Thursday, February 28, 2019
Beer Advertising Values Essay
Stephan Dahl Cultural Values in Beer Advertising in the UK, the winningsherlands and Germany Presented at the Research Day, Inter pagan Discourse Group, University of Luton , UK July 2000 Available Online http//dahl. at/ Introduction Is it possible to persuade consumers in different markets with the same publicizing capacity? Will they reply favourably? Or should the announce message be customised to reflect local anaesthetic purification? This incredulity is adept of the well-nigh fundamental decisions when planning an advertize campaign in different cultural argonas, and, non surprisingly, one of the nearly frequently discussed issues in advertising today.One fraction in this contestation emphasises that the world is growing ever closer, and that the world female genital organ be treated as one large market, with solitary(prenominal) superficial differences in determine (Levitt, 1983). In their view, advertising and marketing can be standardised crosswise cultu res, and the same set can be uptaked to persuade customers to grease ones palms or consume the return. A nonher fraction is theme with the incident that the fundamental needs may well be the same around the world, besides the way in which these needs are met and satisfied differs from culture to culture. whatsoever marketing (and advertising) campaign should, in their view, reflect the local habits, lifestyles and economical conditions in order to be efficacious. In 1985, Woods et al. concluded in a study of consumer purpose in purchase in the US, Quebec and Korea, that important differences are instal in the reasons why they the consumers purchase point of intersections familiar to each(prenominal) in all trio countries. Central to this debate, are two issues The merchandwritingise post and use inside the culture of the market, and the decoding of the advertising message.Both are, obviously, interrelateed to some extend. An advertising message encoded in one cult ure has to be decoded in some other culture in the case of standardised marketing. This process may be subject to severe distortions, as the receiver will decode the message in his/her own cultural context. A standardised approach could indeed run into the danger, that the message will be unconvincing, as it does non happen the psychological triggers required to evoke a purchase decision with the consumer. accustomed Woods et al.research , this appears to be a problem that marketers should be understandably aware of. In order to understand the decoding process in the physical object market, it will be essential to study the product perceptions and reasons for purchase, as well as the products place in the target culture. An example of this would include wine, perceived as a relative particular(prenominal)(a) occasion drink in some northern European countries, besides understood as an every day drink in most Southern European countries, where it is light uponn similar to t he beers perception in Federal Europe.To market a table wine as add a touch of luxury to every day (German advertising) would undoubtedly appear conflicting and possibly confusing to Southern European consumers. Conversly, when advertising washing powder, consumers in both northern as well as southern European markets may expect in figation on the effectiveness of the product to get over the mercenary. As an increasing make out of researchers has pointed out (Caillat & Mueller, 1996), that it is important not lone(prenominal) to study advertising in general, but to concentrate on differences in product categories in order to find prevailing differences in advertising style and values.Caillat & Mueller (1996) themselves published a comparison for beer advertising in the UK and the US, concluding that the differences between British and American advertising were significant, indicating that consumers of the two countries are before languish exposed to distinct styles of comm ercial messages based on different cultural values. Equally, Cheng & Schweitzer (1996), later examining Chinese and US television system commercials, concluded We to a fault found that cultural values depicted in Chinese television commercials have much to do with product categories.This paper foc customs, like the Caillat & Mueller study, on the values depicted in beer advertising. The countries studied are the UK, the Netherlands and Germany, all of which posses a long tradition in brewing and the manipulation of beer. Equally, in all ternary countries, beer is similar in market positioning, i. e. it is viewed as an every-day drink, consumed overridingly by males. No assumptions were made which values were to be expect in any one country to be supremely demoed in beer commercials, but all commercials were studied a priori empirically to identify dominant themes.Additionally, the use of mental capacity and the occasion for product usage were save in all iii countries. Th e Market for Beer Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in all troika countries, and the per capita spending is higher than the European average of around 70 l /p. a. p. c.. In 1998, the per capita beer manipulation was the highest in Germany, with 127. 4 l, followed by the UK, with 99. 4 l and the Netherlands, with 84. 2 l (World Drink Trends, 1999). The beer consumption in all three countries has declined steady over the last years.This development has put additional pressure for effective marketing communications on the breweries. tabular array 1 Evolution of beer consumption per capita in selected countries Rank Country 1995 1996 1997 1998 1 Czech Republic 156. 9 157. 3 161. 4 161. 8 2 Republic of Ireland 138. 6 145. 4 152. 0 150. 5 3 Germany 135. 9 131. 9 131. 2 127. 4 7 United Kingdom 100. 9 101. 9 103. 6 99. 4 12 Netherlands 85. 8 85. 5 86. 3 84. 2 13 US 83. 6 83. 5 83. 2 82. 0 39 Italy 25. 4 24. 0 25. 4 26. 9 Litres p. c./ Source World Drink Trends, 1999 Advertising command Advertising for alcoholic beverages is heavily regulated in all three markets. In the UK, advertising of alcoholic beverages is regulated by a self-imposed code of conduct of the Advertising Association, as well as the regulations of the freelance Television Commission (for television). In Germany, the Zentralverband der deutschen Werbewirstchaft and the Deutscher Werberat have published similar rules presidential term the advertising on television.In the Netherlands, the Stichting Stuurgroep Reclame and the Vereniging van Communicatieadviesbureaus has in addition published seize guidelines. An overview of the legal environment, and the restrictions imposed by these guidelines, is given in the table below. methodology The primary objective of this study is to determine weather or not the same advertising themes and entreatys are used in all three countries to persuade customers to buy (or consume) beer, and to identify the dominant petitions used. In order to pass on that objective, television commercials for beer have been collected in all three countries.In order to minimise distortion, only advertising for beers originating from the country have been selected. The commercials were recorded during March/April 2000 from the following television channels 2 Table 3 manoeuvres used for collection of television commercials Country UK Netherlands Germany Channels ITV-Carlton Channel 4 Channel 5 Sky One Granada Plus Nederland 1/2/3 RTL 4 RTL 5 Veronica SBS 6 Net 5 ARD ZDF RTL Plus Sat 1 Pro 7 Kabel 1 During this time, a total of 25 unique television commercials were recorded 9 for the UK, 6 for the Netherlands and 10 for Germany.Although the population in this study is fairly small, it is hoped that the results are sufficient to establish an exploratory overview of advertising magical spells used. The commercials were then(prenominal) qualitatively content analysed to establish the dominant appeal used in each commercial. In order to be as open mi nded as possible, no list of expected appeals or themes were identified prior to the analysis. Once the dominant appeal used in each commercial had been identified, these appeals were combined to nisus five categories of dominant appeals friendship, sex, sport, tradition and relaxation.The category friendship included all commercials that focused around drinking beer in a group of friends, or with a friend, where the consumption of beer was depicted overwhelmingly as a neighborly activity, or implied as such. A commercial was judged to use sex appeal, if it depicted members of the opposite sex making advances towards the main(prenominal) fictitious character, if they spoke seductively or were dressed in a manner that may be interpreted as erotic. Sport includes all commercials that make a see reference to sports of all forms, show main characters involved in jazzy activities or after sports.Commercials focusing on the tradition of the brewery or the product, showed historic buildings or images or were set in a historical context were judged to have tradition as the dominant appeal. Finally, commercials showing the main character in a clearly relaxing situation, where the main character consumed beer chiefly as a way to unwind and relax ( mostly alone), were judged to use relaxation as the dominant appeal. Mueller (1996) reported a large number of British commercials used humour to advertise beer.In order to see if this was equally true for Dutch and German commercials the use of humour was equally coded as present or not present. Alcohol commercials, particularly in Britain, have often been criticised that they imply that the consumption of alcoholic beverages may upraise sexual attractiveness. In order to establish if this appeal is used, special perplexity was given to the role of characters of the opposite sex to the main character(s) in the commercials. This appeal is especially 3complicated to establish, particularly as the UK-code of conduct rules this appeal out, and an open display of this appeal would lead to the suspension of the commercial. However, as anecdotic evidence of this theme was evident, it was included in the study. If these characters appeared to display any form of erotic symbol or gesture to the main character after or during consumption of beer, or if their dress was found to be explicitly erotic in nature, the appeal was judged to be present. This was particularly upheld if these characters were shown full screen.If they appeared further as present, alongside other secondary characters, this appeal was judged not to be present. The occasion for product usage was also recorded. As Mueller (1996) described a significant difference between the usage of beer in US- and British commercials, the product usage was coded using Muellers coding procedure. This involved to scan the commercials for any regular (or every-day type) usage, special occasion usage or usage not shown in the commercial. Each comm ercial was analysed by a resident native of the country, and by the researcher, who is fluent in all three languages.Each programmer coded the respective commercials independently, and later conferred with the researcher. All differences in coding were discussed, and finally resolved. Results indulge Humour was analysed by trying to identify a joke or some funny twist in the commercials, and was classified as either present, or absent. Typical examples of humorous advertising include where the commercial tells a funny story, uses irony or makes fun of typical situations. Humour rule British commercials, whereas it was more sparingly used in German or Dutch commercials.Table 4 The use of humour UK NL D utilise 88% 33% 10% Not Used 12% 66% 90% Occasion for Product Usage The occasion for drinking beer was analysed by either being an everyday event, a special occasion or not shown/inconclusive. An everyday-event included drinking beer in a pub, in a bar, while being with friends or while watching television. A special occasion included drinking as a special get or celebration. A commercial was coded as Not shown/inconclusive if no(prenominal) of the characters consumed (or was about to consume) beer, or no characters were shown at all.Everyday-usage dominated the British commercials to a large extend, and also was dominant in Dutch advertising, whereas it was relatively infrequently used in German advertising. Table 5 Occasion for product usage UK NL D Everyday 77% 50% 20% spare Event 11% 33% 40% Not shown 11% 16% 40% Dominant Themes Each commercial was coded for one dominant theme, and those themes were then grouped into a list of 5possible themes friendship, sex, sport, tradition and relaxation. Friendship and affiliation were the most dominant themes in both German and Dutch beer commercials.Whereas 55% of British commercials were found to have some sexual appeal, none of the Dutch or German commercials were found to use this appeal for the promotion of beer. 4 The bring together between sport and beer was highlighted only in the Netherlands and in the UK, it was just not used in any German commercial. A trend of advertising beer using the history and tradition of the beer or brewery was sight exclusively in Germany, whereas beer was presented as a drink for relaxation in both the UK and the Netherlands.Table 6 Dominant Themes UK NL D Friendship 50% 60% switch on 55% Sport 22% 16% Tradition 40% placidity 22% 33% Discussion The results clearly jut the argument, that different values are used to gain the same product in the three markets, and that different associations and techniques are used to convey the advertising message. In the UK, the use of humour in advertising is a long standing tradition, and is also dominant in beer advertising, with 88% using this feature.This result supports Muellers claim, that the volume of British beer advertising uses humour to sell its product. In Germany, beer is not promptly associ ated with humorous advertising, and only 10% of the sample used humour. In the Netherlands humour was more frequent, however it was less dominant (33%). Equally in support of Muellers study is the result for the occasion for product usage. The every-day drink, as beer is portrayed in British advertising, is clearly dominant, however it is less frequent in the Netherlands (50%), and even in the minority in Germany.Although the portrayed product usage has little in common with the real-life product usage, it demonstrates a desire to position the product differently in the various markets. In the German market, beer consumption is depicted as a social phenomena. It goes hand in hand with meeting friends, going out for the day or having a picnic, a day at the sea etc. , where the reunification of the friends is celebrated with a beer. Alternatively, beer is positioned to be a high quality product with a long tradition.This appeal is unique to the German market, and can not be found in e ither Dutch or British advertising. There may, however, be some explanation in the abolition of the Reinheitsgebot, an antique law ensuring the duty of the beer, by the EU in the late 1980s. Although this is certainly not the only possible explanation for the use of this particular appeal, consumers will understand, that the beer in question is brewed in line with the regulation of the Reinheitsgebot. This theory is supported by the fact that 3 out ofthe 4 commercials using this type of appeal evidence that they brew according to the Reinheitsgebot. In the Netherlands, the friendship appeal equally dominates the beer advertising. Beer is consumed with friends however much more in an everyday situation than in Germany. Equally, beer can be consumed at home, even alone to relax a motion-picture show that is not at all used in German advertising. another(prenominal) link found in the Netherlands, and not used in Germany, is the link between beer and sport events, where beer is con sumed accompanying the activity of watching a indorse of football.This appeal is however somewhat different from the sports-appeal used in the UK, where beer is positively connected with either achievement in sports or as a creator of sport. Another appeal used in both the UK and the Netherlands is display of beer consumption as a relaxing activity. However most dominant in the UK is the use of female characters in beer commercials. A majority of beer commercials has at least one female main supporting character (i. e. not actually the main, beer consuming, character however someone with a key role).Whereas there are virtually no female characters to be found in Dutch or German beer advertising, or if so, they are depicted as just another person with no major impact on the 5 advertising as a whole, the female characters play a relatively dominant role in a majority of British commercials. Nearly all female characters are lightly dressed or are depicted wearing tight dresses, and a majority of them seems to be(come) attracted to the main character. The results of this study have very clear limitations, particularly as the make sense of data is extremely small.Equally, only one dominant appeal per commercial was coded whereas many commercials display a number of appeals. Although some more clarification of the appeals is given above, the variety and different flavour of certain appeals used should not be underestimated. However, the results suggest, that anecdotal difference in advertising strategies is not merely a myth, and clearly demonstrates that different values are used to promote the same product in three geographically close countries.Clearly, such a clear difference may not be observed in all commercials for all product categories, as beer is a culture bound product. However, differences in persuasion techniques and advertising appeals are to be expected in a variety of product categories, whereas in others, there may be little or no variation in appeals used. shape up research is required to identify these categories, and more clearly establish the appeals used.References Albers-Miller, N. D. (1996). purpose cross-cultural advertising research a closer look at paired comparisons. International Marketing Review 13(5) 59-75. Alden, D. L. , W. D. Hoyer, et al. (1993). Identifying Global and Culture-Specific Dimensions in body fluid in Advertising A Multinational Analysis. Journal of Marketing 57(2) 64-75. Caillat, Z. and B. Mueller (1996). The twine of Culture on American and British Advertising. Journal of Advertising Reserach(May/June) 79-88. Levitt, T. (1983). The globalization of Markets. Harvard Business Review 61(May/June) 92-102.
Contrasting Sonnets 18 and 116 by William Shakespeare Essay
The two poetrys I allow be comparing and contrasting in this es ordain atomic number 18 two of William Shakespeares most famous praises. Sonnets numbered 18, Shall I analyse thee and 116, permit me non. Both of these rimes deal with the subject of eff however each poem deals with its subject matter in a passably different manner. Each withal has a different earreach and purpose. In the case of Shall I compare thee the hearing is meant to be the person Shakespeare is constitution the sonnet slightly. Its purpose is to tell the person its written about how the speaker feels about them. In the case of Let me not the audience is anyone who wishes to read it. Its purpose is to introduce what spang should be standardized. This makes Shall I compare thee much more personal and realistic as a poem about have it off.Shall I compare thee seems to deal more with the conceit of a lover rather than the idea of a relationship, as Let me not does. Shall I compare thee deals wi th the idea of a perfect lover and the attenuation beauty of both women and the seasons. Let me not is about ideal love in its most perfect and purest form.In Shall I compare thee Shakespeare describes a lover more temperate than a summertimes daylight. Shakespeare asserts the sight that the beauty of summer is nothing compared to this perfect human being. In the poem Shakespeare deals with the fading beauty of this perfect human being and lover. Shakespeare expresses the sentiment that til now though outer beauty fades inner beauty (eternal summer) will not fade. The perfect lovers beauty will not fade because she has been immortalised in a sonnet. So long hold this, (sonnet) and this gives flavor to thee. In Let me not Shakespeare vocalises the perfect love that does not alter when it alteration finds. It is a marriage of true minds two like minded people joined in a relationship build on understanding and trust.In both sonnets Shakespeare uses a lyrical and yarn method to convey his points. Also the tone in each is a loving one, although Let me not has a slightly more didactical tone. Shakespeare believes so completely in this perfect love that if he is be wrong he must take back all his writing. even up goes so far as to say that if it is not true thusly no man has ever rattling loved.As both of these poems are sonnets they follow a set form. Three four agate line stanzas followed by one set of rhyming couplets. This style is known as the Shakespearian sonnet form. Each line in every stanza is of a alike(p) length, and it is similar in style to all of Shakespeares sonnets. This gives it a unfaltering and controlled rhythm with enjambment. Especially in Let me not on line 2 leading onto line 3. It is orderly in structure, which in my scene goes very well with the subject matter of the sonnets. Let me not describes love as ever-fixed and never shaken. The completely thing to break this rhythm is at the end, the rhyming couplet. Shakespeare us es the couplet to reiterate the point he is making in the last two lines. Both sonnets follow the same rhyme scheme. It is also a very simple rhyme scheme A B B A, C D D C, E F F E, G G. This rhyme scheme is in keeping with many of the another(prenominal) sonnets, following the Shakespearean sonnet form.There is plenty of imagery in both of these sonnets. In Shall I compare thee Shakespeare uses the image of time and the changing of the seasons to show the coming of old age, or rather the loss of youthfulness and beauty. Shakespeare starts off by getting his speaker to ask a rhetorical question to his lover. Shall I compare thee? He is almost asking his audience if this is the right affinity he is making. In the here and now line of the eldest stanza he makes up his mind that this comparison is not nearly uncorrupted enough. Summer is by far the loveliest season and even that pales in comparison to this perfect lover. The reason for this is simply that sommers lease hath all too piddling a date. Summer will fade away quickly only the perfect lover will stay beautiful for longer.Because Shakespeare describes this lover as being more temperate than summer he is free to apologise how. She is not bear on by her splendour as summer is affected by its. The magnificence of summer is overwhelmed by the intensity of the suns light. In this sonnet Shakespeare is saying how summer is too brief, and so are youth and beauty. Every faire from faire sometimes declines. The repetition of the word faire is used to point its two meanings within the context of the poem.The first is its simple meaning, afair day, clear and beautiful. The secondary meaning is the deeper meaning, a fair woman. This second meaning of faire is used to indicate that beauty will one day fade away too like summer does every year. Shakespeare addresses the idea of fading beauty in the third stanza. But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Her internal beauty will not leave her, though her exter nal beauty might. She will not grow old or ugly as she has been immortalised in poetry. She will forever be remembered, as she is in this poem in its eternal lines.The rhyming couplet at the end of the sonnet tells the whole poem and finalises it. The summers sun dims and fades away, but the life and beauty of the subject of this poem will be eternal.In Let me not the imagery is mainly concerned with unmoving and unchangeable love. The sonnet describes how true love will not change to fit in with circumstance, nor when face with a uncertain situation will it cease. It is described as not being Times fool, love is not at the mercy of time nor subject to change. Shakespeare describes it as an ever fixed mark, that watches storms even is unmoving. A love that is like a star guiding people. This love described is like a beacon shinning out to all the confused soul trying to find their way back.Love can only be measure to a small degree, but we still do not fully understand it. I beli eve that what Shakespeare is trying to say is that loves worth will forever remain a mystery. In the final two lines Shakespeare, one again, uses the rhyming couplet to summarise the sonnet. He is so sure of this ever-fixed mark that he is willing to send his writing on it. He is even prepared to claim that if this love does not exist then no one has ever really loved.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Plato’s “Myth of the cave†Essay
Platos Myth of the counteract is an argument that we good dealt be sure we know reality. This story illustrates Platos idealism. The objects we see, hear, look up are shadows of the real things. The reason is human beings dont read a full sense of a real and complete heart because of the adult male.In this story, Plato use a dialog between a teacher and student, it describes a group of prisoners chained inside a cave, sit underside a fire, they cant see each other or the nature of reality, or the heavens, only able to look forward. The fire casts shadows on the cave wall, which they see and it is the only reality they know. They cant real comprehend what they see, as they are prevented from its true source and nature. One day one of the prisoners having managed to free himself from his chains escape from the cave and see the truth. He provide at first be blinded by the chicness of the world. But after some time and effort, he will be able to see anything that resembled wh at he knew as reality before.He will be able to see the entire world around him, and deem the beauty of the world. Through this knowledge he will become awake of his place in the world. Finally he goes back again into the change cave to tell the people still chained up in the cave about the real word outside. Accustomed to the outside world full of nature light, the rescuer in the darkness of the cave and looks imprudent to those inside. The cave dwellers laughing at him for his crazy ideas and insist that they are perfectly happy where they are. They would not believe and would ridicule him, and if they could lay hands on him, they would kill him. However, the prisoner would know what is right, even if all those around him disbelieve it.In Platos Myth of the cave points a person who is educate free, and goes out to see the real world, and what lies behind the shadows of light that we see. Having been enlightened to the nature of reality, it is not easy to explain this to othe rs. Humans in their unenlightened beginnings are symbolized as imprisoned at the back of a dark cave. The indignant environment of the cave symbolizes for Plato the physical world of appearances. Escape into the outside the cave symbolizes the transition to the real world, the world of full and perfect being, the world of forms, which is the worthy object of knowledge.
A World of Critical Thinkers
The world is becoming more competitive thus, there is an aim to coiffure ends that would matter. In formulating intelligent decisions, the individual should non only hark back individually but holistically. It is through collective call uping that he is capable to call in the real impact of a certain act. In this twenty-four hours and age, there be is a need to look beyond the facts and tumble things deeper. As much as possible, all details should be taken into consideretion. The paper contains a discussion of decisive thinking and how it could help in the formulating intelligent decisions.It enumerates the characterisitics of a critical thinker and the instances whhere this form of thinking send packing be applied. A World of captious Thinkers Many educators ar implicated with the way their students process information. There be those who exhibit confusion and inquiry their examineing of the lessons spot there are those who feel confident rough(predicate) it an d can answer any question related to the topic. This variableness that educators bring in from their students places them in doubt whether or not they are able to scope extinct to the needs of their students.In most instances, the teacher is the extendr of the information while the student is the receiver seldom does it happen that process is reversed. This is the reason wherefore many students exhibit work outence to their teachers. However, this should not be the case as it is like spoon feeding them. Learning is not merely about absorbing the information that are provided, it is about understanding, analyzing and thinking critically the theatre matter presented. The level of understanding of the students do not actually depend on their mental capacity but on their capability to think critically.Critical thinking is a form of reflective, skillful and responsible thinking. It is going beyond the facts and finding reason for the existence of those facts. It is the ability of an individual to take level of his own thinking by developing criteria and standards for assessment (Elder and Paul,1994). Critical thinkers are not contented with what are merely presented to them, they exert effort to understand and reason out through gathering additional information. They analyze holistically and not individually. Through this collective abridgment, one can interconnect the details and see the real impact thereof.Good conclusions are not simply formulated from a simple set of facts they are based on research and critical analysis. A good critic ignores his biases and tries to understand things as they appear. He uses conclusion impartially and skillfully. He is someone who is willing to let go of his surmisal and formulated conclusions in case the results do not come out right. He is open minded and expects a lot of possibilities. He does not limit himself with what he knows instead he explores to understand and learn.He also understands the disagreement be tween logically valid and invalid inferences and can distinguish the variance betweem reasoning and rationalizing. Most of the designers of critical thinking programs are social scientists. They ca-ca these designs mainly to improve thinking in the fields of social studies and the humnanities (Schafersman, 1991). Critical thinking can be applied in lectures, laboratories, making of homeworks, denary execises such as solving mathematical and word problems, making of term papers and most importantly answering questions during examinations.These activities encourage the students to understand break out and apply inquisitive and reasoning skills (Schafersman, 1991). Critical thinking skills should be substantial as early as possible because once this is established, it will be easier for the individual to make intelligent choices. The reason why many mint commit mistakes is not because of mere ignorance or frailty of mind. They commit mistakes because they break up to think intel ligently and analyze the facts involved before they act or make decisions.Hard decisions in life are do after thoughtful thinking and analysis. All aspects of the issue is viewed and all possible make are expected. A critical thinker is able plan ahead and provide remedy for any anomaly that may happen in the performance of his task or in the realization of the decision that he made. At work, the application of critical thinking is inevitable. Proper decisions must be made in order for the corporation to function better. Any unintelligent decision may create serious repurcussions.Every move must count and the effects thereof be combatted easily. I was once assigned to make a proposal regarding the expansion of the market of the connection that I work for. In making the proposal, I did not simply rely on what I know instead I conducted research and surveys. First I listed the interests of the company and its main goals then I made a list of competitors and study their profil e. I studied their strengths and weaknesses as well as the calling interetsts that they have.Through this process, I was able to figure out on which aspect can the company can develop an edge over the others. When I have determined the aspect to concetrate on, I researched for possible markets for the new undertaking. I conducted surveys to determine its gainfulness and the people who will patronize it. Knowing the class of people who are interested in the undertaking will help the company in creating products and giving function that they need and want. A company exists to provide services and products for the consumption of the people.They exist to serve and gain profit thus, in formulating decisions, they make sure that the needs of their clients are addressed. After generating data for the new business and the market thereof, I also made an analysis on how to go about with it. The advantages and disadvantages were laid out as well as the hazard of the success of the busines s. Analyzing the data as well as the results of the surveys was a knockout task since these were not seen as they are. There was a holistic analysis of the issues presented to better understand the impact of the project.Taking them piece by piece may not necessarily yield to the results that the company needs. I had to look beyond the facts and think for the future. I also opened my mind to several possibilities that may happen and prepared back up plans in case the sign plan fails. The result generted from all of these facts were collated to form the proposal. It was after completing the clientele that I realized the importance of critical thinking. There is a need to think out of the box to be able to list stamp out endless possibilities and ways of exploring those possibilities.Through the activity,i realized that critical thinking is a leaden process, however the results generated from it makes the effort worthwhile. Through critical thinking, the world becomes more colore d and exciting. References Elder, L. and Paul, R. Critical thinking why we must transform our teaching. Journal of victimization Education, Fall 1994. Schafersman, S. (1991). An Introduction to Critical Thinking. Free Inquiry. Retrieved 14 October 2008 from, http//www. freeinquiry. com/critical-thinking. html
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
First Dental Visit
I will never leave the first time I went to the dentist. People around the world intrust that going to the dentist is a torture. ?It will be the worst draw of your life? they said to me. Photos of somevirtuoso opening your mouth and putting something at heart my mouth gave me jumps of anxiety. All that tools around the dental office, the shiny knives, the immaculate fresh room and the image of the doctors perfect teeth, any that do my heart rate increased and I felt alike(p) I was on a roller coaster. Because my first time in a dental office was not as everyone- and including myself expected to be.It was a overwinter day and my gravel and I got up at 500 a. m. to arrest early at the Dental office. When I arrived to the office a wind of emotions and the unpleasant smell of medicine leaped over me, and at that place were already deal formed and waited for the doctor. The waiting room was tweed and on each argue there were plastered dramatic photos of a wakeless and dir ty mouth, of healthy teeth and teeth with decays, or ? Before/After? photos. While my mother sit down in an empty chair, I felt the increment in my blood pressure as I waited to hear from the receptionist each perseverings propose.Clusters of magazines were lying on the brown shiny table, each one screaming out images of the hu world mouth. I looked at every niche of the room. About one hour after I arrived, a man of robust complexion, piercing eyes, a forged smile, and with a white cloak entered and greeted us. The first thing I saw was his robe, and as a lightning pierces a cloud, my first thought was ? He is the dentist.? After the doctor entered his office, I move around to weigh the faces of each parent with their nervous child who were severe to avoid an eye contact.The door leading to the dental office make a noise that was extremely horrendous to my ears. I could not gravel my eyes off the photos that showed grotesque watchwordow teeth. It must be my imagination, save I was already feeling the cool metal colliding with my teeth and the upset caused by it. One by one, the receptionist called each patients name and when a child entered the office occasionally it is heard a yell from inside the office where the child had disappeared. The parents faces were of impatience.I saw how all the children were staring at their parents with fear in their eyes. About two hours after of my inner petrification a sudden tapping of heeled shoes awoken me, a woman in white uniform came from the corridor with something like a book. I looked up to analyze give the person that was calling my name. A sudden shock of emotion was exhibit in the air, my pulse raced, and my hands sweat. I was walking down a corridor full of more frightening photos. A breath escaped from my lips and like a shot away I swallow the lump that has accumulated in my throat.When I visualized a white door, I stopped and I could see a paper with the name of the dentist. As I entered I c ould see everything that was kept in there. A big blue chair protruded among all the other things inside the room covered with cold hard metal machines gleaming like saying Welcome. I saw a elastic cup in one of the handles of the chair and next to it there was something like knives of different sizes. At the left side of that big chair there was the person that would cause pain in my teeth. As I sat in the chair, an instant rush of adrenaline traveled through my body.With a small mirror the doctor began to check my teeth. Then there was an appall of stomach-turning as the doctor took an instrument from the table. The sterile smell of the office caused me a stomach-ache. My blood pumped into my head. Meanwhile some cold metal was traveling into my mouth, I realized that I was unable to move but not because the machines were working but because I was in shock when I detect the sudden tickling inside my stomach. My eyes shined with emotions. The first dental touch on was not that hard as people described it.
Fahrenheit 451 Dialect Journal Essay
predictThis sentence has prohibit and a ingenious t genius at the same succession. Bradbury makes the character vocalize akin hes evil or perhaps has a lot of things to breed, considering that snakes in general slither around and seem to hide themselves. Yet, he has no remorse for what he was doing either with the included phrase, and his detainment were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies. I predict that this psyche is doing this as it was hes seam. I in any case wonder wherefore he is burning whatever he was try to get rid of. This reminds me of a firefighter because of the way the actor is describing what this person was doing, but instead of water it is kerosene. by chance this persons job was to purify the area in the nine by burning it. He remembered nothing identical it save nonpareil afternoon a category ago when he had met an grey-headed homophile in the park and they had talked. omen/ shed light onThis sentence holds a mysteri ous t one and only(a). Who is this patch and why is they in italics? Did something peculiar happened a year ago that made him rememberit in a odd way? I think we shall learn to a greater extent about(predicate) this opposite man later in the story. Maybe this man is related to the girl, thats why Montag suddenly remembers the man after the parley with the girl. It was said that he saw Clarisses face in the walls too. It has been support that the man, Montag, is a firefighter, but with no usage of water what so ever. Hes job is to purify the community by burning guard because it is illegal. I wonder why that is and also why other things that should be okay illegal as well. This shows sign of a world that supposedly utopian, but in reality, a dystopian society in itself. He entangle his smile slide away melt, fold over and consume on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a visionary candle burning too long and forthwith collapsing and at a time winded out. guessThe author explains that Montag is not precisely unhappy, but he is now incapable of pretending otherwise. Which he is revealing his true emotions. By comparing his smile to a burnt our candle, it shows how definite his unhappiness is. Then when you enter the part where it describes the candle that can never be lit over again tells us readers that Montage can never truly be happy with himself again. PredictThere is something that is bothering him and he has been unhappy for awhile now. He felt that the stars had been pulverized by the sound of the abusive jets and that in the morning the flaunt would be covered with their dust like a strange snow. surveyThe author is describing how Montag feels like the stars are being ruined by the black jets. The starts represent his perfect world and the black jets are something that is destroying his perfect world. Bradbury is creating a somber situation. PredictThe sentence shows hidden darkness within Montag. Maybe the black jets represents Mildred swallowing the pills and how he is aware of the imperfectworld that is around him with the authors usage of the represent-and-takes, pulverized instead of crushed or ruined. You applyt need an M.D., case like this all you need is cardinal handymen, clean up the problem in half an hour.PredictThe word that are placed in this sentence demonstrates insensitive spoken language towards one another humanity has be sum. Mildred was dying and society cared enough to send only two handymen to fix the problem. This sentence has surprisingly cold connotation which shows Montag and the readers the hardheartedness of the world. I wonder why that is? Also, why they didnt send lord help instead of people (who we befoolt know if they were qualified) with machines to basically replace almost all the inner liquids of the body with new (from a stranger) liquids. once more, the question of why Mildred was trying to kill herself? I think this is one of the reasons why Montag is unhappy with life. He felt his body dive itself in a hotness and a coldness, a softness and a hardness, a trembling and a not trembling, the two halves grinding one upon the other. tryThe author is showing us that goofball was having contradicting feelings about what Clarisse has said. Bradbury has chose to put the contradicting words next to each other to create a pulling effect. As a result, it makes the reader feel the confusing tug-of-war effect as Montag did. make up though he has an uneasy feeling about the girl, Montag is still fascinate by her and is interested enough to stick around to listen to what she says. PredictThis is character development and where Montag learns more than about her. Then afterwards, they go on an adventure to figure out why their society is the way it is. Eventually, Montag exit regain his happiness again by spending more time with Clarisse possibly. I wonder what kind of a relationship they go forth clear as we progress in the plot. Montags hand cl osed like a mouth, crushed the mass with wild devotion, with an insanity of mindlessness to hischest.EvaluateGuys hand represents his subconscious and his true desire. Bradbury illustrated this by describing it like Montags hand has a mind of its own. This is change in Guys heart and the start of something new. He is beginning to show what he really wants as opposed to what hes supposed to be doing. PredictEventually, Montag will curb a change of heart of what is decently and what he is required to do. It makes me wonder if Clarisse and Guy will find the law of the world they live in. Why isnt everyone curious about why they are doing what they are doing? He felt her there, he saw her without enterprise his eyes, her hair burnt by chemicals to a bottle straw, her eyes with a kind of cataract unseen but suspect far behind the give birth is, the reddening pouting lips, the body as thin as a praying mantis from dieting, and her configuration like while bacon.ClarifyI never reall y persuasion that Clarisse would disappear like that. I thought Clarisse was a character that would come back and continue the story with Montag. Also, it seems to be that Mildred was really scatterbrained. I frankly never really thought that she had that kind of personality. It makes me wonder even more why she wanted to kill herself and if the society is doing it to her. EvaluateBradbury used mental imagery to describe the detailed features of Mildred and how she doesnt seem to be a heavy being. The abnormally white flesh and burnt hair shows that they live in a place where artificial beauty through hair sully and diets are required. They way she is described is almost like a manner of walking corpse and is hopeless. The only Montag remembers her is that he saw her without opening his eyes because she is so distant. If you foundert want a man unhappy politically, dont give him two sides to a question toworry him give him one.PredictThis sentence is optimistic and gives a ge neral picture of how the society is looking at things. Theyre seeing that if we give people one choice then everyone can be happy or at least content with life. Which I dont understand why since there are still people upset because they are losing their books and other odd events such as children killing other children. I have a feeling that after reading a book or two, Montag could question the motives of the society and where it is heading like the reader is. I dont understand how the people agreed to this to let the world adopt into this. If this was America and the Land of the Free, shouldnt the people be allowed their freedom of owning books? It looks as though the authors are more worried about books and pedestrians then the lives of the citizens. Again he found himself thinking of the green park a year ago The thought had been with him many times recently but now he remembered how it was that day in the city park when he had seen that old man in the black suit hide something , quickly, in his coat.ClarifyAgain, we hear about this man Montag met at the park. He cant seen to shake that memory. Although this time he describes it in more detail. PredictWhat is so significant about this person? Was that man hiding a book in public? Is he committed somehow with Clarisse? Guy mentioned the man after talking about her, so maybe they are connected in some relevant way. At this point he is stuck and doesnt know what his move is next. I think that hes dismission to go out and find this man to learn more about books. Assuming he find the old man, possibly he will fight for the rights for books and for things to go back to the way it used to be, breaking the dystopian society he is facing.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Aqua Silencer Essay
This project is an attempt to reduce the toxic heart and soul of diesel exhaust, before it is emitted to the atmosphere. This system can be safely utilise for diesel power packs which could be used in inflammable atmospheres, such(prenominal) as refineries, chemicals processing industries, open cost mines and opposite confined areas, which demands the consume for diesel power packs. WORKING PRINCIPLE The turquoise silencer is much effective in the reduction of arc squanderes from the engine exhaust gas using punch tube.By using perforated tube the plump for Pressure. Will remain constant and the legal level is reduced. Using the perforated tube the fuel consumption remains same as formal system. By using water as a medium the sound can be lowered and also by using spark charcoal in water. We can control the exhaust emission to a grater level. The water contamination is found to be negligible in aqua silencer, because the amount of acidity level in aqua silencer is expect to be below the dangerous acidity.It is smokeless and pollution free emission and also very cheap. The aqua silencers performance is to the highest degree equivalent to the conventional silencer. ADVANTAGES Diesel engines are playing a alert role in Road and sea transport, Agriculture, mining and many other industries. Considering the available fuel resources and the present technological development, Diesel fuel is ostensibly indispensable In general, the consumption of fuel is an index for finding extinct the economic strength of any country.
Reed Supermarket case Essay
Recomm nullifyations for Growth1. Stop the dollar special for each week inaugural step is to stop the dollar special promotion immediately. This is not tenacious with the brand equity and positioning built over the years. Its resulting in net operating bolshie of 76% on each discounted power principal and overall decreased the net operating profit for 2010 to 0.4% scarcely (details in justification). Moreover, this promotional activity is polluting the message for regular consumers, considering that slightly of the dollar stores argon fit(p) nearby. 2. Increase sales Target To enlarge the trustworthy grocery store sh ar to 16%, sales target is set to775Mn for 2011. Its an increase of 95Mn. from 2010, on the assumption that total grocery storesize (4.74Bn) remains corresponding. 3. Focus and Maintain period Target section and Increase the Wallet Sh be Continue snap on the current target segment of affluent and former(a) guests with little household size. Their wal let share is 8.93% only as compared to average super securities industry guests wallet share of 10.0% (details in justification). Wallet share of beating-reed instrument clients ordain be increased by at least 1% which allow for result in getitional revenue of 79Mn/year. 4. Maintain current Brand Positioning Maintain current brand positioning by serving to soaringend of clients with good and specialised quality of overlapions (like sea colda elan of lifee and total).Continue leverage on better customer experience by providing attentive staff, shortercheck go forth times, and coal scuttle stores for pertinacious hours, with clean and better lit lay offs.This ordain able to defend the opposition from Delfina, in all Foods Market and extragalactic nebula and hint Val. 5. Improve Product Mix Improve the product mix by introducing more closed-door labels. Increase the sequestered labels to 25% of total products on offer while maintaining the same Gross Marginand SG&A. Offer 2 types of product in each category, one with different brands (total 75% ofthat category) as a premium product and second with private label with dispirit outlays as compared to branded ones. This increase in private labels pass on send a signal to stores like Aldi tonot to enter their territory of noble end mart with private labels. Roll out the bundled products containing food and beverages. Increase the organic andprepared food (high margin) in a product category where feasible and act the organicpets food for its customer (comprises 20% of existing customer). 6. Increase guest antecedent beating-reed instrument will prehend at least 1% of market share of Galaxy storesresulting in additional sales of $47.15Mn (details in justification).7. harm there will be no change in price policy for all the products (dollar sp. is scrapped). 8. Promotion Leverage the integrated marketing logical argument of online, print and ad to promote revolutionary addition of mo re private labels, organic food and prepared food. Promote the message healthy food adds to betters quality of heart and for this no compromises should be madeesp. in later part of the life (for older affluent population). This will help in tackling theperception of consumers that prices are high. Promote the probity in customer service,clean stores and convenient locations. These promotions will drive the increase in customerloyalty, awareness, choice and will increase the trips to store. 9. Maintain Current Locations As far as distribution is concerned dont add peeled stores oracquire any new store this year. Lot of dollar stores contain contract up at convenient locations toconsumers but it has made only a marginal impact (increase of 0.05%) on their habit ofregularly shopping at supermarkets, so dont react to it. supplementally there are no plans forany capital expenditure for next 2 years as market conditions are quite an tough.Why These RecommendationsTo understand ho w these recommendations were made, lets figure of speech one explore the current Industry situation, followed by Industry player and competition abridgment and finally thejustification of why these recommendations are made for Meredith Collins.Porters Industry compendiumIndustry Players & Competition Players in this industry make money by applying high volume and low margin strategy. Theonus here is to leverage the economies of scale driven by operational efficiency to reducethe cost. They buy large number of products across various categories in bulk fromdifferent suppliers and sell them at lower prices as compared to a smaller store which have modified shell space, product range and category. Net Operating Margins are quite thin, 1.5% 2.5%,room for error or slag is nearly negligible in operations. There are 5 types of player in theindustry competing in 3 segments, from high end to low end of market. They are differentiating with each other on the following parameters Prici ng as a strategy (shown below in perceptual map) is employ by retailers to differentiate. more or less are positioning their price low ( sawhorse stores) and slightly(a) at premium like reed, someuse discounted pricing or universal low prices (TopVal). Product specialisation and variety is another way of differentiation being employed.Someretailers are offering specialised products, like reed specialises in organic and fresh seafoods and some differentiate on packaging. Some retailers are selling various products in a category by different manufactures and some retailers like Aldi sell only 1 product exclusively (private label) in a category. Quality is another way of differentiating the product, higher(prenominal) the quality, higher the price. reed instrument and Whole Foods are leading the pack when it comes to quality. Customer Experience driven by customer service and presentation plays a bigger role inattracting customers. For customer service, stores like Reed open for long hours, have morestaff on check outs to reduce the servicing time, have runners for shuttling the baggage.Some stores (like Dollar stores) have less/minimal staff ( decrease cost) for help and checkout. For presentation stores are leveraging cleanliness, bright and better lighting (Aldi, Reed)and a better layout of shelves and stores perceptual MapJustification for RecommendationsFocus on current Customer Segment and Increase Wallet Share Reeds current customer segment is composed of affluent and older customers with, smaller householdsize. Their annual income is 12% higher ($58,200) then states median household income of$52,000. On Average Annual spend by customers in US is $5,200. then on average wallet share of Reeds customer is 8.93% (refer Appendix) as compared to 10% wallet share of anaverage customer. Additionally, on average customer in US spends $47.62/trip to a supermarket and currently Reeds Average Sales Value is $31.42/transaction. This must beleveraged to increase the average sales prise and wallet share. Having said that, it seems that current downturn has impacted the spending habits of Reeds customer segment.Competition and Brand PositioningReeds main competitor is Delfina, Whole FoodsMarket, Galaxy and TopVal. These players together comprise 45.10% of total market and Reed is leading overall. Since they are in same segment of market (except Top Val), its vital Reed maintain its current brand equity and position (defending the territory) which has beenbuilt over the years. Whole Foods which is competing with Reed on same positioning insame segment, but it has only 3 stores and has 1.2 % of market share. Reed pauperism not worryabout them at this stage. As far as threat from Galaxy (supervalu) is concerned, they donthave good locations and only some stores are marginally profitable. They are in trouble andits a matter of time when they are up for sale. Reed doesnt need to react to them, in factthere is a potential for Reed to get some cu stomers from Galaxy.On competition from TopVal it is positioned as low price player in the nitty-gritty marketsegment. Its truly aggressive and is reacting hard to maintain its presence in competitionwith Walmart & Costco, this is not sustainable, and therefore there is no need to react totheir everyday low pricing discount roll out. To further defend against competitors, continueleveraging on better customer experience by providing attentive staff, shorter check outtimes, and opening stores for long hours with clean and better lit layouts.Its neither amiable and nor possible for Reed to move to inwardness end of market (in middle ofperceptual map) where bigger players like Costco and Walmart hold the place with totalshare of 13.46%. Any signalling (using Game Theory)/ gallery in that segment can drivethe price wars leading to a incident for Reed as they have bigger pockets and globalcapacity to sustain the price war.On the lower end (extreme right on perceptual map) of market its unequivocal from perceptualMap that dollar stores doesnt impose any serious threat as they have combined marketshare of 1.2% and can reach up to maximum of 3%. They have a different customersegment and market positioning. Similarly Aldi/Trader Joe has 1.62% of market share todayand can reach up to maximum of 5%. terminus like Aldi rely heavily on lean operating modeland efficiency. It leverages private labels(95%) and limited products (14,000 only) comparedto 50,000 in a supermarket) by Reed. Aldi targets niche customers with low and strong suit endof price market. In short term it doesnt pose any threat to Reed, in longer term they canpose some threat as they have the expertise to compete and can grow aggressively byintroducing private labels for high end of market.Improve Product MixCurrently 17% of sale is attributed by private labels in food andbeverage and has grown since 2005. snobbish labels arent perceived a low quality product any longer because of aggressive campai gning over the years in industry. These are beingused successfully at lower and middle end of price market by Aldi/Joe Traders. It will bewise for Reed to increase its product mix by increase their intake of private labels in highend of products (high price and quality). This will add more choice for consumers along withbranded ones. Negotiate with the bigger suppliers and tell them that they need toincrease/add private label offerings as consumer doesnt perceive them low care for anymore.If they dont come to the party then look for new suppliers in private label category.Bundling of food and beverages must be through as they complement each other and goeswell with target customer base. This will help in parkway the sales and margin. Organic andprepared food is high margin as a product category and goes well with the health consciousand affluent people (less time for cooking). So these products need more kind shelfspace and intake by Reed and it will help in driving the increase wallet share. Organic petfood is a good way of retaining (loyalty) affluent segment and increasing the trips to store asthey take their pets when they go out for shopping. Increase Customer BaseReed need to target to grab at least 1% of market share($47.15MN) of Galaxy. These stores are poorly located & are in trouble as they cant sustainthese promotions. Addition of more private labels, more prepared food, good customerservice & convenient locations will help in driving the customers to Reed.Scrap Dollar Special PromotionsSince June 2010, 250 items have been offered on adollar special on weeklybasis where prices have been reduced by 44% (refer Appendix).This sale constitutes 4% (12.69 Mn.) of total sales in a week, which is 0.51 Mn/week ofsales. This has increased the traffic in some stores by 3% but each sale is registering a netoperating loss of 76% on these discounted items and decreasing the overall net profit ofReed for 2010 to 0.4% only (refer Appendix). This is not sustainab le from economic point ofview, if this is run for 12 months Reed will make a loss. Secondly from brand equity point ofview it is destroying the equity built over the years. It is sending mixed signals to targetcustomer segment as dollar stores are nearby. The 3% increase in traffic at some stores isdriven by bargain hunters, which is opposite to Reeds Positioning.PriceThere is no need for change in pricing policy for all products as COGS and Expensesare built in using economies of scale. Its already a very low margin business (NPM of 1.5%to 2.5%) further reduction of price (only and having same GM and S&A) will impact the economic model and the quarter line of Reed. This is also evident from the Dollar SpecialPromotionsConclusionThese points above submit the justification for recommendations. Reed muststay the course on what it has done successfully over the years. This current cycle ofdownturn and increasing competition must be used to focus on target segment & defend theterritor y and grow on what Reed does well. Reaction like weekly Dollar Special without athorough analysis and plan can be detrimental to business. Soon there will be moreopportunities as some players will burn themselves by employing unsustainable practices.So Reed must stay the course with sharp focus.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Last community group modifed
A Community Group is a base of mickle who come together to pursue a common coif or interest for the good of their communityIn Kuwait, a few community sorts which were form in the past were mainly strongly linked to the government and their decisions were influenced by the governments whims. Among the community ag roots prominent in Kuwait, was Bait Al-Zakah Al-Kuwaiti, which helped the poor volume and economically disadvantaged countries, the Kuwaiti disenable Club realised in 1971, and the Environmental Public Authority which was a joint accident by government associations and community groups. These groups were the first agencies in Kuwait that was interest in environmental betterment of the caller.In 1992, when there was an oil well flaming in Kuwait caused by the Iraqi soldiers, volunteers lent their helping give to the firemen to stop quell the fire. Soon afterwards, the tenders Work spirit (VWC) was established. However delinquent to a number of reasons like fa mily responsibility, priorities after the war, hot environment, lack of noesis about the importance of unpaid worker work, educational backwardness of the masses and so forth people didnt come forward in large numbers to continue volunteer services. This is compounded by the fact that the government offered a naughty standard of living to the people.In recent times, a number of community groups were form in Kuwait, which was independent and free of government influence. These groups which played an important single-valued function in the social reforms of Kuwait are divided into two ingredients piece 1 This group were entitled the Volunteers Work Centre, consisting of (14 groups), such as The Disable Centre. Each group in this section has their own voluntary course and they interacted with early(a) groups to discuss and update their work strategies. Section 2 This section consists of groups who are working independently of the previous section, such as The plunk Centre.Thi s essay will discuss briefly the group community breeding in Kuwait with several victor stories.Group Community DevelopmentDue to the timely and in(predicate) voluntary services set asided by the Volunteer Centre, especially in positive the burning oil fields and because of the support that they have received from the government, contrasting community groups have been established infra aegis of the Volunteer Centre. The unforced Centre has acted as a unifying factor in brining unlike community groups under unity umbrella.The community groups together with the Volunteer Centre alterd the masses about the accept of voluntary services, and about their whole kit and caboodle as well through the help of media. In order to sensitize the masses, they nighly choose special days in the shopping malls, to do their surveys, to educate the people, and to create awareness about the importance of voluntary services. shop malls are chosen for publicity and awareness building purpose because most people frequent such malls. The groups also initiated programs in school and University premise to encourage young people to come forward and join voluntary services, since sensitizing the younger generation was easier than older people. The internet too had make an attractive tool for sensitization of masses and to introduce the community groups to the golf club.Due to sensitization efforts, volunteers started to enrol directly to specific community groups however, most of the volunteers went directly to the Volunteer Centre and they were assigned to various community groups according to their orbit of interests. any(prenominal) of the volunteers had no specific backgrounds in community service or voluntary work, while another(prenominal)s had meagre experience and could not decide where they would fit best. For such groups, the Volunteer Centre had specific programs to train them in specific area and then divide them into groups that fit their interests. Besides this, the Volunteer Centre provides volunteers to specific group community when they request for volunteers, or train new members on request.Sometimes when a group is faced with problems which can not be opinionated within the group, it seeks the help from other groups through the Volunteer Centre for specialised intervention. The Volunteer Centre, through networking with different community groups finds specialist from other groups fitted for resolving the issue. For instance, if the Disabled slew Centre, which is one of the Volunteer Centre 14 groups, encountered a problem with their website, they can request the Volunteer Centre to provide them specialised manpower from community group with IT expertise to resolve their crisis. other example of significant cooperation between the Volunteer Centre groups can be seen from the fact that the Horses Group, after being requested by the Disabled concourse Centre, has trained horses especially for the disabled people.One of the un defeated group community under The Volunteer Centre of section one, is The Disabled People Centre. This centre was organise in 1999 The organizational structure of the Centre consists of a manager, assistant manager, secretaries and specialists etc. Voluntary work is carried out in a systematic and musket ball manner. Any request or help sought from the Centre has to be formally registered, along with a written application, which is each approved or disapproved with the consent of members or secretaries. The centre has dress code for volunteers and uniforms are provided by the centre.The Disabled People Centre is divided into several sub-centres. While one sub-centre directly deals with the patients, another forms the media campaign and look after publicity affairs. nonetheless another sub-centre solicits and coordinates donation by seeking financial help either from individual donors or aid agencies or as well as request equipments from prospective donors for the disabled peopl e. One sub-section coordinates with other groups (local or overseas), organize competitions, ceremonies as well as other public relations campaigns.Another successful independent community group of section 2 is The Kuwait diverse centre which started with two leaders in 1995. The group taught diving to members of other groups and made them understand the importance of diving for the protection of marine environment. The group organised overseas trips to gain first hand experience, so that they could equalise the difference between the marine environments of Kuwait with other places. The group runs as a aggroup which consists of two leaders, their assistants, eight core members and 94 volunteers. It seeks to circularize the diving sport and to conserve the environment, calveicularly the marine environment. The community group is divided into two partsThe training team teaches interested people how to dive. In the process, they expect some of these people to join their team, thu s ensuring a sustainable future for the community group. The environmental conservation team, which educates the trainers about the need to save and protect our environment, also publishes and distributes educational brochures, and take resort to other forms of media channels such as TV and radio to educate the broader community.Both the team coordinate with each other under the direct guidance of group leaders and their assistants. The age and the qualifications of the members play an important role in determine the members position in the teams hierarchy. It is part of the Kuwaiti tradition and culture to love a person positioned in a higher place in the hierarchy.The diver centre has accomplished some great line of work in the field of marine conservation which earned them more perplexity and recognition. This has helped in their expansion and growth. Till date, they have trained around 780 trainers, observed wrecked ships in the Persian Gulf, trained members of the Ministry of Interior, published the Kuwait devil dog Environment Encyclopaedia, discovered and mapped good diving spots in Kuwait, and was the first group train the disabled people in the center field East.The cooperation between the Kuwait Disabled People Club (different from Disabled People Centre) and the Divers Group has earned great respect and accolade from the society in general, and other community groups in particular. Since the group has demonstrated success with handicapped people, other groups from overseas have expressed their interest in the Kuwaiti diver groups diving program for the disabled.The successful endeavour by the voluntary groups of Kuwait has earned them great respect (both locally and internationally) and demand for their services has grown manyfold since their inception. Due to the small sizing of Kuwait, the groups activities were widely dispersed. For the successful functioning of the community groups, the cooperation of the society is crucial. Cash or chequ e donations as well as donations in terms of goods and services by generous Kuwaiti citizens helped these community groups write out with emergency situations with commendable ease.
Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation Essay
Martin Luther was the well-nigh influential person of the 15th and sixteenth century the reason being he rebelled against the catholic church the highest dominance in the world at that time. When Martin Luther went against the church he non yet reformed Christianity but reformed every person in europium into a thinking human being. So when opineing at the most influential people of the time Martin Luther paved the path for all newfangled sciences.Martin Luthers Ninety Five Theses showed obvious faults and corruption throughout the Catholic church service. When looking at Martin Luthers ideals he showed that the Catholic Church had do up rules that could not be found in the bible. Due to this decision he led the Protestants into a more direct translation of the bible. hotshot of his largest accomplishments was the translation of the bible into the German language. By translating the bible out of Latin and into German he placed the interpretation of the word of god into the manpower of people who had been simply told gods word from a Catholic stand point. By shining light on the problems of the Catholic Church Martin Luther created a wave of people with minds of their own.By giving people a reason and the power to think for themselves he lit the powder kegful for the exit of the middle ages and entrance into the renaissance and the scientific revolution. And when looking at the scientific revolution one can speculate that if Martin Luthers Protestant reformation had not taken place when it did the Catholic Church would most likely have crushed any new scientific ideas that did not conform to the teachings of the church. To prove that the speculation has weight one can look at how the Catholic Church employed major censorship of the Protestant teachings.Martin Luther was the most influential person of the 15th and 16th century because he shined light upon the power of the human mind. By empowering people he happy the world with the spark that led to t he scientific revolution and the split of the Catholic religion.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Gufax Mf Bank Profile
GUFAX MF BANK www. gufaxmf believe. com COMPANY indite GUFAX MICROFINANCE BANK LTD OUR VISION To be the leader in Microfinance patoising Services in Nigeria. OUR MISSION To reduce imp all everyplaceishment and build smiles on the faces of our esteemed customers by transforming them into economically energetic race with full access and integration into the formal financial system. INTRODUCTION Gufax Microfinance swear Ltd. s licensed for operation in Akwa Ibom republic by the underlying rely of Nigeria for the provisual sensation and administration of littlefinance services, adds, advisory services, poverty alleviation programme-partners with organisation or its agencies as well as former(a) financial services. It was corporal on 04 April, 2008 with the Corporate Affairs Commission and Licensed by CBN in September 2008. The lodge has an Authorised Share capital of N250million out of which the nonrecreational up is N120million and total asset base of over N500million, approximately $3. 2Million as at December 31st, 2011.We in any case have total employee/staff might of seventy star (71) and our present customer base is approaching cardinal thousand single(a)s and groups comprising mainly the market women, cooperative groups, transport unions and other minor and medium patronage operators inwardly the state and a percentage of government activity employees. OUR ADDRESS Corporate extend of is at FADUK HOUSE, No. 3 Udotung Ubo Street, Uyo, Akwa Ibom rural area. Presently, the intrust has seven meeting points within Akwa Ibom State as follows Akpan Andem Entrepreneurial trade Uyo in Uyo local Government. Nung Udoe Ibesikpo,in Ibesikpo Asutan topical anesthetic Government.Ikot Ekpene in Ikot Ekpene local Government. Oku Iboku in Itu Local Government. Ishiet Uruan Beach Market in Uruan Local Government. Ibaka Beach Meeting Point, Mbo Local Government Area. Onna Meeting Point, Ikot Abasi Road, Abat. It is part of the strategic expansion plan of the bank to open a minimum of one meeting point either quarter. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The bank has a board extremityship of 4 secern persons as sh give birth below Engr Nsikanabasi Ibanga Chairman Engr. Ibanga Engr. Nsikanabasi Ibanga is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gufax Microfinance Bank Ltd. He is an roll in the hayd Civil Engineer.Engr. Ibanga served as an Executive Engineer with ENPLAN conclave of Consulting Engineers Nigeria Ltd, EBASCO Consulting Engineers and flair Nigeria Limited for over 10 geezerhood. He has been maked in galore( spatial relationnominal) close and public building designs over the years and is still rattling active in current practice. He is a member, Nigeria troupe of Engineers (MNSE) and also a registered member of the Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN). He has attended Engineering focal point Workshop and other courses within and outside the country. His pick up has been brought to bear in his leadership o f the Bank.Mr. Uduak Effiong Udo Managing Director/chief operating officer * MD/CEO Mr. Uduak Udo is the Managing Director/ gaffer Executive Officer of Gufax Microfinance Bank Ltd. He is a seasoned Banker with over Ten (10) years of experience in Retail, Consumer and Public firmament Banking. Uduak had stints with Citizens planetary Bank Limited (now Enterprise Bank Ltd) from where he left for Zenith Bank Plc. He grew to a attention position in Zenith Bank and after(prenominal)wards left and co-found a group of financial service companies which Gufax Microfinance bank Ltd is one of them.He holds an MBA Degree in Business Administration from University of Calabar. He is a young buck of Portfolio and Debt worry make (PDMI), a member of the Risk caution necktie of Nigeria (RIMAN), and a member of Institute of Strategic Management (ISMN) and also a member of chartered institute of Bankers of Nigeria. He is also an Alumnus of world Prestigious Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, where he has been exposed to world class vigilance Education and Entrepreneurship. A serious minded and successful entrepreneur, Uduak has interest in finance and Investment.He has attended courses within and outside the country. The experience of the MD/CEO is a springboard for successful service delivery to our clients. Engr Bassey A. Iton Director QUALIFICATIONS M. Sc Petrochemical Engineering, Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industries, Moscow, (1977). Member Nigerian Institute of chemical Engineers. Member Nigerian Society of Engineers. Associate Member AIChE (1978). General Manager, touch Engineering NNPC H/Q. Abuja. Working experience covers the underlisted areas and companiesFederal Superphosphate Fertiliser friendship Ltd. (FSFC), KadunaAugust 1977 June 1978 Warri Refining and Petrochemical alliance Ltd. (WRPC), Ekpan-WarriOctober 1978 January 1980 Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Ltd. (KRPC), KadunaJanuary 1980 December 1990 case Engineering and expert Company Ltd. (NETCO), LagosJanuary 1991 January 2006 NNPC Investment, Engineering & Technical Divisions. AbujaFebruary 2007 November 2009 return Manaagement Duties in NNPC Headquarters Abuja. General Manager Upstream Investment in Commercial and Investment Directorate. .General Manager Process Engineering in engine inhabit Directorate. Project Engineering and Management Services National Engineering and Technical Company. January 1991 to December 2006. Managed underlisted projects Strategic Management Training for world class managers. (June 2008) mini MBA for Oil & Gas in Houston TEXAS October 2009 Engr Iton is amiable & hardworking and is a very discipline Board member of Gufax MFB Mr Mbobo E. Mbobo (ACA) Director * Mr Mbobo Mr. Mbobo Mbobo is a Director of Gufax Microfinance Bank Ltd. He is a seasoned explanationant. Mbobo has worked as an Accountant with A.C. T Nigeria Ltd, Lagos for 3years to begin with moving on to Federal Mortgage Bank w here he worked as a State Accountant for 10years and then a nonher 3years as an analyze Manager with Eddy Ette & Co (Chartered Accountants). He is presently working with the University of Uyo as a part time Lecturer and an Acting Director of Finance with Akwa Ibom State University of Technology. He holds an MBA Degree in Accounting and is working on getting his Ph. D. He is an Associate of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), an Associate, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (ACTI).He has attended courses within and outside the country. He has served as a Resource person at Seminars and Workshops. The experience of this Director is a striking boosts to our service to customers. CORRESPONDENCE BANKS First Bank of Nigeria Plc Access Bank Plc EcoBank external Plc Diamond Bank Plc United Bank for Africa Plc Zenith Bank Plc Skye Bank Ltd OUR PRODUCTS AND operate CURRENT narrative Gufax MFB offers current account services. The account is necessary as most other cash management services are provided with the current account.VOLUNTARY nest egg ACCOUNTS We provide a number of savings products. These overwhelm 1. Regular savings accounts This is the regular savings account operated for a customer for his personal reason. 2. Gufax Heritage Account This account is for Children under the age of 18years. Benefits take on scholarships. 3. Gufax Daily Contri besidesion This is for traders who are desirous of saving a pre-agreed mensuration daily till month end. 4. Gufax Acquired Account This account is for persons who have special(prenominal) targeted items to acquire at a specific time 5. Gufax Festivity AccountThis account is for savings for festivity such as Christmas, Easter, Salah, Marriages etc 6. Gufax Real feel Savings contrivance This is an open ended Asset acquisition proposal for civil servants. Regardless of what you want the Bank buys it for you and your salary is deducted for re feedment over a period not exceeding one year a fter you would have saved 50% of the total cost of the asset. COMPULSORY SAVINGS ACCOUNT 1. GROUP COMPULSORY SAVINGS All group members benefiting from Gufax grouping bring operates a compulsory savings account expected to serve them to build wealth and instil a saving culture in them. . TRICYCLE SAVINGS ACCOUNT All beneficiaries of the Gufax Tricycle Transport Scheme are made to do a weekly compulsory savings for themselves as part of the condition for being a beneficiary of the scheme. work CREDIT PRODUCTS Gufax Tricycle Scheme This product is targeted at the former bike riders in the city of Uyo whose business has been mass by the government and replaced with plug and tricycles. It requires the beneficiary to save 25% of the product cost and the bank pass on acquire such for the person with a tenor of 8months. Gufax Real flavor SchemeThis is targeted at low and medium income government and private sector employees. It is meant to make life meaningful to this class of peop le by make them have unclouded access to any asset that provide add value to their lives and pay from their salary for a tenor not exceeding 18months. Gufax Quick Loan this product is a temporary overdraft facility granted to traders which must be liquidated at the close of work on the last work day of every month. It is targeted at traders who makes daily repayments and with clear potentials to liquidate on or before end of month. FIXED DEPOSIT ACCOUNTGUFAX MFB has a eccentric fixed deposit regime that encourages growth in asset and accretion of wealth with minimal risk. The rates are competitive and attractive but within the Financial and Fiscal Policy Framework of the Central Bank of Nigeria. From as low as a Hundred Thousand, You can own a fixed deposit account with Gufax. SALARY ACCOUNT salary account can be opened for employees of companies/organization at no cost. You only need to send us a letter indicating the label of those that need the account and the rest is for us to do. CO-OPERATIVE AND SMALL GROUP ACCOUNTThis account is opened for formal and informal groups and organizations who are engaged in small and medium businesses targeted at poverty alleviation and wealth creation. CREDIT-RELATED operate The denotation-related services of our bank include 1. Advances and Overdraft 2. Group & Individual Loans 3. Short experimental condition facility against staff salaries. 1. Projects development financing 2. lessened scale business finance 3. Asset acquisition Financing 4. Property/Household equipment Lease. 5. Micro-insurance 6. Co-operative and Small Group (Formal & Non-formal) lending 7. Bridge Finance/LPO financingFINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES Gufax MFB also offers a wide range of financial advisory services on optimal financial structure involving a mix of equity/debt financing, enthronization risk management and strategic finance options. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES GUFAXs Faduk Care Trust This is the philanthropic organ of Gufax M FB and is saddled with the responsibility of making sure that the Bank gives back to the confederation. Amongst the programme so far handled by the department includes 1. Scholarships Scheme totalling over a million naira to over 50 beneficiaries from different Educational institutions in Nigeria. . Library Project in quislingism with ICAN, Uyo District and Society. 3. Sponsorships of programmes, seminars and workshops. 4. Gufax Help. Com Tansport scheme for the frustrated Okada Riders affected by Government band of their operation within Uyo Capital City. PREVIOUS STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS We have handled many micro credit programs amongst which are i. FADAMA III Programme in Akwa Ibom State still ongoing. ii. Shell Development micro credit for Uruan (LGA) Community iii. Akwa Ibom State Action Committee on Aids (SACA) in their ongoing micro credit programme. iv.Participating MFB for FGN/CBN/IFAD Rural Finance Institution Building Programme (RUFIN) for Akwa Ibom State. STRATERGIC af fair PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MICRO-CREDIT FOR THE RURAL ACTIVE POOR IN ONNA LGA. Our dodge of poverty alleviation partnership is a collaborative approach where the Local government provides a counterpart fund and a guarantee for microcredit to be extended by the bank to the rural active poor within the Local Government Area Pre- pay outment training, disbursement, varaning, performance evaluation, recovery, refinancing planning, rendition of report, compulsory savings mobilisation are part of this partnership. Pre-disbursement Training distributively of the beneficiaries of our micro credit will be trained on the basic cash management technique to ensure that there is no diversion of these impute for other purposes. Small and medium enterprises will be duly examined to ensure the consignment of the promoters. We will organize trainings and workshops for the beneficiaries of the loans in line with their trades to help them keep open books of accounts as well as exercise finan cial disciplines. These and other knowingness seminars/workshops keep our beneficiaries on top performance. Selection/DisbursementWe engage the beneficiaries of loans/credits through a thorough and diligent selection /screening process. We disburse funds to groups (formal and informal) and organizations with proper co-ordinations and organization skilled small and medium entrepreneurs as well as individuals with quality business plans for small and medium enterprises. observe We will monitor them through our well trained credit/ correction officers divided into teams and assigned to specific groups/communities and special products of the bank such as group fund management (Government and donor redit scheme funds). retrieval Each group or individual is qualified for the loan with at to the lowest degree two guarantors which one of the following must sign Village channel of the beneficiaries/group clan Head, Paramount ruler, councillors, House of Assembly member or any prominen t member of the community with a net-worth over and preceding(prenominal) the loan amount. Repayment Plan At the commencement of the programme, we shall draw up a repayment plan to enable them know the duration of the loan and the repayment period. Rendition of Report We shall keep a chart (ledger) to monitor daily, weekly and monthly performances and shall constantly present monthly report on the performance of the scheme to the Board and Management for Assessment and Policy formulation. Our Charges Our charges will be on commission basis which is negotiable or a subsidized interest rate. ORGANOGRAM GUFAX MICROFINANCE BANK ORGANISATIONAL CHART pic MANAGEMENT STAFF PROFILE Gufax Microfinance Bank stands out from among its peers because of our uniqueness and personalized services to customers.We parade a team of highly motivated and well trained staff, who will not rest until a customer is satisfied. MD/CEO please check up on as in Directors profiles Mgr-Business Development & S trategy(BDS) * Mr Ubong Udoh is an MBA student of ESUT, Holds B. Sc in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. He is also a member of the Statistical Association of Nigeria, Member of the Chattered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria, He has working experience with reputable companies, such as Zenith Bank, Intercontinental Bank and the Central bank of Nigeria spanning over 10 years.He is a a Certified Microfinance Banker(MCIB) of CIBN. He is involve in many Humanitarian services including, Action Aid Intl, Society Against Malaria, SACA, ACOMIN and the UNHCR. He is hardworking and goal oriented. He is friendly but disciplined. * political boss FINANCE OFFICER & HEAD OF AUDIT As Head of knowledgeable Control/ canvass Department of Gufax (MF) Bank, Ubon Akpan has over 20 years experience in Banking, Accounting, Finance, analyseing and General Management traversing both Public and Private Sector Establishments.He started his career at Mercan tile Bank Plc, where he rose to the post of a Supervisor. He later joined A. T. Asikpo & Co (Chartered Accountants) as Audit Supervisor, from where he moved to Frank & General Associates (A firm of Financial & Management Consultants) as Finance & Admin Manager. Thereafter, he got an interlocking at ACCESS Group of Schools as Head of Accounts/ Bursar for 2 years and later as Head of Audit for 3 years, before taking up another appointment as the General Manager of Grafen Enterprises Ltd a Human Resources Management Company in the Oil Services sub sector.He also worked with Ekondo (MF) Bank, Calabar, as a Manager before he joined Gufax (MF) Bank. A Cost and Management Accountant (ACMA), he holds a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Accounting, a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and get the hang in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Calabar. * MANAGER,BANKING OPERATIONS ADEYANJU LANSEBE is a graduate * MANAGER,BUSINESS exploitation This department is manage d by Ugomma Udonsi who is a highy skilled banker with over 10 years of experience in the banking sector.She started her banking career with Mutual Alliance Savings & Loans Ltd where she worked as Head, Branch Operations/Treasury. She holds HND in Estate Management from Federal polytechnic institute Nekede, Owerri. CONCLUSION At Gufax, we pride ourselves in focusing on the individual customer because we appreciate the fact that each customer is unique. GUFAX MFB is an engine room and hope for economic growth and development of the devastated lower class of our society.As our vision and mission clearly states, we are committed to the evolution of a society where every active poor can smile, please come along. UDUAK UDO MD/CEO www. gufaxmfbank. com MD/CEO Board of Directors COO/SA to the MD M Head, Banking Operations Head, Admin/ Human Resource Head, Audit /Compliance Head, IT Unit efficacious Department Head, Business Development Credit & Marketing Executive / Debt Recovery HR/Admi n Cashiers/Customer Service Officers/Funds Transfer Internal Audit Officers Internal Ctrl Officers IT Officers and Trainees Transports / Security
Foundation’s Edge CHAPTER FOUR SPACE
SPACEThe venture looked even much impressive than Trevize with his memories of the time when the new cruiser- distinguish had been glowingly tell had pass judgment.It was non the size of it that was impressive for it was quite an sm in each. It was designed for maneuverability and speed, for t forbidden ensemble gravitic engines, and most of all for advanced reck mavinrization. It didnt affect size size would fetch defeated its purpose.It was a atomic number 53-man device that could replace, with advantage, the older channels that requi release a crew of a dozen or to a greater extent. With a second or even a third person to establish shifts of duty, one such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) enrapture could fight off a flotilla of much big non- installation ships. In addition, it could outspeed and escape from each other ship in existence.There was a sleekness virtually it non a wasted line, non a superfluous curve inner or out. E truly cubic clip of v olume was mappingd to its maximum, so as to leave a inexplicable aura of spaciousness within. nonhing the Mayor business leader arrive verbalize well-nigh the importance of his kick could acquit impressed Trevize more than the ship with which he was asked to perform it.Branno the Bronze, he thought with chagrin, had maneuvered him into a dangerous mission of the greatest signifi arseholece. He big businessman non generate accepted with such determination had she non so arranged matters that he wanted to institute her what he could do.As for Pelorat, he was transported with wonder. Would you believe, he said, placing a gentle hitch on the hull in the beginning he had climbed in side, that Ive n incessantly been almost to a officeship?Ill believe it, of course, if you say so, Professor, and how did you manage it?I skillful now know, to be honest with you, dear fel , I flirt with, my dear Trevize. I postulate I was overly concerned with my rese bowingh. When one s home has a really s settle information processing system capable of reaching other calculating machines bothwhere in the wandflower, one scarcely needs to budge, you know. manyhow I expected bil permitships to be larger than this.This is a small model, save even so, its much larger inside than any other ship of this size.How scum bag that be? You are devising fun of my ignorance.No, no. Im serious. This is one of the eldest ships to be murderly graviticized.What does that mean? But please dont explain if it requires extensive physics. I pull up s posts calculate your word, as you took mine yesterday in connection with the single species of sympathy and the single world of origin.Lets try, Professor Pelorat. Through all the thousands of years of pose flight, weve had chemical motors and ionic motors and hyperatomic motors, and all these things have been bulky. The old Imperial naval forces had ships five hundred meters long with no more living outer space in the m than would fit into a small apartment. Fortunately the nucleotide has specialize in miniaturization by dint of all the centuries of its existence, thanks to its lack of material resources. This ship is the culmination. It mystifys drug abuse of antigravity and the device that sop ups that possible takes up virtually no space and is veridically included in the hull. If it werent that we as yet need the hyperatomicA Security guard approached. You go out have to get on, gentlemenThe sky was rifling light, though sunrise was placid half an hour off.Trevize looked to the highest degree. Is my baggage impish?Yes, Councilman, you will find the ship in full equipped.With clothing, I opine, that is not my size or to my taste.The guard smiled, preferably fulminantly and almost boyishly. I speak out it is, he said. The Mayor had us recreateing overtime these outlive cardinal or forty hours and weve matched what you had wetly. Money no object. Listen, he looked intimat ely as though to figure out sure no one noticed his sudden fraternization, you two are lucky. Best ship in the world. Fully equipped, overlook for armament. Youre swimming in cream.Sour cream, by chance, said Trevize. Well, Professor, are you articulatey?With this I am, Pelorat said and held up a square wafer closely twenty centimeters to the side and encased in a jacket of sil real plastic. Trevize was suddenly aware(p) that Pelorat had been holding it since they had left his home, shifting it from hand to hand and never position it land, even when they had stopped for a quick breakfast.Whats that, Professor?My library. Its indexed by subject matter and origin and Ive gotten it all into one wafer. If you think this ship is a marvel, how about this wafer? A whole library e genuinely(prenominal)thing I have imperturbable Wonderful WonderfulWell, said Trevize, we are swimming in cream.Trevize marveled at the inside of the ship. The utilization of space was ingenious. There was a storeway, with supplies of food, clothing, films, and games. There was a gym, a parlor, and two closely identical bedrooms.This one, said Trevize, must be yours, Professor. At least, it contains an FX Reader.Good, said Pelorat with satisfaction. What an ass I have been to avoid space flight as I have. I could live here, my dear Trevize, in utter satisfaction.Roomier than I expected, said Trevize with pleasure.And the engines are really in the hull, as you said?The controlling devices are, at any rate. We dont have to store supply or make use of it on the spot. Were making use of the unplumbed energy store of the Universe, so that the fuel and the engines are all out in that location. He gestured vaguely.Well, now that I think of it what if almostthing goes wrong?Trevize shrugged. Ive been trained in space navigation, only when not on these ships. If something goes wrong with the gravitics, Im afraid in that locations zero point I sack do about it.But can you put ac ross this ship? Pilot it?Im wondering that myself.Pelorat said, Do you suppose this is an automated ship? Might we not merely be passengers? We skill simply be expected to sit here.They have such things in the case of ferries betwixt programmeets and space stations within a stellar system, plainly I never heard of automated hyperspace travel. At least, not so far. Not so far.He looked about again and in that location was a feed of apprehension within him. Had that harridan Mayor managed to maneuver that far ahead of him? Had the Foundation automated interstellar travel, too, and was he dismissal to be deposited on Trantor quite against his will, and with no more to say about it than any of the rest of the furniture aboard ship?He said with a cheerful vital force he didnt feel, Professor, you sit down. The Mayor said this ship was completely computerized. If your room has the FX Reader, mine ought to have a computer in it. Make yourself contented and let me look around a b it on my own.Pelorat looked in a flash anxious. Trevize, my dear chap. Youre not getting off the ship, are you?Not my plan at all, Professor. And if I act, you can count on my world stopped. It is not the Mayors intention to allow me off. wholly Im planning to do is to learn what operates the outlying(prenominal) Star. He smiled, I wont desert you, Professor.He was still smiling as he entered, what he mat to be his own bedroom, plainly his plaque grew sober as he closed the door softly croup him. Surely there must be some means of communicating with a planet in the neighborhood of the ship. It was impossible to imagine a ship deliberately sealed off from its surroundings and, therefore, somewhere possibly in a wall recess there would have to be a Reacher. He could use it to call the Mayors office to ask about controls.Carefully he inspected the walls, the headboard of the bed, and the neat, smooth furniture. If null turned up here, he would go through the rest of the s hip.He was about to turn forward when his eye caught a glint of light on the smooth, light chocolate-brown surface of the desk. A round one shot of light, with neat lettering that read COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS.AhNevertheless his optic beat chop-chop. There were computers and computers, and there were programs that took a long time to master. Trevize had never do the mistake of underestimating his own intelligence, save, on the other hand, he was not a Grand Master. There were those who had a knack for using a computer, and those who had not and Trevize knew very well into which class he fell.In his hitch in the Foundation Navy, he had reached the browse of lieutenant and had, on occasion, been officer of the day and had had occasion to use the ships computer. He had never been in sole charge of it, however, and he had never been expected to know anything more than the routine maneuvers being officer of the day required.He remembered, with a sinking smack, the volumes taken up by a fully described program in printout, and he could recall the behavior of skilful Sergeant Krasnet at the console of the ships computer. He played it as though it were the most complex musical instrument in the beetleweed, and did it all with an disseminate of nonchalance, as though he were bored at its simplicity save even he had had to consult the volumes at times, swearing at himself in embarrassment.Hesitantly Trevize position a finger on the circle of light and at once the light spread out to cover the desk top. On it were the outline of two hands a right and a left. With a sudden, smooth movement, the desk top tilted to an angle of forty-five degrees.Trevize took the seat before the desk. No words were requirement. It was clear what he was expected to do.He placed his hands on the outlines on the desk, which were positioned for him to do so without strain. The desk top earnmed soft, nearly velvety, where he touched it and his hands sank in.He wizardryed at his hands with astonishment, for they had not sunk in at all. They were on the surface, his eye told him. Yet to his gumption impression of touch it was as though the desk surface had given way, and as though something were holding his hands softly and warmly.Was that all?Now what?He looked about and accordingly closed his eyeball in response to a suggestion.He had heard nothing. He had heard nothingBut inside his brain, as though it were a vagrant thought of his own, there was the sentence, Please close your eyes. Relax. We will make connection.Through the hands?Somehow Trevize had always faux that if one were going to communicate by thought with a computer, it would be through a hood placed over the head and with electrodes against the eyes and skull.The hands?But why not the hands? Trevize found himself natation away, almost drowsy, but with no loss of mental acuity. Why not the hands?The eyes were no more than sense organs. The brain was no more than a central switchboard, encas ed in bone and upstage from the working surface of the body. It was the hands that were the working surface, the hands that felt and manipulated the Universe. kind beings thought with their hands. It was their hands that were the answer of curiosity, that felt and pinched and turned and elevate and hefted. There were animals that had brains of respectable size, but they had no hands and that make all the difference.And as he and the computer held hands, their thinking merged and it no eight-day mattered whether his eyes were open or closed. Opening them did not improve his spate nor did closing them dim it.Either way, he saw the room with complete clarity not equitable in the direction in which he was looking, but all around and supra and below.He saw both room in the spaceship and he saw outside as well. The sun had risen and its chicness was dimmed in the morning mist, but he could look at it direct without being dazzled, for the computer mechanically filtered the light w aves.He felt the gentle wind and its temperature, and the sounds of the world about him. He detected the planets magnetic field and the tiny electrical charges on the wall of the ship.He became aware of the controls of the ship, without even knowing what they were in detail. He knew only that if he wanted to lift the ship, or turn it, or accelerate it, or make use of any of its abilities, the process was the said(prenominal) as that of performing the analogous process to his body. He had but to use his will.Yet his will was not unalloyed. The computer itself could override. At the present moment, there was a formed sentence in his head and he knew merely when and how the ship would take off. There was no flexibility where that was concerned. Thereafter, he knew just as surely, he would himself he able to deride.He found as he cast the net of his computer enhanced consciousness outer that he could sense the condition of the upper atmosphere that he could test the weather patte rns that he could detect the other ships that were swarming upward and the others that were settling downward. All of this had to be taken into ac, count and the computer was taking it into account. If the computer had not been doing so, Trevize realized, he need only desire the computer to do so and it would be done.So much for the volumes of programming there were none. Trevize thought of technical foul Sergeant Krasnet and smiled. He had read often adequate of the immense renewal that gravities would make in the world, but the fusion of computer and mind was still a state secret. It would surely produce a still great revolution.He was aware of time passing. He knew exactly what time it was by period Local and by Galactic Standard.How did he let go?And even as the thought entered his mind, his hands were released and the desk top locomote backrest to its original position and Trevize was left with his own unaided senses.He felt blind and helpless as though, for a time, he had been held and protected by a superbeing and now was abandoned. Had he not known that he could make contact again at any time, the feeling might have reduced him to tears.As it was he merely struggled for re-orientation, for coiffurement to limits, then travel uncertainly to his feet and walked out of the room.Pelorat looked up. He had adjusted his Reader, obviously, and he said, It works very well. It has an clarified Search Program. Did you find the controls, my boy?Yes, Professor. All is well.In that case, shouldnt we do something about takeoff? I mean, self-protection? Arent we supposed to strap ourselves in or something? I looked about for instructions, but I didnt find anything and that made me nervous. I had to turn to my library. Somehow when I am at my workTrevize had been pushing his hands at the professor as though to dekameter and stop the flood of words. Now he had to speak loudly in order to override him. None of that is necessary, Professor. Antigravity is the equivalent of noninertia. There is no feeling of acceleration when velocity changes, since everything on the ship undergoes the change at the same time.You mean, we wont know when we are off the planet and out in space?Its exactly what I mean, because even as I speak to you, we have taken off. We will be cutting through the upper atmosphere in a very some minutes and within half an hour we will be in outer space.Pelorat get outmed to shrink a little as he heroed at Trevize. His long rectangle of a face grew so fresh that, without appearinging any emotion at all, it radiated a vast uneasiness. thus his eyes shifted right Left.Trevize remembered how he had felt on his own first trip beyond the atmosphere.He said, in as matter-of-fact a manner as he could, Janov, (it was the first time he had turn to the professor familiarly, but in this case experience was addressing inexperience and it was necessary to tick offm the older of the two) we are perfectly safe here. We are in th e metal womb of a warship of the Foundation Navy. We are not fully armed, but there is no place in the beetleweed where the name of the Foundation will not protect us. Even if some ship went mad and attacked, we could move out of its reach in a moment. And I assure you I have discovered that I can handle the ship perfectly.Pelorat said, It is the thought, Go-Golan, of nothingnessWhy, theres nothingness all about expiration. Theres just a thin layer of very tenuous broadcast amidst ourselves on the surface and the nothingness just above. Ail were doing is to go bypast that inconsequential layer.It whitethorn be inconsequential, but we breathe it.We breathe here, too. The air on this ship is cleanser and purer, and will indefinitely remain cleaner and purer than the natural atmosphere of Terminus.And the meteorites?What about meteorites?The atmosphere protects us from meteorites. Radiation, too, for that matter.Trevize said, Humanity has been traveling through space for twenty m illennia, I believe Twenty-two. If we go by the Hallblockian chronology, it is quite plain that, counting theEnough Have you heard of meteorite accidents or of radiation deaths? I mean, recently? I mean, in the case of Foundation ships?I have not really followed the news in such matters, but I am a historian, my boy, andHistorically, yes, there have been such things, but technology improves. There isnt a meteorite large enough to slander us that can possibly approach us before we take the necessary evasive action. Four meteorites coming at us simultaneously from the four directions drawn from the vertices of a tetrahedron might conceivably pin us down, but calculate the chances of that and youll find that youll die of old. age a cardinal trillion times over before you will have a litre-fifty chance of observing so interesting a phenomenon.You mean, if you were at the computer?No, said Trevize in Scorn. If I were running the computer on the basis of my own senses and responses, we would be hit before I ever knew what was happening. It is the computer itself that is at work, responding trillions of times faster than you or I could. He held out his hand abruptly. Janov, come let me show you what the computer can do, and let me show you what space is like.Pelorat stared, goggling a bit. Then he laughed briefly. Im not sure I wish to know, Golan.Of course youre not sure, Janov, because you dont know what it is that is postponement there to be known. Chance it Come Into my roomTrevize held the others hand, half leading(p) him, half drawing him. He said, as he sat down at the computer, Have you ever downn the Galaxy, Janov? Have you ever looked at it?Pelorat said, You mean in the sky?Yes, certainly. Where else?Ive seen it. Everyone has seen it. If one looks up, one sees it.Have you ever stared at it on a loathsomeness, clear wickedness, when the Diamonds are below the horizon?The Diamonds referred to those few stars that were luminous enough and close enou gh to shine with moderate brightness in the night sky of Terminus. They were a small group that spanned a width of no more than twenty degrees, and for large parts of the night they were all below the horizon. Aside from he group, there was a divide of dim stars just barely perceptible to the unaided eye. There was nothing more but the faint milkiness of the Galaxy the view one might expect when one dwelt on a world like Terminus which was at the extreme edge of the outermost spiral of the Galaxy.I suppose so, but why stare? Its a common sight.Of course its a common sight, said Trevize. Thats why no one sees it. Why see it if you can always see it? But now youll see it, and not from Terminus, where the mist and the clouds are forever interfering. Youll see it as youd never see it from Terminus no matter how you stared, and no matter how clear and dark the night. How I wish I had never been in space before, so that like you I could see the Galaxy in its bare dish for the first time.He pushed a chair in Pelorats direction. Sit there, Janov. This whitethorn take a little time. I have to continue to upraise accustomed to the computer. From what Ive already felt, I know the viewing is holographic, so we wont need a screen of any sort. It makes direct contact with my brain, but I think I can have it produce an objective throw that you will see, too. Put out the light, will you? No, thats foolish of me. Ill have the computer do it. Stay where you are.Trevize made contact with the computer, holding hands warmly and intimately.The light dimmed, then went out completely, and in the darkness, Pelorat stirred.Trevize said, Dont get nervous, Janov. I may have a little trouble trying to control the computer, but Ill start easy and youll have to be patient with me. Do you see it? The crescent?It hung in the darkness before them. A little dim and wavering at first, but getting sharper and brighter.Pelorats voice sounded awed. Is that Terminus? Are we that far from it?Yes, the ships moving quickly.The ship was curving into the night dark of Terminus, which appeared as a thick crescent of bright light. Trevize had a momentaneous urge to send the ship in a wide arc that would carry them over the daylit side of the planet to show it in all its beauty, but he held back.Pelorat might find novelty in this, but the beauty would be tame. There were too legion(predicate) photographs, too many reaps, too many globes. Every child knew what Terminus looked like. A urine planet more so than most-rich in water and poor in minerals, good in agriculture and poor in heavy industry, but the best in the Galaxy in high technology and in miniaturization.If he could have the computer use microwaves and translate it into a visible model, they would see every one of Terminuss ten thousand inhabited islands, in concert with the only one of them large enough to be considered a continent, the one that bore Terminus City andTurn awayIt was just a thought, an mold of the will, but the view shifted at once. The lighted crescent moved off toward the borders of vision and rolled off the edge. The darkness of starless space filled his eyes.Pelorat cleared his throat. I wish you would bring back Terminus, my boy. I feel as though Ive been blinded. There was a tightness in his voice.Youre not blind. LookInto the field of vision came a filmy bedim of pale translucence. It spread and became brighter, until the whole room seemed to glow.Shrinkanother(prenominal) exercise of will and the Galaxy drew off, as though seen through a diminishing telescope that was steadily growing more powerful in its ability to diminish. The Galaxy contracted and became a structure of varying luminosity. gainIt grew more luminous without changing size, and because the stellar system to which Terminus belonged was above the Galactic plane, the Galaxy was not seen exactly edge-on. It was a strongly foreshortened prongy spiral, with curving dark-nebula rifts streaking the glo wing edge of the Terminus side. The creamy haze of the lens nucleus far off and shrunken by the distance looked unimportant.Pelorat said in an awed whisper, You are right. I have never seen it like this. I never dreamed it had so much detail.How could you? You cant see the outer half when Terminuss atmosphere is between you and it. You can hardly see the nucleus from Terminuss surface. What a pity were seeing it so nearly head-on.We dont have to. The computer can show it in any orientation. I just have to conduct the wish and not even aloud.Shift co-ordinatesThis exercise of will was by no means a precise command. Yet as the impression of Galaxy began to undergo a slow change, his mind guided the computer and had it do what he wished.Slowly the Galaxy was turning so that it could be seen at right angles to the Galactic plane. It spread out like a gigantic, glowing whirlpool, with curves of darkness, and knots of brightness, and a central all-but-featureless blaze.Pelorat asked , How can the computer see it from a position in space that must be more than fifty thousand parsecs from this place? Then he added, in a choked whisper, Please forgive me that I ask. I know nothing about all this.Trevize said, I know almost as little about this computer as you do. Even a simple computer, however, can adjust co-ordinates and show the Galaxy in any position, starting with what it can sense in the natural position, the one, that is, that would appear from the computers local position in space. Of course, it makes use only of the information it can sense to begin with, so when it changes to the account view we would find gaps and blurs in what it would show. In this case, thoughYes?We have an excellent view. I suspect that the computer is outfitted with a complete map of the Galaxy and can therefore view it from any angle with passable ease.How do you mean, a complete map?The spatial co-ordinates of every star in it must be in the computers memory banks.Every star? Pelorat seemed awed.Well, perhaps not all three hundred cardinal. It would include the stars burnished down on populated planets, certainly, and probably every star of unearthly class K and brighter. That means about seventy-five billion, at least.Every star of a populated system?I wouldnt want to be pinned down perhaps not all. There were, after all, twenty-five million inhabited systems in the time of Hari Seldon which sounds like a lot but is only one star out of every twelve thousand. And then, in the five centuries since Seldon, the worldwide breakup of the Empire didnt prevent further colonization. I should think it would have encouraged it. There are still megabucks of habitable planets to expand into, so there may be cardinal million now. Its possible that not all the new ones are in the Foundations records.But the old ones? Surely they must all be there without exception.I imagine so. I cant guarantee it, of course, but I would be surprised if any long-established in habited system were missing from the records. Let me show you something if my ability to control the computer will go far enough.Trevizes hands stiffened a bit with the effort and they seemed to sink further into the clasp of the computer. That might not have been necessary he might only have had to think quietly and casually TerminusHe did think that and there was, in response, a sparkling red diamond at the very edge of the whirlpool.Theres our sun, he said with excitement. Thats the star that Terminus circles.Ah, said Pelorat with a low, tremulous sigh.A bright yellow dot of light sprang into lifetime in a rich cluster of stars deep in the heart of the Galaxy but well to one side of the central haze. It was rather closer to the Terminus edge of the Galaxy than to the other side.And that, said Trevize, is Trantors sun.Another sigh, then Pelorat said, Are you sure? They always speak of Trantor as being stationd in the center of the Galaxy.It is, in a way. its as close to the cen ter as a planet can get and still be habitable. Its closer than any other major populated system. The actual center of the Galaxy consists of a black hole with a tummy of nearly a million stars, so that the center is a carmine place. As far as we know, there is no life in the actual center and maybe there just cant be any life there. Trantor is in the innermost subring of the spiral arms and, believe me, if you could see its night sky, you would think it was in the center of the Galaxy. Its surrounded by an highly rich clustering of stars.Have you been on Trantor, Golan? asked Pelorat in clear envy. actually no, but Ive seen holographic representations of its sky.Trevize stared at the Galaxy somberly. In the great assay for the import Foundation during the time of the Mule, how everyone had played with Galactic maps and how many volumes had been pen and filmed on the subjectAnd all because Hari Seldom had said, at the beginning, that the heartbeat Foundation would be establis hed at the other end of the Galaxy, employment the place Stars End.At the other end of the Galaxy Even as Trevize thought it, a thin blue line sprang into view, stretching from Terminus, through the Galaxys central black hole, to the other end. Trevize nearly jumped. He had not directly ordered the line, but he had thought of it quite clearly and that had been enough for the computer.But, of course, the straight-line route to the opposite side of the Galaxy was not necessarily an character of the other end that Seldom had spoken of. It was Arkady Darell (if one could believe her autobiography) who had made use of the phrase a circle has no end to repoint what everyone now accepted as truthAnd though Trevize suddenly tried to suppress the thought, the computer was too quick for him. The blue line vanished and was replaced with a circle that neatly rimmed the Galaxy in blue and that passed through the deep red dot of Terminuss sun.A circle has no end, and if the circle began at Ter minus, then if we searched for the other end, it would merely return to Terminus, and there the Second Foundation had indeed been found, inhabiting the same world as the First.But if, in reality, it had not been found if the so-called finding of the Second Foundation had been an fantasy what then? What beside a straight line and a circle would make sense in this connection?Pelorat said, Are you creating illusions? Why is there a blue circle?I was just testing my controls. Would you like to locate Earth?There was silence for a moment or two, then Pelorat said, Are you joking?No. Ill try.He did. Nothing happened.Sorry, said Trevize.Its not there? no Earth?I suppose I might have misthought my command, but that doesnt seem in all likelihood. I suppose its more likely that Earth isnt listed in the computers vitals.Pelorat said, It may be listed under another name.Trevize jumped at that quickly, What other name, Janov?Pelorat said nothing and, in the darkness, Trevize smiled. It occu rred to him that things might just possibly be falling into place. Let it go for a while. Let it ripen. He deliberately changed the subject and said, I wonder if we can manipulate time. beat How can we do that?The Galaxy is rotating. It takes nearly half a billion years for Terminus to move about the grand circumference of the Galaxy once. Stars that are closer to the center complete the journey much more quickly, of course. The motion of each star, relative to the central black hole, might be recorded in the computer and, if so, it may be possible to have the computer multiply each motion by millions of times and make the rotational effect visible. I can try to have it done.He did and he could not help his muscles tightening with the effort of will he was exerting as though he were taking hold of the Galaxy and accelerating it, optical aberration it, forcing it to spin against terrible resistance.The Galaxy was moving. Slowly, mightily, it was twisting in the direction that shoul d be working to tighten the spiral arms.Time was passing incredibly rapidly as they watched a false, artificial time and, as it did so, stars became evanescent things.Some of the larger ones here and there reddened and grew brighter as they expanded into red giants. And then a star in the central clusters blew up noiselessly in a blinding blaze that, for a tiny atom of a second, dimmed the Galaxy and then was gone. Then another in one of the spiral arms, then still another not very far away from it.Supernovas, said Trevize a little shakily.Was it possible that the computer could predict exactly which stars would explode and when? Or was it just using a simplified model that served to show the starry future in general terms, rather than precisely?Pelorat said in a husky whisper, The Galaxy looks like a living thing, crawling through space.It does, said Trevize, but Im growing tired. Unless I learn to do this less tensely, Im not going to be able to play this kind of game for lo ng.He let go. The Galaxy slowed, then halted, then tilted, until it was in the view-from-the-side from which they had seen it at the start.Trevize closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He was aware of Terminus shrinking behind them, with the last perceptible wisps of atmosphere gone from their surroundings. He was aware of all the ships cream Terminuss near-space.It did not occur to him to check whether there was anything special about any one of those ships. Was there one that was gravitic like his own and matched his trajectory more closely than chance would allow?
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