Human and fleshly Healthcare and OTC products. Cipla has the technological powers of manufacturing products in most dosage forms crossways therapeutic categories, which offers the company a unique competitive advantage. Cipla has earned a name for maintaining world-class quality across all its products and services. With the dedication of its 20,000 employees, Cipla continues to support, amend and save millions of lives with its high-quality drugs and innovative devices and is focused towards its commitment.Cipla won Chemexcil Award excellence for exports in 1980, wins National award for successful commercialization of publicity funded R&038D in 1988. Cipla received the Thomson Reuters India Innovation Award in 2012. VISION Cipla st arted with a vision to build a healthy India MISSSION OF THE COMPANY To make the aliveness of the patients better. CIPLA RESEARCH &038 DEVELOPMENT CIPLA? S research capabilities are extensive, from Chemical Synthesis, spoken communication Systems and Medical Devices to Process Engineering, Animal Health Products, Neutraceuticals and Biotechnology.Today, across 170 countries, on that point are millions of patients who get to use a Cipla product to pr plaint, to cure, or for embossment from suffering. In their cure and relief lies th e ultimate intent of what they do. At Cipla, this has been the driving force behind continuous require for quality. The company strive not just to bring international specifications, but to exceed, to excel, to meet what they call the Cipla benchmark. In fact, they have set standards for the world to follow and have contributed to more than 125 monographs in the last 15 years to British,European, US and international pharmacopoeia. Today companies from around the world seek strategic alliances with Cipla for product development, technical support and foodstuffplaceing. In a small way, the company even help countries set up their pharmaceutical infrastructure and train their professionals, contribute to their quest for self-reliance just the way they began healing India, seven decades ago. equally inspiring has been Cipla? s fight against asthma. They partnered with the medical fraternity to shatter myths, blossom out awareness and empowered asthma patients to lead a fuller life.The company have the worlds largest range of asthma medication and livery systems. This relentless commitment to asthma inspired to set up the dressing table Research Foundation. It? s one of the some Institutes in the world that? s dedicated to clinical and allied research in the field of continuing Respiratory Diseases. CHANGES In the past few years, Cipla has ex dislodged its strategy in a number of areas from region, to product to huma n resources to prevent a future meltdown from eroding margins. Till now, the names Cipla and Yusuf Hamied have been virtually inter wobbleable.After all, Hamied was the one who rank the generic drug company onto the world map when he provided many health care systems in developing countries with cheaper versions of unaffordable AIDS drugs, making crying icons out of himself and his company . Today, however, Hamied is no longer steering the drug master on a daily basis and Cipla, meanwhile, is engineering a heartsease revolution on its own attracting outside talent, which it has never through forrader and venturing into new territory in order to avoid an existential crisis when the letters patent drop expires in a few years.Simply put, the company has begun a quest for a growth trajectory that will generate sustainable wampum in the future. While we may call it a transformation,? it is a just and justifiable extension or next step to their current strengths The reassign is required to open new avenues of growth for the company, and not lose out on opportunities that come with a shelf life, particularly the patent cliff in 2012-17, for both small molecules and biologics, says Aashish Mehra, managing director, Strategic Decision Group.Cipla? s repenny reconceptualisation has boosted its stock price from Rs 317 in June to Rs 395 in September. Marketing itself Perhaps the biggest change in the company? s strategy is the jettisoning of its focus on volumeled growth and a shift to an inorganic, profitability-focused one. A key indication of this is the company? s willingness to move on to the front-end in developed markets like the US, where, so far, it has operated generally through partners for sales and distribution of its products.Recently, Cipla started filing applications aggressively with the US nutriment and Drugs Administration (USFDA), seeking approval for its own generic products, which it plans to market on its own while assembling a separ ate sales aggroup there. The move is aimed at getting more value for products and technology, says Cipla Director S Radhakrishnan in an interaction with Business Standard. This is a laudable move, say analysts, in a company that had the potential, but, it was so far unrealised. Over the last few years, while all of Cipla? peers have grown primarily on the back of their success in the US market, Cipla had adopted a seemingly haywire strategic decision to limit its exposure to this market, says a recent distinguish on Cipla by IDFC Securities. Given Cipla? s extensive product repertoire, prove R&038D capabilities and extensive manufacturing network, we believe it has all the ingredients to succeed in the US market despite its relatively late entry, it adds. (Ciplas changing landscape) The change in strategy is not limited to just the US and other developed markets.The company is in addition actively planning joint ventures and even acquisitions to strengthen its position in key m arkets like Turkey, Morocco, Brazil and Nigeria. However, company insiders suggest that transformation does not necessarily mean a neck departure from its present approach. The spirit of the company cannot change, at least not entirely. We will continue with our basic mantra of low-cost drug making, says the Cipla official. We are also looking at consolidation with partners as one of the options in virtually key markets, he adds.This can probably explain what Cipla has recently done in China. In order to streamline investments there, the company has rejigged its business in order to focus more on its core areas. While the drug maker has exited a significant part of its investment in Chinese partner Desano Holdings, it has ploughed part of the funds into specific units that manufacture biosimilars and street corner active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The quest for higher margins An imminent revolution can be seen in Cipla? s product portfolio.The company is gradually duty p eriod focus to high-margin products, such as oncology drugs and inhalers from tender-based anti-retroviral medicines. No surprise as to why it is doing so its margins are slated to halve themselves from 21. 3 per cent in FY10 to an estimated 11. 9 per cent in FY14. According to Mehra, Cipla may perhaps be best known outside India by its landmark low-priced, anti-HIV products, but, it also needs to channelize adjust markets with quality products, across segments. Cipla should rightly be proud of its visualize of being a low-cost drug maker? ut the anti-retrovirals had been quite a low-margin for Cipla, and changing the product mix towards more high-value products, such as the inhalers for the regulated markets, would help shore up margins, says Mehra. Praful Bohra, senior analyst at Nirmal fire Securities, says two years ago, the contribution from anti-retroviral drugs was 20-25 per cent while today, it has fallen to 15 per cent. According to analysts, the falling margins in a nti-retroviral drugs due to tough competition from multinational, as well as domestic companies has triggered the shift towards new avenues.Regional shift The rationalization can also be viewed through the export contribution from variant geographies. According to the IDFC report, contribution of Africa which is primarily a tender business market to total exports declined from 42 per cent in the financial year 2010-11 to 40 per cent in 2011-12, with absolute sales remaining flat, year-on-year. In contrast, the theatrical role of Europe and Australasia grew from 26 per cent in financial year 2010-11 to 30 per cent in 201112 with sales growing at 32 per cent and 18 per cent, respectively.Cipla also plans to increase its focus on domestic markets, with opening of its offerings in new therapeutic segments, such as oncology and neuropsychiatry. The company is the market leader in key therapeutic areas, such as respiratory care, anti-viral and urological Cipla plans to focus on growi ng its market share and sales by increasing penetration in the Indian market, especially in plain areas, a recent report by Angel Broking said. The company? s distribution network in India consists of a field force of around 7,000 employees. The company? new offerings would also include biosimilars, especially those in the oncology, anti-asthmatic and anti-arthritis categories. They already have the pipeline in place (Avastin, Herceptin, Enbrel, among others), and would benefit from having the commercial whole tone in regulated markets at the earliest, points Mehra. Cipla has already invested $165 million in India and China to acquire facilities and build new ones for its foray. The company? s meshing in the first quarter of the financial year 2012-13 have begun to base the potential of these initiatives.During the financial quarter ended June 2011, the company? s stark(a) margin expanded by 490 bps, year-on-year, to 61. 8 per cent, mainly on reckon of a better product mix, wh ich had lower proportion of anti-retroviral in verbalism exports and higher proportion of domestic formulation sales. Strengthening of the balance sail has been a key focus area for Cipla in the last few years and the benefits of concentrated efforts are clearly visible, says Nitin Agarwal of IDFC. People Possibly the biggest gas pedal of the change that Cipla is going through is because of a radical new strategy regarding focus hires. Cipla has traditionally not been aggressive about hiring senior management personnel from outside the organisation. However, there seems to be a clear change in strategy on this front, reflective of the transformation underway into a more aggressive unit, says Agarwal in the report. According to Bohra, this also reflects increasing professionalism in the company, which is also essential to surviving cut-throat competition in the industry. Over the past year, Cipla has hired people in the key functions of finance, international business and strateg y, from competitors such as Lupin and Dr Reddy? . In July, Cipla announced the hiring of Frank Peters (ex-Teva and GSK) to head its respiratory business and the European Union region. Also, two Hamied scions Kamil (31) and Samina (36), children of Yusuf Hamied? s brother M K Hamied are on Cipla? s senior management team up since 2010 and 2011, respectively. Analysts see this as an attempt to address key investor concerns on episode planning. These are key moves that were long overdue for a company that is so far to harness its full potential.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Develop Road Safety Culture
Transportation is one of the basic things that good deal use and need in their everyday lives. We use different modes of exile like airplanes, trains, boats, cars, and motorcycles. But the most abundant and comm lonesome(prenominal) used of these be the cars, buses, and motorcycles. This is the reason why on that point are a lot of vehicular accidents that happen every day. It may be caused by a drop of discipline of the driver, refusal to stick traffic rules, or poor infrastructure. Vehicular accidents usu anyy lead to injuries or even death.However, there are traffic laws that may prevent these kinds of accidents to happen, but it is still up to the driver to follow these rules. any day when we open the newspaper we read about many track accidents. Millions of muckle nowadays are killed of accidents. But did anybody try to analyse the reasons of this salutary problem? How to avoid this much of accident every day? Who is creditworthy for it? How mickle we manage to dec rease the danger & effects of these accidents? How corporation we ramp up a system where the thoroughfare sanctuary culture can easily inherit? Simply its by understanding our road safeguard rule regulations.The only solution to avoid these kinds of problems is to have a road recourse culture in general heap so that they follow the Safety rules and obey the laws of Traffics. Many people are not breeding about road safety at their schools. In my opinion, I go across that we must educate our children in young ages about road safety how to safe ourselves when we are walking in the road. Many of our children go to schools by foot when their schools are not far away from their houses. This is not only the teachers responsibility as well as their parents responsibility too.Apart of this the Government likewise has too look very deeply into the roads infrastructure and creates the different lines as per the category of the vehicle and Zebra crossing with the attendants who will help barren people to cross the roads. I understand that nobody want to reach an accident in his life. And nobody wants anyone to charge up him. In my opinion there are two major reasons for this high trope of accidents, press forward carelessness. So we must advise drivers to drive on the limits of the local roads accuse them or their families when the reason of accident was because of high speed driving.Drivers must be well educated regarding road safety what to do what not to do. This is as well not enough to control the speed, Government need to take a strict action about this to create a low that the people should fear to drive very fast or beyond the speed limit. Normally once the License if granted to one person that is binding for next 15 years, but I think it should be trim down to 5 Years and after 5 Years he has to enforce again the written and driving test for the renewal of the Licenses. Many people are killed, left seriously injured incapacitated for life. Why?Because many teenagers drive without license, drives fast careless regarding this issue, talking over phone magical spell driving, non-maintained vehicle or drunk. All the signals at least should have CCTV cameras so that is any one breaks the signals can capture by Camera. RF IDs should be installed in every car so that by the help of speed indicator the speed and the details of the car can be captured easily. Huge number of the Traffic control Cops need to be appointing so that before sentiment of breaking any traffic rules any one can fool the appearance of the cops withal to punish.These are the least not last track safety tricks we just need to remember whatever we learnt and follow these rules and I think to make a Culture to follow the Road safety rules Media, campaign, Education system and the strict rules can help us to develop and a Road Safety Culture in Modern era. If we all contribute to create a society where everyone just follow the rules and also hel p others to follow Road safety rules then very currently I think a Culture will automatically develop and which will automatically inherit to our children.
Monday, January 14, 2019
The Honor Code
This course pass on survey the significant events, person-to-personities, and changes in military personal matters that occurred between the colonial period and the present day. scholarly persons argon expected to chain of mountains complex theories and ideas pertaining to the interpretation of American Military History. Requirements Students atomic number 18 required to discover all classes and are expected to keep up with the assigned readings. Students are in like manner expected to return quadruplet graded makeup assignments and go in on four discussion days.Finally, each scholarly person is expected to double-dyed(a) an in-class mid-term and a concluding examination held during the Universitys prescribed examination day. Grade segmentation Writing Assignments 30% (1 0% each) Final Project 15% interlocking 5% Mid-term 25% Final Exam 25% Writing assignments Students forget install one-third typed chemical re practiseion melodic themes, each 3-5 pages (750 to 1,200 words) in length, in response to three assigned ledgers. These assignments are due on February 3, March 3, and April 7. They pass on be in response to J. K.Martins and Edward Lenders A Respectable Army, P divergey Gaminesss and Grady Machinerys Attack and Die, and Robert Lessees Helmet for My Pillow. TO put one over a high grade, each disciple moldiness demonstrate four things First, each student moldiness concisely and accurately explain the criminal records key melody. Since Lessees book is a memoir, there lead non be an argument as such, but a central theme. Identify the central theme. ) res publica the thesis understandably in the first paragraph. Second, each student must sum the evidence or examples utilized by the author.Third, each student must offer an analytical critique of the book. (This means critiquing the scholarship, non the authors writing style). Fourth, students must call down their sources, and to do this, they must use footnotes or endnotes. (For supporter in the right(a) format, see http//press. Chicago. Deed/books/turban/ turban_acidification. HTML. ) Emailed cover lead not be accepted. Late papers will not be accepted except in the case of emergencies, and in case of those emergencies, students must provide proof that the emergency situation occurred.Final Project. On April 28, students will submit a concluding project paper, 7-10 pages (1 , 750 to 2,500 words) in length. Read the final book assigned to this course, Craig Mulligans The Unforgiving Minute, and write a critical review of it. rive to the guidelines described in the section on Wavering assignments. However, in explaining Analyses argument, your final project must do two additional things. First, it must clearly define the unforgiving minute. What did Manually mean by this phrase?Second, this paper must identify, in your own opinion, the five most important moments in Analyses military education. What five moments most well-prepared him for combat ? Students must appropriately cite their sources. (Use the Chicago Manual of Style-?see http//press. Chicago. Deed/books/TU proper citation format. ) Emailed papers will not be accepted. Late papers will not be accepted. Participation On February 3, March 3, April 7, and April 28, students are expected to have read the books assigned for those days.They are expected to participate in an unceremonial discussion of the material with their classmates and teacher. Non-participation in these discussions may result in a 0% for each students participation grade. Mid-term On March 5, students will carry an in-class mid-term. Students must bring a blue book to class to submit their response. Responses not written in a blue book will not be accepted. Anal Students will take a final examination on April 30. Students must bring a blue book to the exam to submit their response. Responses not written in a lee(prenominal) book will not be accepted.Final Grades Final Grades are earn according to the following point system. A Conduct Students should remain urbane and respectful at all times. Students must also adhere to the Universitys principles of donnish integrity-?the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest, and responsible manner. All students should act with personal integrity, respect different students dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts. Dishonesty of either(prenominal) kind will not be tolerated in this course.Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, popularizing, fabricating information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unlicenced possession of examinations, submitting dissemble of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. one-time(a) Dominion University adheres to an Honor Code. The Honor Code applies to all w ork done for this class. Any violation of the code, even one as claw as the accidental omission of quotation marks, will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question. plagiarism in any(prenominal) form is not acceptable. Any student who violates the rules specified below will receive a zero for the assignment in question, perhaps a failing grade for the course, and may be subject to disciplinary treat by the university. For more information, please consult http//al. Odd. Deed/al/ resources/undergrad. SHTML. 1 What is plagiarism? antiquated Dominions Catalog defines plagiarism as follows A student will have committed plagiarism if he or she reproduces person elses work without acknowledging its source or if a source is cited which the student has not cited or used.Examples of plagiarism include submitting a research paper obtained from a commercial research service, the Internet, or from another student as if it were trustworthy work making simple changes to borrowe d materials while leaving the organization, content, or language intact or copying material from a source, supplying proper documentation, but leaving out quotation marks. Plagiarism also occurs in a root word project if one or more of the members of the group does none of the groups work and participates in none of the groups activities, but attempts to take impute for the work Of the group. 2)Hints for vacateing Plagiarism a) More than three words copied in instalment is plagiarism. This is ordinarily a good yardstick to use when wondering whether or not quotes are appropriate they are, if you are copying more than three words in sequence that are not part of a common phrase (e. G. up-to-date). B) When in doubt, cite If you have any doubt about whether or not to cite a source, err on the side of making the attribution. C) Look away. When you are writing, do not have open books or papers in front of you as you type. Read your sources, and then put what you have read into your own words. Avoid Internet sources. The Internet is a fantastic resource and search engines are terrific research tools. But what you find on the Internet was written by someone it is their intellectual property. Also, when it comes to history, many internet sites can factually incorrect. There is no supervision to prevent amateurs from posting erroneous interpretations of history. If you absolutely must cite Internet wind vane sites, you must cite the web address, and if you use a quote, use appropriate quotation procedures. E) Paraphrasing is more than changing a verb tense or reordering a list.Essentially, paraphrasing is used to summarize another authors text. A paraphrased passage must be cited. F) Use a Style Guide. Purchase a style guide and refer to it. Your instructor may suggest one that is specific to an academic discipline. You may also ask a reference librarian for recommendations. 3) The High Cost of Plagiarism Plagiarism can ruin your reputation and cost you your pr ofessional career, along with the respect of your peers. Plagiarism at Old Dominion University is an act of academic dishonesty that has serious consequences.Note that plagiarism is pacifically covered in the Old Dominion Honor Pledge. Refer to the Student Handbook and the Office of Student Affairs for details about sanctions and penalties for this behavior. Disability Access Statement Old Dominion University encourages qualified people with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities and is committed to the form _or_ system of government that all people shall have equal access to programs, facilities, and admissions without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by university policy or by state or federal authorities.
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