Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Normative and Felt Needs Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Normative and Felt Needs Assessment - Essay Example Unfortunately, these habits are taking their toll on the bodies and the minds of people and they are becoming victim of many chronic diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is one of those diseases which is caused by unhealthy lifestyle. The study of the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus shows that if people take care of their lifestyle and become aware of causes of this disease, they can prevent getting Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. It is high time that everyone should be made aware of this disease. Type 2 Diabetes mellitus can be defined as a â€Å"group of metabolic diseases characterized and diagnosed by a chronic elevation of blood glucose (hyperglycaemia) that results from defects in insulin section secretion, insulin action or both. This may be accompanied by a variety of disturbances of carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism†(Levene 2003, p.7). Type 2 diabetes is also called as ‘lifestyle disease’ as it is caused by consumption of unhealthy food and leading a physically inactive life (What is type 2 diabetes?, n.d.). The important thing to be noted about Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is that because it often shows no strong physical symptoms, it remains undetected for number of years. Only when a person suffers from some strong signs like a heart attack or vision problem does he/she realizes that he/she might be sufferin from the disease (What is type 2 diabetes?, n.d.). The lack of strong and specific physical symptoms has made it difficult for this disease to be detected. This has made it more important to make people aware about Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Type 2 Diabetes mellitus has a hereditary tendency and this maybe because of the lifestyle habits
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Supply Chain in A Brick and Mortar Environment Essay Example for Free
The Supply Chain in A Brick and Mortar Environment Essay The trading of company stock to the public has been going on for many, many years. Over the years the supply chain for buying and selling equity stock has changed with innovations in technology. Today, the old brick and mortar environment of equity trading is being replaced by virtual trading through websites like Ameritrade, E-Trade, and Trade Station. Brick and MortarWhen a privately held company needs money to expand their business, quite often they choose to sell part of the company through a public stock offering. To facilitate this process an investment banker is most often involved helping value the company and determine the price of each share of stock. Once the value of each share of stock is determined and the amount of funds needed by the company are complete, the investment banker forms a syndicate of broker/dealers who take on the responsibility of either purchasing all the shares of stock the company has to offer or to help sell in an initial public offering. The investment banker and syndicate members receive a concession for each share of stock sold. For example, if one share of stock is being offered at a price of one dollar, the investment banker and syndicate may split a 20 cent concession for their efforts. The process in which the stock is offered to investors prior to the development of the Internet was generally through brokers calling investors via the telephone. Another common way was the actual store front or office of a broker/dealer where individual investors could actually walk into an office and purchase new stock offerings directly. These offices were branch offices of a much larger firm like Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Charles Schwab who might have been members of the offering syndicate. Brick and MortarSupply ChainIn the apparel industry there are several specific methods of the supply chain as it relates to the classic brick and mortar environment and one method really does not have a benefit over the other. The first method of discussion for the classic supply chain is the direct supply method where a company will make direct contact with its material suppliers to place orders; the supplier will then make arrangements to ship the material to the specified destination. This method generally takes a great deal of coordination on the purchasers parts because they may many different parts for many different department so generally it would require a very expensive staff to ensure that the ordering is performed properly. The second method would be for a company to utilize an outside source to perform their purchasing and materials for manufacturing. This is a very effective method which allows a company to basically wash its hands of the entire supply chain process and holding the specialized company accountable for properly handling the purchase and ensuring accuracy. The down side is that it is very expensive to employ and outside company, this method can also not be feasible for many small brick and mortar companies. Web Site Supply ChainThe supply chain in a web site environment for an apparel company is much simpler then a tradition supply chain in many cases. The supply chain for these companies includes the purchasing of materials or finished products from other sources and creating a finished product sold under the familiar names of these companies. The use of the internet allows the goods to be purchased more efficiently then they were before. It also allows for a considerable financial savings in many cases. This is due to simplifying the whole process of procurement for the companies. They can now deal with these suppliers electronically from places all over the world. Wherever they can find the best deals for what it is they need. Orders are processed much faster this way and products can then be shipped out sooner then they would be traditionally. This allows the companies to move the products much quicker then they would ever have been able to using traditional methods. The result is larger profits for them and for the suppliers. Much of that is due to the better turn around. With the process being shortened, what is in demand can be procured in less time and sold to the customers that demand it. Supply Chain ModificationFor most brick and mortar type businesses they rely on customers actually coming into their stores to buy the goods they are looking for. However, with the advent of e-business and it success, it is harder to get people to come to these stores so they are now either going out of business or starting their own online services or e-Businesses. This has caused many to move out of traditional spaces and into warehouses where they can store mass quantities of products and have fewer people on the payroll thus cutting costs. This also serves as a means to get more people interested in these companies as more and more people are finding it difficult or to time consuming to stand in lines for what can be hours just to buy a few things in a store with only a few registers running, this is also done to cut costs but in the long run it only serves to hurt business as people eventually get tired of the same old treatment and will go somewhere they will get fast friendly service. In many cases these customers will go to the internet versions of these same stores and get the same items delivered to their homes rather than go to these stores. For the companies previously mentioned they were for the most part off-sets from actual brick and mortar type businesses, the only exception is pyramid collection as they started as an e-business and have done quite well given their relatively small size and classification. As more and more traditional businesses are seeing market shares slip away to e-businesses, and their efforts to hold onto customers are not terribly successful. Many of these brick-and-mortars compete only with prices without regard to the level of service that consumers want. They undercut not only their online rivals, but also themselves, and their services are not financially sustainable. The best way to compete would be to take an honest look at the user experience, which is something most brick-and-mortars never do. E-businesses and traditional businesses alike could look to market leaders for solutions to their customer service shortcomings. A brick and mortar business has been the tradition for many years. As technology has become more advanced, e-business has had the opportunity to emerge into the market. It helps to save consumers time if not money all the time. By choosing to shop online, shipping charges are attached to all purchases, which brick and mortar companies do not have. The trade off has been shipping charges for a hassle free shopping experience. With e-business, a consumer can miss traffic, long lines at check outs and congestion of other shoppers. Brick and mortar companies will not go away as they are still a needed part of the consumer market. These companies need to focus on how to get the customers back into their businesses and offline. The choice between e-business and brick and mortar businesses are determined by what consumers consider the advantage of their shopping experience. All business revolves around the consumer.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
My Experiences at Medsim :: Papers
My Experiences at Medsim They were all there. All two hundred of them, all having the same ambition as me, wanting so very badly to be a doctor. Nottingham University was the setting for this union of prospective medics and I was there, trying to be part of the crowd. Eyes throughout the lecture hall flickered up sharply and scanned the room with worry as two hundred students measured themselves up against each other. For many of them, and I was included, it was the first time they had been in the same the room as "the competition". The lecture hall hummed with polite conversation as students talked and friendships were made. The excitement built, as the three-day conference was about to start. The lecturer David Graven walked on and welcomed us to Medsim and kicked off the conference, it was Friday afternoon and the first lecture begun, the topic was why we were all here and what we should get out of it. David Graven filled us with inspiration and prepared us for what was to come. After a formal dinner where we were seated with our teams, the people who we were going to be working together with for the next few days, it was back the lecture hall for some essential information for what was about to come. The night ended with all the students going happily to there rooms. The next day started early with a serious set of exams that were voluntary and were set by Charles University, Prague, an international university who were recruiting on Medsim. The exam was later followed by an interview in the evening and if both were satisfactory students
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Beowulf - Pagan or Christian Epic? Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays
Beowulf Pagan or Christian Epic Beowulf: Pagan or Christian Epic? Although the story of Beowulf is filled with references to religion and faith, many discrepancies occur throughout the story that suggest that Beowulf is not a Christian epic. The character of Beowulf frequently speaks to God and obviously believes in His existence. However, pagan practices are mentioned in several places. Beowulf often refers to another being rather than the Christian God. Pagan practices of cremation and blood-drinking are included in the epic. There are also frequent allusions to the power of fate, the motive of blood revenge, and praise of worldly glory. All of these aspects make Beowulf a pagan tale with a few Christian elements. A key pagan reference in Beowulf is the entity Wyrd. â€Å"Now if Wyrd, Ruler of All, will permit, my stout sword will sing its greedy war-song....Wyrd always weaves as it must†. The Christian tradition clearly states the existence of only one supreme entity. It also states that anyone worshipping â€Å"false idols†is subject to punishment. If Beowulf was truly a Christian, he would not call to Wyrd for any type of assistance. One might argue that referring to Wyrd as â€Å"Ruler of All†suggests that this entity is the Christian God. But â€Å"God†is referred to throughout the epic. â€Å"For Grendel bore God’s anger...Mighty God rules mortals forever!†. These are two separate entities that serve different functions throughout the epic. A true Christian tale would not include any other â€Å"God†or all-powerful being rather than the one true God of the Christian teachings. The story also mentions that Hrothgar and his people mak e sacrifices to idols in an attempt to overcome the monster Grendel. â€Å"And so it came to pas... ... wealth. In conclusion, the epic tale of Beowulf is a pagan tale with a pagan hero. Although there are Christian images throughout the tale, the story is clearly pagan in nature. The Beowulf poet portrays the culture and people by separating the main ideas like a prism does with light. Although there are the Christian references surface throughout the tale, a look at the epic as a whole clearly shows its true pagan nature. No matter which end of the spectrum you are looking from, all the ideas prove that pagan concepts and principles prevail over the values of Christianity. It is shown on countless occasions through the material rewards, earthly fame, false idols, and burial practices. In the end, the separated lights in the prism come together and become one. This array of light in Beowulf is ultimately the strong presence of a pagan hero and a pagan culture.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Nike Legal
Nike has experienced many political and legal issues throughout its lifetime. From claims the company has used and continues to use sweatshops, to ties with terrorism, Nike has had a lot to overcome. These issues Nike has faced has shaped their current marketing strategies and led them to become one of the most recognizable brands in the world. The largest political issue Nike has faced was with regards to the sweatshop and child labor scandal.Nike began manufacturing in South Korea and Taiwan in the early 1970s (Carty, 2002). They claimed that the lower production cost from cheaper labor was an irresistible draw. When the economies in those countries began to grow, Nike’s labor cost increased substantially, forcing them to look in other geographical areas to maintain their low cost of production. Nike moved manufacturing into Indonesia, China, and Vietnam (Carty, 2002). In the 1990s, claims of Nike’s inhuman treatment of workers surfaced.Nike was faced with allegations of breaking numerous labor laws, including the forcing of child labor, long hours without overtime, unsafe working conditions, and low wages. Many children worked for over sixteen hours a day for less than one dollar a day (Thottam, 2005). Nike’s initial response to the criticism came from director Todd Mckean, who stated that Nike did not own the companies who broke these labor laws (Thottam, 2005). Mckean was restating the fact that Nike contracted its manufacturing out to several companies, and did not directly oversee the process.Nike responded to these allegations by creating their first Code of Conduct called SHAPE. Shape stands for safety, health, attitude, people, and environment (Bushra, 2012). The code was created with intentions of adhering to standards such as fire safety, minimum wage requirements, and overtime limits, costing Nike approximately ten million dollars a year. Nike is also working with agencies such as the Fair Labor Association, which randomly insp ects any manufacturing company that produces Nike products(Bushra, 2012).Nike ranks the manufacturing plants on a scale of one through one hundred, according to various safety and working condition criteria. If the plant does not score a passing grade, Nike will end contracts with that plant, encouraging all the manufacturing plants that they work with to improve their working conditions (Bushra, 2012). Nike has had to face new laws that affect how they run their marketing campaigns. In the United Kingdom, Nike paid Wayne Rooney to advertise different products through his twitter account. Rooney weeted â€Å"My resolution – to start the year as a champion, and finish it as a champion †¦ #makeitcount gonike. me/makeitcount. †(Furness, 2012). Rooney’s tweet was required to be taken down from twitter by the Advertising Standards Counsel because the tweet did not meet the advertising requirements in the United Kingdom. According to the Advertising Standards Co unsel, the tweet had to identify that the tweet was associated with Nike communications by including a hashtag (Furness, 2012). Nike has also had political forces affect their public image.An Al-Qaeda terrorist group has adapted the slogan just do it to encourage violence. The new terrorism slogan has been name the Nike Order (Dunn, 2010) by British officials, which affects the public view of Nike. Nike has yet to respond to this new trend. Furness, Hannah. Wayne Rooney Remprimanded for Advertising Nike on Twiiter. 20 Jun. 2012. 2 Feb. 2013 . Dunn, Tom Newton. Terrorists Steal Nike Slogan. 4 Nov. 010. 1 Feb. 2013 . Thottam, Jyoti (7 October 2005). â€Å"A New Push Against Sweatshops†. TIME. Retrieved 26 March 2011 3 Carty, Victoria (2002). â€Å"Technology and the Counter-hegemonic Movements: the Case of Nike Corruption†. Social Movement Studies Bushra, Tobah. How Nike Turned Disclosure into an Opportunity. 23 Jan, 2012. 1 Feb, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
German First Names and Their English Equivalents
German First Names and Their English Equivalents Anyone researching names soon becomes aware that, because of spelling variations and other changes, it is often difficult to determine the true origin of a name, particularly family names. Many names were altered (Americanized, anglicized) for various reasons. Just one example: The German last name Schà ¶n (beautiful) became Shane, a change that deceptively hides its German origin. Not all German first or last names have an English equivalent, but many do. We wont bother with obvious ones like Adolf, Christoph, Dorothea (dor-o-taya), Georg (gay-org), Michael (meech-ah-el), Monika (mow-ni-kah), Thomas (tow-mas), or Wilhelm (vil-helm). They may be pronounced differently but the resemblance is hard to miss. First Names (Vornamen) Adalbert/Albrecht (Albert)Alois (Aloysius)Anja/Antje/Anke (Anna)Brbel (Barbara)Beke (north German form of Bertha)Bernd/Bernt (Bernard)Birgit (Swedish form of Brigitte, which is actually a Celtic name)Dolf (short form from names ending in - dolf)Dorle (Dora, Dot, Dorothy)Eugen (oy-gen, Eugene)Franz (Frank)Gabi (form of Gabriele)Gerhard (Gerald)Gottfried (Geoffrey, Jeffrey, Godfrey)Greta (Margaret)Hans/Jens/Johann(es) (Jack, John, Jonathan)Heinrich/Heino/Heinz (Henry)Ilse (Elizabeth)Jakob (James)Jà ¶rg/Jà ¼rgen (George)Jutta (Judy/Judith)Karl/Karla (Charles/Carol)Karsten/Carsten/Kersten (variation of Christian)Katrin (C/Katherine)Kirsten/Kirstin (Christine)Lars (Larry), Leni (Helen/e)Ludwig (Lewis/Louis)Margit (Martha)Matthias (Mathew)Nastasja (Anastasia),Nils (Nick)Ninja (neen-ya, Nina)Peer (Peter)Reinhold (Reginald)Renate (Renee)Rolf (Rudolph)Rà ¼diger/Rudi (Roger, Rudolph)Sepp (form of Joseph)Silke (Frisian form of Cecily/Cecilia)Steffi (Stephanie)Thea (short form of Doroth ea)Theo (Theodore) Wim (form of Wilhelm). Female German First Names These female german names do not have an English equivalent. Ada/AddaAdelheid (Heidi is the familiar form)Astrid, Beate, Brunhild(e)Dagmar (from Danish)DietrunEffi/Elfriede/ElfiEike (also male)ElkeFraukeFriedel (related to Elfriede)GerdaGerlindeGertrud(e)GiselaGunthild(e)HarmkeHedwigHeidrunHeikeHelgaHilde/HildegardHildrunHilkeImkeIrmaIrmgardIrmtraudIngeborgKaiKriemhildLudmillaMarleneMathildeMeinhildOttilieRoswithaSentaSieglindeSigridSigrunSonjaTanja (from Russian)ThedaTilla/TilliTraudeTrudiUlrikeUnaUrsula/UschiUte/UtaWaltraudWilhelmineWinifred Male First Names These male german names do not have an English equivalent. AchimBodo/Bot(h)oDagobert (no, not Dogbert!)Detlef/DetlevDieter,DietmarDirkEberhardEckehard/EckartEgonEmil (masculine form of Emily, Emilio in Span)EngelbertErhard/ErhartFalkoGandolfGerd/Gert,Golo, Gunt(h)erGustav (from Swedish)Hartmut,HartwigHelgeHelmutHolger (from Danish)HorstIngomarJoachim (Achim)KaiKnutManfredNorbertOdo/UdoOtmarOttoRainer (rye-ner)ReinholdSiegfriedSiegmund/SigmundSà ¶nkTorsten/ThorstenTillUlfUlrich/UliUweVeitVilmarVolkerWaldemarWern(h)erWielandWigandWolfgangWolfram
Monday, October 21, 2019
Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge, Massachusetts essays
Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge, Massachusetts essays Norman Rockwell greatly admired the work of other illustrators. The Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge presents a regularly changing program of the work of other illustrators because it believes that one of the best ways to enjoy and understand an artist is through comparison and contrast with other artists. The visitor to the Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge will currently find approximately 60 original works of art by Norman Rockwell on exhibit, including works from every decade of Rockwell's career. Paintings on exhibit include rarely seen works from public and private collections, as well as many from the museum's extensive permanent collection. Featured are an extraordinary selection of magazine cover illustrations, story illustrations, and art for advertising that reflects Norman Rockwell's artistic evolution, from fledgling professional to masterful painter, draftsman and storyteller. These include two outstanding magazine cover illustrations titled The Runaway, painted at distinctly different points in the artist's career, that reflect a similar theme. Both the earlier image, painted for Look in 1922, and the study for the 1958 Saturday Evening Post cover are currently on view fine examples of Rockwell's early and mature styles. The richly painted 1967 McCall's story illustration, Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas, offers a panoramic glimpse of the town that Rockwell called home for the last twenty-five years of his life. And beautifully conceived advertising illustrations like Market Day Special, painted for Sun maid in 1930, and The Engagement Ring, created for Sears A gifted draftsman, painter and visual storyteller, Rockwell was meticulous about his craft and highly sought after for his detailed narrative images. He worked seven days a week to fulfill the assignments o...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Reasons For the Bar Kochba Revolt
Reasons For the Bar Kochba Revolt Killing more than half a million Jews and destroying almost a thousand villages, the Bar Kochba Revolt (132-35) was a major event in Jewish history and a blotch on the reputation of the good emperor Hadrian. The revolt was named for a man called Shimon, on coins, Bar Kosibah, on papyrus, Bar Kozibah, on rabbinic literature, and Bar Kokhba, in Christian writing. Bar Kochba was the messianic leader of the rebel Jewish forces. The rebels may have held land south of Jerusalem and Jericho and north of Hebron and Masada. They may have reached into Samaria, Galilee, Syria, and Arabia. They survived (as long as they did) by means of caves, used for weapons storage and hiding, and tunnels. Letters from Bar Kochba were found in the caves of Wadi Murabbaat around the same time archaeologists and Bedouins were discovering the Dead Sea Scroll caves. [Source:​ The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography, by John J. Collins; Princeton: 2012.] The war was very bloody on both sides, so much so that Hadrian failed to declare a triumph when he returned to Rome at the revolts conclusion. Why Did the Jews Rebel? Why did the Jews rebel when it must have seemed likely the Romans would defeat them, as they had before? Suggested reasons are outrage over Hadrians prohibitions and actions. CircumcisionCircumcision was a vital part of the Jewish identity and it is possible Hadrian made it illegal for Jews to practice this custom, and not just with proselytes. In the Historia Augusta Pseudo-Spartianus says Hadrians prohibition against genital mutilation caused the revolt (Life of Harian 14.2). Genital mutilation could mean either castration or circumcision (or both). [Source: Peter Schafer The Bar Kochba Revolt and Circumcision: Historical Evidence and Modern Apologetics 1999]. This position is challenged. See: Negotiating Difference: Genital Mutilation in Roman Slave Law and the History of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, by Raanan Abusch, in The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome, edited by Peter Schafer; 2003. SacrilegeThe second to third century Greek-writing Roman historian Cassius Dio (Roman History 69.12) said it was Hadrians decision to rename Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina, to establish a Roman colony there, and to build a pagan temple. A complication of this is the possible retraction of a promise by Hadrian to rebuild the Jewish Temple. References: Axelrod, Alan. Little-Known Wars of Great and Latin Impact. Fair Winds Press, 2009. The Archaeology of Roman Palestine, by Mark Alan Chancey and Adam Lowry Porter. Near Eastern Archaeology, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Dec. 2001), pp. 164-203. The bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View, by Werner Eck. The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 89 (1999), pp. 76-89 The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography, by John J. Collins; Princeton: 2012. Peter Schafer The Bar Kochba Revolt and Circumcision: Historical Evidence and Modern Apologetics 1999
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Movie review Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare Assignment
Movie review Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare - Assignment Example The beautiful transition from the comedy to tragedy even made the audience feel the desired effect that are usually created by Shakespeare in his plays (YouTube, â€Å"Much Ado About Nothing (1993)" - full movie†). The movie had several good moments with clear depiction of Shakespeare’s best comedy and hence could easily bring out the humour of the movie. Moreover, the director could successfully depict the different romance between the couples and defined a clear shift from comedy to tragedy. By holding on to the original plot, the director was successful in developing a clear picture of the different cases in that era. However, the movie deviated from depicting the facts of a romantic comedy. There were also several issues regarding characterisation and genre of the play that hindered the picturesque of the play (YouTube, â€Å"Much Ado About Nothing (1993)" - full movie†). The depiction of romance between the young couple was so appealing that it kept the audience glued and created a feel of anxiety. The conspiracies even were quiet appealing depicting the complicacies that were brewing in the minds of the offenders of the couple. The movie had a synchronised flow of events that successfully brought out the humour. The movie is worth watching and should be recommended to others to watch and enjoy the plots (YouTube, â€Å"Much Ado About Nothing (1993)" - full movie†). Dogberry in Shakespeare’s play was depicted to be a constable in charge of Messina. The character is depicted to be a sincere policeman, performing his jobs effectively. The character of Dogberry is depicted to be one of the middle class characters of Shakespeare’s plays and portrays a desire to speak elaborately and formally with the noble men. However, in the paly the character is depicted to be the chief of the police and is portrayed to be a character of high farce. The
Friday, October 18, 2019
Planning my assignment on a case study of child typical development Essay
Planning my assignment on a case study of child typical development - Essay Example Low self-esteem is triggered by the child’s inability to interact academically with his peers. Peccei (2006) identify schemas as the bridging gaps between low literacy levels and improvements. The one on one assistance issued to the student acts as a schema based on Piaget theory to literacy development. The 17 year old lacks organisational skills that are essential to literacy development. There is need to identify the student’s environment and plan based on these environments. Cognitive abilities enable students to identify tasks and perform them based on priorities and allocation. The environment around the child if effective, this is enhanced by the fact that both the teachers and parents are interested in his development. In assisting the student, various aspects would be considered. Basic cognitive abilities need to be identified upon which literacy development stages would be introduced to the student to enhance his learning. Once the student identifies priorities, different study schedule should be designed. This will enable the student identify the key areas of development and perfect on
There has been extensive research into whether employees are motivated Essay
There has been extensive research into whether employees are motivated purely by money, or whether there are other factors which - Essay Example One such theory is that employees are purely motivated by money. There are other theories that contradict this and argue that there are various other factors that motivate the employees and impact employee behavior. In this essay I evaluate both viewpoints and conclude my opinion on the debate. Motivation Before going on to see what motivates employees, it is first necessary to understand what exactly motivation is and the various motivation theories. Motivation is best defined by Armstrong (2002, p. 56) as a reason for a person to do something and move in a certain direction. Most people are motivated when they believe that a certain course of action leads to the achievement of a goal or results in a reward that satisfies a particular need. There are mainly two types of motivation: Intrinsic Motivation: This is motivation through work itself. This is a result of self generated factors which leads to people behaving in a particular way or particular direction. The various factors tha t are responsible for intrinsic motivation are creativity responsibility, challenging environment, scope for development of skills and abilities, growth opportunities, etc (Armstrong, 2007, p. 121). Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is inspired by what is done to or for people if they act in a certain way. That is, what is done to motivate people. These factors includes rewards such as pay, praise, recognition, raise and even punishments such as criticism, pay withholding, disciplinary action, etc (Armstrong, 2007, p. 121). Employee motivation depends on the individual. Each individual reacts to a situation in a different way and are motivated by different factors. Therefore, some employees are motivated by intrinsic factors while others are motivated by external factors. Money as motivator One of the very first theories that were published discussed how money is motivator for employees to perform better. It even concluded that money is the only factor that influences emplo yee motivation. Research was conducted by Fredrick Taylor in 1911 and according to him employees worked only on money. The reason for this is that when employees were offered pay based directly on their performance or productivity, it was observed that productivity increased. This resulted in greater productivity and proves the fact that money is an important motivator. There are various other researches that were conducted in order to prove the role that money plays as a motivator. It is argued that financial rewards give employees an opportunity to secure their personal lives. Main motive behind employees to work is that they want to earn money to take care of their personal life and their families. If money is taken out of the equation, irrespective of what the job offers, no employee would be willing to work. Hence money is a vital motivator. Money may not be the only motivator but is definitely the most fundamental one. There is evidence from various researches that have proved that where financial rewards are offered, better is the productivity and the commitment of the employees. One of the best examples of this is how the changes in the pay system made a direct impact on the productivity and growth of General Electric. CEO Jack Welch’s strategy of greater rewards for those employees with better individual and organizational performance made motivated the employees and resulted in the revitalization of the organization (Rynes et al., 2004, p. 392). In a recent survey,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26
Peer review - Essay Example the matter of Chato’s son’s dead-body and the matter of Ayah’s children’s treatment, However, the no outside source has been used. I hear the writer’s voice best in the questions he puts forth in the article. The essay starts with a thought-provoking question and concludes with summarization of the theme of Lullaby. This essay revolves around the quotation, â€Å"We are together always. There never was a time, when this was not true†by Ayah in Lullaby. The writer’s question, â€Å"Ayah’s journey through life is filled with loss and hardships brought upon by her heritage and their struggles with the white man; but could it also said that acceptance is a theme that makes itself apparent as well?†relates to thesis in that it highlights Ayah’s acceptance. While the writer has tried to put forth several examples in an attempt to illustrate Ayah’s acceptance of the circumstances, some of them are not very strong e.g. path being covered by snow. Snow stands for coldness, lack of mobility, and lifelessness whereas the writer has interpreted as clarity and optimism. The essay has a good structure and the points discussed try to elaborate Ayah’s acceptance and healing, though some points have been interpreted very
Gay adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gay adoption - Essay Example †). This limited scope of adoption is contrary to the legal rights that the validity of gay marriage protects. If the couple find themselves free to openly love one another, why are the laws of the land preventing them from doing what comes naturally to a married couple? That of starting a family. Admittedly, same sex couples are not biologically capable of impregnating one or the other in order to achieve a naturally formed family. We also must admit that as a society there are still millions of children housed in adoption institutions or foster care systems looking for a good home. Good homes are hard to find these days, even with heterosexual couples. So why not give the same sex couples a try? Why not allow them to adopt a child and prove that they too can be exemplary parents to their children, even though they may not share the same bloodline? These adopted children need loving homes, who is to say that a a same sex home cannot provide that? What exactly are the reasons t hat our society still has inhibitions when it comes to allowing same sex couple to adopt? This paper aims to look at the arguments both for and against same sex adoptions with the full intention of providing factual information that will prove that allowing same sex adoptions will prove beneficial to the child and therefore, should be legally allowed across the United States. Let me begin this discussion by presenting the con side of the argument. These arguments range from psychological in nature, all the way to religious defenses. Whatever the argument presented, these non-supporters of the gay adoption cause do so on the same grounds, they are little informed and truly homophobic in nature which is why they are opposed to the love of a same sex couple being shared with a child who wants nothing more than the same. Politicians such as the United Kingdom's Independence party candidate Winston McKenzie has declared that gay adoption should be likened to child abuse and is a violatio n of a child's human rights. Mr. McKenzi claims that there is an abuse of the child's rights because; â€Å"that child has no opportunity to grow up under normal circumstances... There are people out there who bring up their kids encouraging them to believe they are gay themselves. †(Chorley. Matt â€Å"Allowing Gay Couples to Adopt Is a Form of Child Abuse, Says UKIP Election Candidate). It is important to note that Mr. McKenzie is a Christian with anti-gay sentiments therefore same sex adoption was against his religious beliefs. Aside from religious points of view such as Mr. McKenzie's the cause for gay adoption was not helped by the June 29 news that gay father Frank Lombard sexually molested his 5 year old adopted son. Reports coming from the Associated Press indicate that this is a disturbing trend that is emerging from a scientific literature about gay fathers. According to reports: â€Å"The Arrest Warrant documents that Lombard sodomized one of his two adopted Afr ican-American sons and made the boy give him oral sex on-line†(Cameron, Paul Dr. â€Å"Lombard Demonstrates Why Gays Should Not Be Allowed to Adopt†). The main fear of the psychological community is that children in same sex adopted homes are dangerously exposed to child molestation due to the queer lifestyle of the adopted parents. In the peer-reviewed Psychological Reports journal, Dr. Paul Cameron of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26
Peer review - Essay Example the matter of Chato’s son’s dead-body and the matter of Ayah’s children’s treatment, However, the no outside source has been used. I hear the writer’s voice best in the questions he puts forth in the article. The essay starts with a thought-provoking question and concludes with summarization of the theme of Lullaby. This essay revolves around the quotation, â€Å"We are together always. There never was a time, when this was not true†by Ayah in Lullaby. The writer’s question, â€Å"Ayah’s journey through life is filled with loss and hardships brought upon by her heritage and their struggles with the white man; but could it also said that acceptance is a theme that makes itself apparent as well?†relates to thesis in that it highlights Ayah’s acceptance. While the writer has tried to put forth several examples in an attempt to illustrate Ayah’s acceptance of the circumstances, some of them are not very strong e.g. path being covered by snow. Snow stands for coldness, lack of mobility, and lifelessness whereas the writer has interpreted as clarity and optimism. The essay has a good structure and the points discussed try to elaborate Ayah’s acceptance and healing, though some points have been interpreted very
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Private Equity in Developing Countries Case Study
Private Equity in Developing Countries - Case Study Example Exit might be accomplished by means of preliminary public offering (IPO) of the investee company’s stocks on a stock market, or by offering the investment to a trade purchaser or a different fund. The past many years have observed a growth in private equity action in the developing world. This continues to be fuelled mainly by institutional traders located in America. The causes of this progress are many. Among them has been the latest quick development of numerous developing nations and the recreation of curtails on international savings in lots of these nations. Possibly just as crucial has been the current insight by numerous institutional traders that the profits from private equity assets in the U.S. will probably decline in forthcoming years. (Claessens 78) While detailed data is difficult to find, a handful of instances can help depict these habits. In 1994 alone, private equity revenue located in Hong Kong and China brought up a full amount of $3.1 billion in funds. Two-thirds of the capital originated from outside Asia, with the solitary biggest supply being U.S. establishments. This total was greater than the total produced by specialist private equity establishments there since the initial fund was brought up in Hong Kong in 1981. In 1994 and 1995, Latin American revenue produced $1 .4 billion. This symbolized many times the quantity that had been brought up in the past by revenue in the area. India, Eastern Europe, South Africa, and Israel are simply some of the other places where a variety of private equity funds have long been or currently are now being produced. Furthermore, funds founded in the U.S. are more and more spending instantly in deals in the developing world, frequently in combination with these funds. Traders started to deem growing markets when planning some new investment territories in the past due 1990s. PE is usually related to high profits on investment in comparison to other forms of
The Extraction of Aluminium Essay Example for Free
The Extraction of Aluminium Essay The metal aluminium is a very important to many of the worlds industries how ever it requires a special process called electrolysis to extract it form other metals which is commonly found with. As i mentioned aluminium is an extremely useful metal and has many uses which we depend on in our daily lifes which are any thing from packaging to being used in transportation. This means that we have to to be able to extract aluminium, as it is extremely rare to find aluminium as a free metal. In fact, it is know to combine with over 270 other metals. Extraction is a major problem for aluminium and there is no ideal solution. However there are many not so perfect solutions that are currently being practiced today. In this essay I will look into some of the limitations and benefits of the current extraction techniques. I will also look at some of the economic and environmental effects the extraction of aluminium has. When aluminium is extracted from the other metals it must go through processes called electrolysis. Aluminium is not an easy metal to extract from other metals it is found in nature with, therefore it takes a lot of electricity to extract aluminium. Because it is such an energy consuming processe researchers have found ways to cut down the energy usage by adding different compounds to the aluminium. The most common way to do this is to add molton cryolite to the molton aluminium. With adding molton cryolite to the molton aluminium alone it effectively lowers the temperature needed extract from 2000à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C to 950à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C, that is more than a 50% decrease in the required temperature 2. However due to the fact that the oxygen reacts with the carbon positive electrodes this can cause an inconvenience. When oxygen (O) reacts with carbon (C) it forms carbon dioxide (CO2). When the carbon dioxide forms it eats away the positive electrode over time. As the positive electrodes are eaten away they must be replaced on a frequent and regular basis, this is a negatieve inconvenience that further adds to the cost of producing aluminum which is already high form the large amount of energy that is needed 3. In the remainder of this essay I will look at the aluminium electrolysis plant located in Reydarfjordur, Iceland. I will look at some of the environmental and economic consequences of this plant run by Alcoa. When a new plant or factory is created it can either be good or a bad thing and have both positive and negative effects on the economy and the environnent. With this plant in Reydarfjordur it has a great effect on the economy as it brings many new jobs to this not yet developed region of Iceland. In order to build this plant it requires around 1800 temporary jobs. After the plant is in a running and stable condition it will require about 450 people on a daily basis as well as another 300 jobs that will be indirectly created 1. As jobs in the eastern Iceland or Reydarfjordur area have been steadily decreasing over time this will hopefully boost the employment rate and provide jobs for many. When extracting aluminium there is no environmentally friendly solution however many new plants, including the Alcoa plant in Reydarfjordur have much lower emissions than others that are older or less environmentally friendly. The new plan for the Alcoa plant in Reydarfjordur has significantly lower emission rates than other Alcoa plants which are all within local standards. Alcoa claims they are a large supporter of sustainable development and for this plant alone they have over 60 experts looking in to and implementing ways to preserve our environment. This new factory meets and exceeds all European Union and Icelandic emissions requirements, this is the first step to creating a sustainable plant. In fact, a recent study regarding this factory shows Alcoa factory located in Iceland had 35% lover CO2 emissions than other leading aluminum plants. As well as having lower CO2 emissions they also boast 40% less PFC emissions and a 80% lower nitrogen oxide emissions 1. Bibliography: 1. Alcoa. Acoa. 2 Feb. 2008 2. Various. Alumiumum. Wikipedia. 1 Feb. 2008. 2 Feb. 2008 3. Extraction of AL. BBC. 2 Feb. 2008
Monday, October 14, 2019
Street prostitution and its effects in the society
Street prostitution and its effects in the society This report tends to focus on prostitution, it main objectives being the trade on street prostitution and its effects in the society. The main objectives of prostitution have been taken into consideration, step by step making the whole paper easy to understand. The research mainly focuses on women who are the main sources of prostitution compared to men. The research is not based on gender discrimination but rather statistics which show that the number of women prostitute in this case out numbers the number of men by a ratio of four to one. The fact that prostitution is not legalized I many continents and countries, factors which are of the same relation are highly penalized in some of this continents. Examples of such cases include communicating in such a manner that can be complied with prostitution. The whole factor about not legalizing prostitution is based on the out comes of prostitution. This research tends to interview different sectors and areas which have been involved by t he same case. The research is base on the controversial good reports bad reports statement, prostitution is legal, but I is illegal to practice it. This paper brings about different perspectives including factors which may bring about the whole idea of prostitution. The outcome of prostitution being the main objective of the paper, It tends to analyze the cons and pros of the whole of the out come of prostitution, if the pros outnumber the cons in this sector there are vast information which will be taken into consideration. Information on whether prostitution should be made legal in continents which are not practicing the act. The difference between the controversial statement of prostitution being legal and the acts being illegal has been analyzed, to give controversial results of the outcome. Overview of methodology Research is a frequent used word in academic writing. It means different things. Research is a process of searching that ideally, never ends. Research enabled gather information on and about the outcome of prostitution. It was an attempt to seek knowledge of what is on ground matters affecting the outcome of prostitution, the major outcomes being both negative and positive factors. Research will employ philosophical, ethnical approach to try and come up with different aspects which can be considered during the analysis of prostitution. Research helped formulating with the phenomenon to achieve new insights to active and applicable solutions. This included testing a hypothesis of a casual relationship between independent variables related to the topic in study It is further defined as comprising, defining and redefining problems. Later, Formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, organizing and formulating data. Deductions are made and reaching to conclusions and at least, carefully testing the conclusion to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. Research methodology characterized by the fact that it is deterministic. Fields and philosophical issues should be thoroughly researched to keep up to date with arising. It was generally seeking to accommodate all types of prostitutes in different countries. The elimination and exclusion of some individuals will be geared at being biased. Literature review Overview and summary on research design and major findings The main research strategy (design) was bas is based on Rajit (2005) Research structure. According to Rajit, reliable research is based on an eight step structure. Each step is a process in itself as described below. Formulating a research problem. This step involves literature review, formulation of a research problem, identification of variables and formulation of possible hypothesis. Conceptualizing of a research design: In this step, only two activities are involved. First is identifying a research design and second is selecting a study design for the research. Construction of an instrument for data collection: In this step, selection of a data collection method is done, then data is collected using attitudinal scales and last, a test to establish the validity of the data collection instrument is done. Sample selection: this is a brief step as it only involves the selection of a sample. Writing a research proposal: this is literary the most important step in the research process. Its success determines whether or not the research is to take place and how reliable its outcome is going to be. With reference to this research, it wouldnt be an overstatement to note that the research proposal was successful and that the outcome of the completed research is undoubtedly going to be a success. Data collection: This step marks the initial stage of the research process in the field. It simply involves collecting data as depicted by the name. Data analysis: During this second last step, data collected is processed and prepared for display and presentation. Report writing: This marks the end of the research. It compiles the research process in detail and provides conclusions of findings and recommendations. This structure as designed by Kumar in 2005 is the research methodology applied in this research. Quantitative reports are considered as results, of this methodology artifacts used in this case. Major outcomes The research involves major findings, this includes as to who is mostly involved in the whole prostitution sectors. The pros and cons of major findings have been brought into consideration in the whole area of findings. The questions which are brought about by the outcome of prostitution have been put in consideration. Some of the question which have been brought about as a means of the whole results process include, Is prostitution a victimless crime Is prostitution an outcome of free choice does prostitution take into consideration morality factors Does prostitution lead to human trafficking? The relationship between prostitution and violence HIV/AIDS prevention strategy Does prostitution lead to prevalence of rape? Does prostitution lead to a career opportunity The research further takes into consideration former prostitutes view point of the outcome of prostitution. The depicted questions tend to analyze the outcome of the whole project, Factor which affect the community based on their day to day activities, include facts which have been put into consideration in this research. The out come of the whole project can also be based on the governmental control factors and laws which have been put forward to make the whole issue, liable in major findings. What are the facts which the government uses in order to make the whole issues of prostitution against the rules of the country? The advantages which come about with prostitution have also been viewed in the conclusion of the whole research protocol. The major outcome of this project is based on the number of interviews which have been conducted; this was a way of making the whole research viable, and to statistically predict the major outcomes of different countries. Specific research area directly related to study According to a research conducted in the United Kingdom concerning the effects of prostitution, Doctor Johnson H, directed different artifacts as to why prostitution should be legalized, and at the same time why it should be considered as an illegal act. He stated that if prostitution was legalized it would follow different financial aspects. The aspects include the economy of different states in western countries improving. It was not only based that the economy of the given states would improve but the economy of the prostitutes as well. It was established that without the latest laws which force prostitutes to underground, the whole idea of prostitution would become an ideal factor and a professional as a whole. In the U.K the laws which have been passed forward to discriminate the whole idea of prostitution are said to be unconstitutional. The whole legitimate aspect of the whole ideal can be seen in the provision of different aspects which are utilized in the same case. The cons titution of the UK tends to legalize prostitution but the aspects which have been brought forward by the laws which govern the country tend to diminish the profession. The research tends to bring about the idea that if the act is certified, the government of the area is most probably going to increase its asset in matters involving economic know how strategies. According to the san Francisco task force on prostitution fund, the research on the amount of money that the government tends to use in order to diminish the whole act of prostitution, can be used in other sectors which are mainly based on the uplifting of the whole country. The San Francisco task power is a faction of researchers, there are main objective in san Francisco tends to come out with different aspects which are of great importance to the whole idea brought about by prostitution. The solution is tried to be based on the major laws which have been enacted in the state. Although the two never agree on the deals which are brought forward it is clear that they usually agree on two factors and this includes, factors which include legalizing of prostitution and main factors affecting the way in which funds used to stop prostitution can be put in to better use. According to the research brought forward it was stated that variety of analogies can be analyzed in the outcome of the whole outcome strategy. Robert Noce, an expert from Manitoba states that lawyers in different firms wants to see prostitution become a worth while business in which the tax payment inducted in the whole process are generated to be of great importance to the government. This m eans thus the business tends to make a positive strategy to the whole religion, and the fact that prostitutes tend to hind themselves underground when dealing with the whole perspective makes the state loose a large amount of money in the different states. The whole perspective of the research conducted in Canada tries to bring about the ideal and controversial idea in dating agency, the whole perspective is brought about to show the different strategies which prostitutes use to be in the market. The researcher remarkably states that naivety is detected in the way people tend to burry their heads assuming that nothing is going around them. The research also tries to prove that the highest bid exist in different established states are based on controversial idea and agency surrounding the governmental agency around. The paper concludes that the highest amount of money which is spent in prostitution, is the money used to fight against the idea. Billions of dollars are spent in the who le ideology in Canada each year trying to eradicate this project. This brings about the outcome of lose of funds from the government. The pros of the whole research project insist that if the outcome of legalization of prostitution includes getting enough money to increase the strategic manner in which the government investments in other projects. Terms and definitions Blinded study This involves terms which have been used in this research to make sure that the reader of the results does not misinterpret the whole ideology behind it. In this case of studies some of the common terms which have been used include government, law, constitution, and prostitutes. Government: this is a governing body within a specific country or organization. It tends to make decision for the whole country concerning natters which may affect the country in future. In the research the government has been used to main factors which it uses to make the whole ideology worth using. It has further been established that the factors which the government uses to rule a country are called laws. Laws: this is prevailing terms which limit a person in doing something under a given environment. Under different countries government passes laws in order to make sure that the act of prostitution is not practiced at all in the given areas. This brings about the concept of understanding between different parties in the whole religion factor. Constitution: involves a document which has been discussed by the government including the rights of specific individuals in the state. Every one hast specific right in a given country, this can be established as one factor that tends to bring people together in a specific country. Prostitution: this is the commercial exchange of money for sex, or other factors which may be described under the act. Different aspects can be evaluated when using this terms as different countries have their own meaning of who a prostitute may be. The term thus differs from one state to the other. An example include the explanation based on Arabia culture and western culture, they tend to give different meaning in the aspects provided. Critical evaluation The research strategy used in this thesis tries to describe the factors which can be evaluated in the factors of study. Through various decisive literature reviews, it describes how different prostitution factors are of great importance to the government. The outcome was greatly involved with factors which were well related to the vast economic factors brought forward in the economy directory. The evaluation conduction possibility showed that the pros outnumber the cons of the whole ideology of prostitution. The main factors which come up due to the same ideology strategy have been strategically narrowed down. Different laws have been narrowed down to explain the whole strategic idea. Research Question: Is conducting research on outcome of prostitution necessary? The necessity to do the research based on the current health implications of prostitution in the United States. Researchers have shown through practical and theoretical arguments about prostitution. The clear effects of prostitution to a country have been put in consideration. When a condition affects too many people at the same time and it hit them at the same time, the effects of prostitution can therefore be generated by the outcomes of the discussed perspectives which have been brought forward by the research factors. Further the research is based at making reliable recommendations for the future prostitution based on the outcome of the research. The research tends to find out the pros and cons of prostitution, which can be very helpful to future findings of the government. Research hypothesis: tomorrow allegation of prostitution are depended on research conducted today The findings of this research shall contribute to the laying of preventive measures/ which can be put against prostitution. The outcome of the whole research is also a factor which produces a debating factor among governing officials in order to know whether to lift different strategic laws. These laws can be lifted or tightened depending on the whole study. Further, the research tends to give specific recommendation to the government concerning the negative results of prostitution. Aim; the main aim of conducting this research is to identify the risk factors for prostitution in the American population. This is attained through: Conducting a literature review on prostitute in united states Proposing research Conducting research and Reporting Research findings Research design and execution This structure used in this research is designed by Kumar in 2005 is the research methodology applied in this research. It tends to take different perspectives into consideration. This include major evaluation of the results, the methods of research has been broken down to make sure that the whole aspect takes the major aspect considered in the order which the information has been conducted in the given research proposal segments. The methodology tends to take different information produced into consideration, thus no specific loose of data. Data is collected using different strategies and analyzing of the data takes different perspectives into consideration. Data collection methods The designs shown below are a plan of how the data in the population is going to be accessed or received. There are various means of data gathering that can be used in the following proposals, but due to saving resources, time and money. The proposals outline the most important aspects only that can be used for data collection The researcher used various methods in her course work to investigate the relationship between environments and prostitution implications. This includes the questionnaire method, interviews, library research and observation which are the four major methods used. A combination of this helped the researcher to come up with concrete and diverse information. 3.1.1 Questionnaires A questionnaire is a group or sequence of questions designed to elicit information upon a subject or sequence of subjects from an informant. Kenton defines a questionnaire as an instrument that consists of a set of questions to which the subject responds in writing. The questionnaire was administered to prostitutes in an open manner. This ensured that it attracts the most basic and true information on the prostitutes. This was similarly, administered though the media in programs aired in them. The researcher administered questionnaires on students because it was easier and faster to reach the teenagers and youth who are the most vulnerable persons in the act of prostitutions. The questionnaire was also taken to different clubs in the united states, this being the area that is mostly hit by the effect of prostitution. 3.1.2 Interview Schedule National Collaborating Centre for research defines an interview schedule as a conversation in which the researcher tries to get information from the interviewer. The method assumes that the respondents to be interviewed have the information required they can understand the question put to them and would be willing to give honest answers while they are face to face with the researcher. Interviews were quite useful for the interviewer because through creating a good rapport with the respondents, much more vital information was obtained. It was up to the interviewer to control the order in which the questions flowed basing on the prior given answers by the interviewer. The tools used were unstructured interviews to get views on peoples opinion on prostitution, like whether it should be done away with in the media, how it has influenced peoples lives and what should be done to stop prostitution in the street of the United States. 3.1.3 Observation Observation consists of a set of specific instruments including use of standardized observation forms and participant observer. Observing is not confined to seeing only but also hearing and analyzing. The researcher was able to interact with religious heads, media practitioners people and from different religion. By definition the researcher was able to get firsthand information for example on the negative effect of prostitution in the given population. Assessment of potential problems in data collection Data collection was based on different strategies including factors that may affect the possible outcome. However, to decrease the impact of the above limitations, this research has taken intensive planning measures and created regulative measures that should be taken into consideration when going through the report. Various aspects have been considered I this research, another limitation that was encountered while collecting data is hostility from different prostitutes. The idea limited the length of personnels who gave information on the data collected. Scope and limitation of your study First and foremost, any research is faced with a challenge of imperfection. However data collection, analysis and presentation may be accurate, there always exist measures of tendency in which deviations are expected to occur. This research is limited in such consideration. Second challenge is of bias rooting from misinterpretation of meanings of phrases. Third, the field research always has perverse conditions than those planned for; this could limit the research process in terms of resource availability. The whole strategic ideology of the whole planning perspective has been taken into consideration to make sure that this does not affect the outcome of the data. Ethical concerns and human subject protection issues Human Subject Protection Review Application and Approval For a just and fair research in this research, ethical and legal issues ought to be considered. The legal issues expected are in form of, collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders, social or clinical relevance, and scientific merit, fair selection of subjects, ffavourable risk-benefit assessment, informed consent, independent ethical review and respect for participants. On the other hand, ethical issues to be considered can be considered as outlined in the Principles for ethical research. These are: respect for persons through, autonomy (informed consent), privacy and cconfidentiality; beneficence to do well and protect from harm and lastly justice as in through fair distribution of benefits and burdens. Security of signed informed consent form Different forms were used in the interview to let the person under question. This is a way of assuring the person that his/ her information is secure with the researcher and it is not going to be used for any distractive means. This has to come up with a contract or a form which the two are to agree with each other. This comes with consequence of trying to convince the interview on signing the contract. A consent form should have assuring means of which the person being interviewed can use against the interviewer incase he uses the information, contrary to their agreement. Data collection Process and timeliness The research is basically planned on taking six months. Each of the months is presented with a specified task. Below is a breakdown of the tasks involved in each of the stipulated months. First Month: Direct tasks Presentation of research proposal for approval In this step, there shall be research proposal writing. The research proposal upon compilation shall then be presented to sponsors and other relevant authorities for approval and funding. There shall be the mild pre research done at this stage to ensure that the proposal is sufficiently equipped with necessary and relevant information towards wooing the sponsors and the approving bodies to support the research in ways possible. Second month: Gathering logistics and preparation of data collection tools. Upon the approval, the initial steps in the research process shall involve preparation for the practical work in the field. In this level, resources required for the success of the study shall be identified. They shall then be gathered together. In this stage as well, there shall be setting up of a site from which the research or study shall be run. There shall be further planning on the specific logistics to be carried out during the study. Third month: Collection of data from target population. This is the most important step in this study. It shall involve the previously discussed methods of data collection. The study first of all involves researchers setting out to the field to make first hand observations. Researchers are also herein obligated with a task to sample sources in the field and record first hand observations. This gives this study a primary sense of sources in research. On the other hand, this study is also subject to previous studies conducted successfully on subjects relevant to this case. This therefore gives this research paper a secondary research form. Therefore, in essence, it is not an overstatement to say that this study takes root in both primary and secondary sources of data. This choice is aimed at increasing the scope of sources and subsequently widening the information needed. With wider information, this study will be better positioned to draw more realistic conclusions and recommendations. The featured sources of data are as presented below. Fourth Month: Data verification and analysis. Since part of the data collected shall involve numbers and other measurements such as demographic and geographic, quantitative approach in research shall come in handy. The approach shall further come in handy in analysis of the quantitative data collected. Finally, presentation of this data in form of graphs, tables and charts shall also be guided and made easier by the quantitative approach in research. On the other hand, the choice of the qualitative approach in research is based on the fact that part of the research is based on opinion from individuals and therefore can only be qualitatively measured. This is inclusive of questions asked to respondents either as individuals or as representatives of institutions. Thus, the qualitative approach in research, analysis and presentation of such data shall herein come in handy. Fifth month: Complying of data and final report writing This is part of the final steps involved in the research writing exercise. In this stage, data collected and analyzed shall be compiled together. It shall be presented in report format both in soft and hard copy. Data presentation shall herein use academic writing formats, use of charts, tables and graphs. Sixth month: Policy Implications According to the information gained, the research will implement various methods in which can be used to either to present to the authority the outcomes thus giving their ideology in prostitution. He should also find various methods to gain access to local people through various non governmental organizations in order to help him through with the funds. Major problems There might be problems in the funding of the whole research system. Without funds from the given groups, this research will prove to be of little estimate, and it wont take place in the given perspective measures. This brings about the only main disadvantage which may cause the whole research not to take place. Analysis and interpretation Major findings and interpretations There were major cons and pros which were found involving prostitution. Different aspects and question provided different aspect in analyzing the data. Prostitution was found to be a victimless crime: it was found out that prostitution provides an arena where men, women, and children are open to different perspective of commercial enterprise business. When a prostitute is forced to be in a sex scene this can be said to be a form of insult. Other internship includes when a pimp order a prostitute to do sexual acts which are based on demands, this can be based as exploitation or rape. Different prostitutes gave their experiences on how they have been abused, raped by their pimps. This brings the first conclusion that prostitutes tends to have an outcome of rape and sexual abuse in the society. Prostitute and choice: according to the research carried out it showed that prostitution was as results of choice to be economically stability, this is by far the main reason as to why the whole aspect tends to happen. One of the outcomes of prostitution is children not going to schools for the prostitutes who dont know how to manage their money. The economic drainage of the whole process tends to be of reliance in the given information. Morality of prostitution: the whole idea of prostitution is wrong according to morals. Even though is has been stated to be oldest job strategy in the market. This has a negative impact in lack of moral conscience within a given population. This has its negative side as it can lead to death due to various aspects that have been showed in this case. Human trafficking: the idea of human trafficking is one of the outcomes of prostitution as a business for pimps. It has always been done in specific areas to children to make sure that business continues. Due to the whole ideology perspectives major issues have come to bring about the concepts which have been based on the controversial idea of prostitution. Thus prostitution is one of the major aspects which bring about human trafficking in the country. Prostitution and violence: this is one of the major outcomes of prostitutions in different areas. It does not matter if the act is legal or illegal, facts stand that the act tend to lead to homicide of women involved and death. Spread of HIV/AIDS: there is an increasing spread of the diseases due to prostitution. Facts stand that even if prostitutes are tested each and every week for the disease, there will a high risk of customers get the virus. According to medicine, the disease takes absolutely 12 weeks to be detected depending on the body of an individual. This has brought about perspectives which are of great importance to the spread of the disease. Prevalence of rape: rape is one of the cases which have been brought forward by the aspects which have been put in question. Prostitution helps in prevalence of rape, as it is its major aspects, leading to prevalence of the whole issue. Summary and Conclusion Evaluation of hypothesis and recommendation for future researchers Major means of trying to eradicate prostitution lie in the given perspectives. The negative outcomes of prostitution tend to outnumber the cons thus making the whole ideology bad to the society. Future plannings and laws involving prostitution can be based in this research as it proves the outcomes of the sector. Different measures have been argued in the research thus making it reliable for future researchers. Different policy decisions making protocols can also base their terminologies and ideas in this research. It is highly Recommended that future researcher take into consideration content analysis. The advantage of content analysis discussed above is that the factor of personal views and feeling towards a subject is catered for. Unlike majority other methods such as logical analysis which involves mathematical representation of issues, content analysis accommodates numerically immeasurable forces around the question of satiability prostitution profession.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Mother Daughter Relationship in I Stand Here Ironing by Tillie Olse
The Mother Daughter Relationship in "I Stand Here Ironing" by Tillie Olsen 'I stand here ironing,' a unique phrase uttered by a woman in her conquest of life. It may seem like an unwanted phrase to many, but it has deep meaning behind it. This phrase is almost whispered by the narrator of ?I Stand Here Ironing,? Tillie Olsen, and also by many other mothers going through an important stage in their lives. The stage in life that the mother in the story is going through is called child development, and within this complicated stage arise many new worlds of imagination, emotional journeys, and soothing memories. The whole story is based around a mother's view, and joy, of her child growing up in a world filled with barriers and hurdles that she must overcome. The entire point of view is that of the narrator, as a mother concerned with the way her child is being raised and the hardships she must overcome. She also witnesses her daughter?s happiness and the colorful meanings of life that she discovers herself. I believe this story is based around the hardships of growing up as a woman in the Nineteen-hundreds. It has all the symbolism of being a true feminist short story. As Elaine Orr expresses in her criticism, Tillie Olsen and a Feminist Spiritual Vision, about how ?Suddenly Emily is emblematic of all children, of the next generation??(EO 84) that the times were of the early feministic era. When feminists were about conquering oppression and rising above the rest of the doubt that society places upon them. She talks about how ?Emily will not survive. If she does not believe in future presence, in beginnings latent in her own life, all is lost: past, present, and future.?(EO 84) expressing once again how the times were differen... ...cts of the mother and the descriptions, which are presented to us from her, are very conclusive and need to be further examined to draw out any further conclusions on how she ?really? felt. The mother-daughter relationship between the narrator and her daughter bring up many questions as to their exact connection. At times it seems strong, as when the narrator is relating her childhood and recounting the good times. Other times it is very strained. All in all the connection between the two seems to be a very real and lifelike account of an actual mother-daughter relationship. Bibliography: 1. Orr, Elaine. Tillie Olsen and a Feminist Spiritual Vision. Jackson: University Press, 1987 2. Responding to Literature. ?I Stand Here Ironing?. Mayfield Publishing Company: Judith Stanford. 1999. Pg. 815-821.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Problem Areas in Legal Ethics Essay
Seeing as Wendy and Ben are both well provided for in Manuel’s will, and that their respective legitimes are protected under Articles 892, 894, and 897 of the New Civil Code, contesting the will simply to deprive Cora of Manuel’s bequeathal may be considered frivolous. For Louie to advise Wendy to sue based on unfairness may not be enough to justify the amount of time and energy that Wendy may expend in contesting Manuel’s will, a feat that may not prosper in the first place. Art. 892. If only one legitimate child or descendant of the deceased survives, the widow or widower shall be entitled to one-fourth of the hereditary estate. In case of a legal separation, the surviving spouse may inherit if it was the deceased who had given cause for the same. If there are two or more legitimate children or descendants, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to a portion equal to the legitime of each of the legitimate children or descendants. In both cases, the legitime of the surviving spouse shall be taken from the portion that can be freely disposed of by the testator. (834a) Art. 894. If the testator leaves illegitimate children, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-third of the hereditary estate of the deceased and the illegitimate children to another third. The remaining third shall be at the free disposal of the testator. (n) Art. 897. When the widow or widower survives with legitimate children or descendants, and acknowledged natural children, or natural children by legal fiction, such surviving spouse shall be entitled to a portion equal to the legitime of each of the legitimate children which must be taken from that part of the estate which the testator can freely dispose of. (n) In each of the instances in the articles reproduced above, Wendy will be well provided for in relation to Ben’s legitime, regardless of how he is recognized in relation to Manuel’s will. Louie may withdraw his legal services under Canon 22. 01(e) of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Canon 22 – A Lawyer Shall Withdraw His Services Only For Good Cause And Upon Notice Appropriate In The Circumstances. Rule 22. 01 – A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the following case: (e) When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the services or fails to comply with the retainer agreement; Seeing as Wendy finds his standard fees unreasonable, and that she is not indigent (which would qualify her to demand equal treatment under Canon 14 and Rule 14. 4), that is, she is capable of paying his fees, there can be no reason for him to be stopped from removing himself from the case. Canon 14 – A Lawyer Shall Not Refuse His Services To The Needy. Rule 14. 04 – A lawyer who accepts the cause of a person unable to pay his professional fees shall observe the same standard of conduct governing his relations with paying clients. Similarly, there is nothing unfair or unreasonable regarding Louie’s fees as this is his standard service fee. There is absolutely no reason to be entangled in a situation enunciated in Canon 20. 04. Canon 20 – A Lawyer Shall Charge Only Fair And Reasonable Fees. Rule 20. 04 – A lawyer shall avoid controversies with clients concerning his compensation and shall resort to judicial action only to prevent imposition, injustice or fraud. Of course, Louie cannot invoke, as a reason for charging Wendy his fees, that the case would take too much of his time and skill as an attorney. Santiago vs. Fojas is specific in stating that a lawyer who accepts a case should â€Å"serve his clients with competence and diligence, and champion the latter’s cause with whole-hearted fidelity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Manuel’s will meant for P500,000. 0 to be given to Cora. If Wendy litigates for its recovery with the promise to turn over the same to Louie, it defeats the purpose of said money as inheritance. Clearly the money was meant for someone else. Louie would appear to be fighting in court for his interests rather than that of Wendy’s alleged better right over Cora to the money. More importantly, such an agreement would constitute a champertous contract, which, as defined in Bautista vs. Gonzales: An agreement whereby an attorney agrees to pay expenses of proceedings to enforce the client’s rights is champertous [JBP Holding Corp. v. U. S. 166 F. Supp. 324 (1958)]. Such agreements are against public policy especially where, as in this case, the attorney has agreed to carry on the action at his own expense in consideration of some bargain to have part of the thing in dispute [See Sampliner v. Motion Pictures Patents Co. , et al. , 255 F. 242 (1918)]. This would not constitute a contingency fee, which is defined in Taganas vs. NLRC: A contingent fee arrangement is an agreement laid down in an express contract between a lawyer and a client in which the lawyer’s professional fee, usually a fixed percentage of what may be recovered in the action is ade to depend upon the success of the litigation. This arrangement is valid in this jurisdiction. It is, however, under the supervision and scrutiny of the court to protect clients from unjust charges. Section 13 of the Canons of Professional Ethics states that â€Å"[a] contract for a contingent fee, where sanctioned by law, should be reasonable under all the circumstances of the case including the risk and uncertainty of the compensation, but should always be subject to the supervision of a court, as to its reasonableness†. Likewise, Rule 138, Section 24 of the Rules of Court provides: Sec. 4. Compensation of attorneys; agreement as to fees.  An attorney shall be entitled to have and recover from his client no more than a reasonable compensation for his services, with a view to the importance of the subject-matter of the controversy, the extent of the services rendered, and the professional standing of the attorney. No court shall be bound by the opinion of attorneys as expert witnesses as to the proper compensation but may disregard such testimony and base its conclusion on its own professional knowledge. A written contract for services shall control the amount to be paid therefor unless found by the court to be unconscionable or unreasonable. When it comes, therefore, to the validity of contingent fees, in large measure it depends on the reasonableness of the stipulated fees under the circumstances of each case. The reduction of unreasonable attorney’s fees is within the regulatory powers of the courts. A contingent fee is dependent upon a fixed rate agreed upon by both lawyer and client, dependent on the outcome of the case, albeit with a lower rate if they lose than if they win.
Jean Kilbourne: Own This Child Essay
Advertisers are targeting youth, â€Å"Own This Child†Written by Jean Kilbourne an informative article on this matter. Major corporations have recently begun using gaming [web] sites to create an image and â€Å"brand loyalty†early on in today’s youth as young as four years of age. Although The United States is an industrialized nation it is one of the few that entire campaigns are designed to target children. These same corporations are working with major television networks advertising products that pertain to program that is being viewed; with the intent to get them as a present consumer but also well into the future. In addition to television ads one company has initiated a program for advertisers to distribute coupons and promotional materials to a network with more than two thousand day care centers and about two million preschool kids. Companies are even going as far advertising in our schools ads are emblazoned on school buses, yearbooks and even scoreboards. Each day eight million students are successfully reached by advertisers. As schools become increasingly cash-strapped and underfunded, the more the schools except funding from corporations eager for a captive audience in exchange for their financial support. Educational programs have increased by 25% from 1965 to present putting more pressure on the schools to accept the funds from the more than willing companies and causing advertisement to become so over the top that when an spoof program offering students money to get tattoos of company logos many people believed it was an actual program. Big consequences are the result for any student doing anything to jeopardize funding from corporate sponsored events; such as wearing a competitor’s logo to company sponsored rally. Schools are going to the extremes of signing long-term contracts in exchange for millions of dollars and exclusive rights to place vending machine where students all-day can access them. Companies even push the school to increase sales even though large consumption of soda can lead to health problems later in life.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Warren Buffet and the Company
Relation between Selected from Financial ReviewWarren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is one of the most successful investors and business executives of all time. He has invested in many industries which can be seen in the following figure:Figure 1: Warren Buffett's Portfolio (Source: gurufocus, 2018)From the above graph, we can see that the sectors that Warren Buffet has invested are quite similar to the sectors that we have selected. Buffet has invested most (i.e. 42.6%) on the financial services. Likewise, we have also selected one of the companies from the financial sector i.e. National Australian Bank. In terms of their value of ordinary shares using PE ratio valuation model, we have ranked National Australian Bank on the third position as per our desirability to invest. Similarly, in the above table, we can see that Buffett has invested 23.4 % of their investment in consumer defensive product. Likewise, among ten, two of the companies that we have selected are also from consumer defensive sector i.e. Woolworths and Coca Cola. Like everyone, we very well know that Coca Cola is the favorite stock of Buffett. Frankel (2017) also indicated that the company of Buffett i.e. Berkshire Hathaway owns US 16.7 billion dollar worth of share of Coca Cola, making this company the third largest stock investment of Buffett. In the above figure, we can also see that Buffett has invested 4.3% on the energy sector. We have also selected three companies from the energy sector and ranked the AGL Energy on the top list of our desirability to invest as this company has got the highest value of ordinary share from PE ratio valuation Model. Since real estates and EFT, options, preferred are the least invested company as per the Warren Buffett's portfolio, it seems we are quite similar in that field, as we also have not chosen any companies from those sectors. 5. Comparison between Warren Buffet's Approach and Share Valuation Techniques used in the ReportWarren Buffet uses various approaches to estimate the value of shares, such as, earning yield, historical earning growth and sustainable growth. Buffett uses earning yield approach as it represents the rate of return which can be used to compare with other investment more quickly. Buffet normally compares the earning yield of a company with long term government bond yield and selects the one which earning yield is near to the government bond yield. In terms of historical earning approach, Buffett project the annual compound rate of return on the basis of historical earnings per share increased. The next approach of Buffett is based on the sustainable growth rate model where he utilizes the average rate of return on equity and average retention ratio so as to calculate the sustainable growth rate (Bajkowsi, n.d.).Sustainable growth model approach of Warren Buffett is similar to one of the share valuation techniques used in week 6- Chapter 10 i.e. P/E ratio valuation model. It is because, according to Bajkowsi, the sustainable growth rate is utilize to estimate the book value per share in year ten and earnings per share can be measured in year 10 by multiplying the average return on equity with the projected book value per share. Then, estimate earning per share is multiplied with average P/E ratio to get the future price. Therefore, we prefer to use the P/E ratio valuation model because it is also one of the approaches used by the best investor of the world, Warren Buffet. 6. RecommendationIn terms of company, it is very wise to invest in AGL Energy Company as this company has the highest value of ordinary shares from P/E ratio valuation model compare to others. In terms of approaches and techniques regarding share valuation, it is wise to go for PE ratio valuation model. When making the investment decision, it is very useful to follow the techniques and approaches used by the best investor of the world, Warren Buffett, as his experience, techniques and approaches can be very well utilized to select the best investments.7. ConclusionTherefore, in terms of investments, we have come to conclusion that we will be investing in AGL Energy Company as it has the highest value of ordinary share from PE ratio valuation model which is also highly utilized by Warren Buffet in terms of his share valuation. Warren Buffet is one of the best valued investor of the world, thus, it is very wise to follow the approach and techniques used by the Warren Buffet. Warren Buffett has invested most on the financial and Consumer defensive sector, thus, apart from AGL Energy, the companies that have occupied the second and third position in terms of our desirability to invest are Woolworths and National Australia Bank. Though there are various share valuation approached used by Warren Buffet and mentioned in our week 6-chapter 10, we prefer to use PE ratio valuation model as this approaches also helps to compare the prices of the firms in the same area of economy (Kennon, 2018).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Community & Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Community & Economic Development - Essay Example For the purpose of understanding the issue, the city of Orlando can be used as a case example. It is of the essence to note that different locations are endowed differently when it comes to the endowment of business opportunities. This is something, which ranges from one location to another. There are a few things, which a person who wants to engage in the business ought to consider. The individual in question ought to ask himself or herself whether it feels right or whether the decision that is made makes sense at all. This is bearing in mind the financial implications, which come into perspective. There are certain things, which make Orlando a good and attractive business spot in the country. For starters, there are several industries, which are located in the city. These are significant pointers of how businesses and the private sector can be influential in the creation of jobs to individuals in the population. The presence of many of these industries in the city makes it possible for people to seek employment and get it in the long run. At the same time, these businesses may come up with incentives, which may serve to attract even more individuals from the local population. In most cases, the incentives in this scenario are always better in comparison to those from the government. As a result, a significant number of individuals in the population will opt to go into the businesses as opposed to seeing employment that is initiated by the government or the local authorities. The role, which the business sector plays when it comes to the city of Orlando, is a fact, which cannot be overlooked. The local authorities have also recognized this and as such, the policies, which they develop in relation to business activities, are those, which are favorable to the individuals who have the desire to engage in business activities. The authorities have also realized that through their partnerships with business entities and
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Performance and Human Resource Development Essay
Performance and Human Resource Development - Essay Example Performance management is a process that starts with hiring and continues year after year through planning, task assignment and review, performance evaluation, assessment of potential and recognition. It is a method through which management plans and executes strategy in the most effective way. The aspects that distinguish this process are: †¢Ã‚ PLANNING – Work is planned, keeping in mind objectives of the organization, and goals are set for the teams as well as individuals. A vital part of performance management, it can be made more effective with active participation of the personnel who will be responsible for execution of the plan. †¢Ã‚ MONITIORING – Progress on all activities, assignments and projects is regularly monitored. This takes into account individual and group capability, workload and division of work. Keeping track of trends and corrective action based on progress and employee feedback, norms this part. †¢Ã‚ DEVELOPING – Entails development of skills of employees to enhance their abilities to perform through education and training in existing areas and acquisition of new skills. It also involves simplification and improvement of work processes and methods productivity while simultaneously creating a motivating atmosphere at the workplace. †¢Ã‚ MOTIVATING – Keeping the morale of the employees up and motivating them to perform the given tasks with enthusiasm, care and diligence. The provision of good and friendly working atmosphere, unbiased and fair handling (perceived and actual) of all situations., maintaining good discipline, timely feedback and empowerment are some of the tools used.RATING – Is used for summarizing employees’ performance, it allows for comparison of the performance of the employee over time as well as with other employees. Performance appraisal in a structured manner helps in rating of employees to identify high performers and those who need further inputs to help them achieve targets set. REWARING – Appreciation of good performance and censure of poor performance form this part of the process. Appreciation and censure may take many forms like formal positive reception, salary hikes, promotions, lateral multitasking, demotions and outright termination of employment.Management of performance of employees thus forms the core of efficient and competent organizations. Goals are set and work planned out in detail with time frames established usually with the involvement of the individuals and groups concerned, standards are set while keeping in view skills required and capabilities of the individuals assigned to meet them.Performance AppraisalPerformance assessment or appraisal is a process of audit of the effectiveness of each employee. It may be viewed as a contract between the organization and the employee explicitly
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Community Health Systems, Stress and Their Meanings Research Paper
The Community Health Systems, Stress and Their Meanings - Research Paper Example The employees realized that the due to the prevalent condition of the industry where reimbursements were waning and regulations were mounting, the Community Health Systems was facing financial complexity; yet they were not satisfied with the offer the company had proposed and believed that they should be paid better compensation. Jim Brentwood had said that they would conduct an informational picket on Thursday and after that, they would decide depending on the strike vote by the group of employees. He had added that although the employees did not wish to strike there was a strong possibility of one if the company did not collaborate with them. Mary Martin, on the other side, found it hard to believe that the employees would go for a strike because if they did so, they would be paid only half the amount that they would have earned for a week. The 2000 employees involved were at the bottom end of the company’s pay scale, and hence Mary Martin was confident that due to monetary constraints the employees would not vote in favor of a strike. Moreover, this group of employees included patient transporters, housekeeping and cafeteria workers, and the Community Health Systems was already thinking of outsourcing their dietary department to another firm, Thomson Healthcare Food Services; and hence even if the employees did go for a strike, the organization could carry on their cafeteria services without interruption. Instead of reconciling the existing differences and trying to arrive at a consensus agreement, both the sides were rigid in their stands and were not in a mood for negotiation. Generally, the outcome of a negotiation is reliant on the power relationship between the two sides. In this context, the employee union was not aware of the company’s plan to outsource their dietary requirements.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Practice papers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Practice papers - Assignment Example When a project rolls-up unattributed cost, claims may be made according to the standard form contracts. Factors that lead to such claims are prolonged costs, charges, loss, disruption, and wasted time. Clients should avoid at all costs any interruptions that may be caused or ensure they put all the risks and eventualities that may arise in black and white under a binding agreement. Resource provision (the main), developers education, clarifications, timely decisions, support developers analysis, setting requirements, reviewing and evaluations, communication of changes anticipated. By accomplishing all the above, smooth running from facilitation is ensured. By so doing, safety at work is guaranteed. By observing code of conduct, environment of service and right equipment for service, employees have good working conditions health will be safeguarded and general safety available. They always make sure that workers adhere to safety rules and regulation. They inspect site for hazards, unsanitary, danger, machine failures, building accidents, dangerous chemical exposure. Recording violations is part of their daily routine. They can recommend project suspension when danger is present until it is save. Safety documents always need be present at site and they are mandated with training workers on safety requirements conduct at place of work. It has little bureaucracy, which speeds acquisition and completion of contracts. The qualification process is much simpler for example no need for lengthy and unwarranted proposals. There are limited regulations in private funding. Because the owners are on a venture, they put in their best to achieve results hence very competent contractors. Marketing orientation is a model, which seeks first to determine customer’s requirements, needs and tastes, then proceed to develop the product for them. On the other hand, sales orientation seeks to sell company products without initial market survey for
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